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synced 2025-02-03 02:58:24 +00:00
Dir::readdir and File::from path now both return IoResults, rather than just calling fail! and exiting. This allows the program to continue after an error.
166 lines
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166 lines
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use colours::{Plain, Style, Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Cyan};
use std::io::{fs, IoResult};
use std::io;
use column::{Column, Permissions, FileName, FileSize, User, Group};
use format::{format_metric_bytes, format_IEC_bytes};
use unix::{get_user_name, get_group_name};
use sort::SortPart;
use dir::Dir;
use filetype::HasType;
// Instead of working with Rust's Paths, we have our own File object
// that holds the Path and various cached information. Each file is
// definitely going to have its filename used at least once, its stat
// information queried at least once, and its file extension extracted
// at least once, so we may as well carry around that information with
// the actual path.
pub struct File<'a> {
pub name: &'a str,
pub dir: &'a Dir<'a>,
pub ext: Option<&'a str>,
pub path: &'a Path,
pub stat: io::FileStat,
pub parts: Vec<SortPart>,
impl<'a> File<'a> {
pub fn from_path(path: &'a Path, parent: &'a Dir) -> IoResult<File<'a>> {
// Getting the string from a filename fails whenever it's not
// UTF-8 representable - just assume it is for now.
let filename: &str = path.filename_str().unwrap();
// Use lstat here instead of file.stat(), as it doesn't follow
// symbolic links. Otherwise, the stat() call will fail if it
// encounters a link that's target is non-existent.
fs::lstat(path).map(|stat| File {
path: path,
dir: parent,
stat: stat,
name: filename,
ext: File::ext(filename),
parts: SortPart::split_into_parts(filename),
fn ext(name: &'a str) -> Option<&'a str> {
// The extension is the series of characters after a dot at
// the end of a filename. This deliberately also counts
// dotfiles - the ".git" folder has the extension "git".
let re = regex!(r"\.([^.]+)$");
re.captures(name).map(|caps| caps.at(1))
pub fn is_dotfile(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_tmpfile(&self) -> bool {
self.name.ends_with("~") || (self.name.starts_with("#") && self.name.ends_with("#"))
// Highlight the compiled versions of files. Some of them, like .o,
// get special highlighting when they're alone because there's no
// point in existing without their source. Others can be perfectly
// content without their source files, such as how .js is valid
// without a .coffee.
pub fn get_source_files(&self) -> Vec<Path> {
match self.ext {
Some("class") => vec![self.path.with_extension("java")], // Java
Some("elc") => vec![self.path.with_extension("el")], // Emacs Lisp
Some("hi") => vec![self.path.with_extension("hs")], // Haskell
Some("o") => vec![self.path.with_extension("c"), self.path.with_extension("cpp")], // C, C++
Some("pyc") => vec![self.path.with_extension("py")], // Python
Some("js") => vec![self.path.with_extension("coffee"), self.path.with_extension("ts")], // CoffeeScript, TypeScript
Some("css") => vec![self.path.with_extension("sass"), self.path.with_extension("less")], // SASS, Less
Some("aux") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // TeX: auxiliary file
Some("bbl") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // BibTeX bibliography file
Some("blg") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // BibTeX log file
Some("lof") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // list of figures
Some("log") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // TeX log file
Some("lot") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // list of tables
Some("toc") => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // table of contents
_ => vec![],
pub fn display(&self, column: &Column) -> String {
match *column {
Permissions => self.permissions_string(),
FileName => self.file_colour().paint(self.name),
FileSize(use_iec) => self.file_size(use_iec),
// Display the ID if the user/group doesn't exist, which
// usually means it was deleted but its files weren't.
User(uid) => {
let style = if uid == self.stat.unstable.uid { Yellow.bold() } else { Plain };
let string = get_user_name(self.stat.unstable.uid as i32).unwrap_or(self.stat.unstable.uid.to_str());
return style.paint(string.as_slice());
Group => get_group_name(self.stat.unstable.gid as u32).unwrap_or(self.stat.unstable.gid.to_str()),
fn file_size(&self, use_iec_prefixes: bool) -> String {
// Don't report file sizes for directories. I've never looked
// at one of those numbers and gained any information from it.
if self.stat.kind == io::TypeDirectory {
} else {
let (size, suffix) = if use_iec_prefixes {
} else {
return format!("{}{}", Green.bold().paint(size.as_slice()), Green.paint(suffix.as_slice()));
fn type_char(&self) -> String {
return match self.stat.kind {
io::TypeFile => ".".to_string(),
io::TypeDirectory => Blue.paint("d"),
io::TypeNamedPipe => Yellow.paint("|"),
io::TypeBlockSpecial => Purple.paint("s"),
io::TypeSymlink => Cyan.paint("l"),
_ => "?".to_string(),
fn file_colour(&self) -> Style {
fn permissions_string(&self) -> String {
let bits = self.stat.perm;
return format!("{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}",
// The first three are bold because they're the ones used
// most often.
File::permission_bit(bits, io::UserRead, "r", Yellow.bold()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::UserWrite, "w", Red.bold()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::UserExecute, "x", Green.bold().underline()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::GroupRead, "r", Yellow.normal()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::GroupWrite, "w", Red.normal()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::GroupExecute, "x", Green.normal()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::OtherRead, "r", Yellow.normal()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::OtherWrite, "w", Red.normal()),
File::permission_bit(bits, io::OtherExecute, "x", Green.normal()),
fn permission_bit(bits: io::FilePermission, bit: io::FilePermission, character: &'static str, style: Style) -> String {
if bits.contains(bit) {
} else {