Ben S 2bb563d448 Upgrade to latest Rust nightly
- s/syntax/phase
- no more boxed array syntax
- getopts fail implements Show
- option#expect now requires &str
2014-06-18 13:39:55 +01:00

100 lines
2.9 KiB

extern crate getopts;
use file::File;
use std::cmp::lexical_ordering;
use column::{Column, Permissions, FileName, FileSize, User, Group};
use unix::get_current_user_id;
use std::ascii::StrAsciiExt;
pub enum SortField {
Name, Extension, Size
pub struct Options {
pub showInvisibles: bool,
pub sortField: SortField,
pub reverse: bool,
pub dirs: Vec<String>,
pub columns: Vec<Column>,
impl SortField {
fn from_word(word: String) -> SortField {
match word.as_slice() {
"name" => Name,
"size" => Size,
"ext" => Extension,
_ => fail!("Invalid sorting order"),
impl Options {
pub fn getopts(args: Vec<String>) -> Result<Options, getopts::Fail_> {
let opts = [
getopts::optflag("a", "all", "show dot-files"),
getopts::optflag("b", "binary", "use binary prefixes in file sizes"),
getopts::optflag("g", "group", "show group as well as user"),
getopts::optflag("r", "reverse", "reverse order of files"),
getopts::optopt("s", "sort", "field to sort by", "WORD"),
match getopts::getopts(args.tail(), opts) {
Err(f) => Err(f),
Ok(matches) => Ok(Options {
showInvisibles: matches.opt_present("all"),
reverse: matches.opt_present("reverse"),
sortField: matches.opt_str("sort").map(|word| SortField::from_word(word)).unwrap_or(Name),
dirs: matches.free.clone(),
columns: Options::columns(matches),
fn columns(matches: getopts::Matches) -> Vec<Column> {
let mut columns = vec![
if matches.opt_present("group") {
return columns;
fn should_display(&self, f: &File) -> bool {
if self.showInvisibles {
} else {
pub fn transform_files<'a>(&self, unordered_files: &'a Vec<File<'a>>) -> Vec<&'a File<'a>> {
let mut files: Vec<&'a File<'a>> = unordered_files.iter()
.filter(|&f| self.should_display(f))
match self.sortField {
Name => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.parts.cmp(&b.parts)),
Size => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.size.cmp(&b.stat.size)),
Extension => files.sort_by(|a, b| {
let exts = a.ext.map(|e| e.to_ascii_lower()).cmp(&b.ext.map(|e| e.to_ascii_lower()));
let names = a.name.to_ascii_lower().cmp(&b.name.to_ascii_lower());
lexical_ordering(exts, names)
if self.reverse {
return files;