mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 05:28:25 +00:00
378 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
378 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
# This script creates a bunch of awkward test case files. It gets
# automatically run as part of Vagrant provisioning.
trap 'exit' ERR
if [[ ! -d "/vagrant" ]]; then
echo "This script should be run in the Vagrant environment"
exit 1
source "/vagrant/devtools/dev-fixtures.sh"
# Delete old testcases if they exist already, then create a
# directory to house new ones.
if [[ -d "$TEST_ROOT" ]]; then
echo -e "\033[1m[ 0/13]\033[0m Deleting existing test cases directory"
sudo rm -rf "$TEST_ROOT"
sudo mkdir "$TEST_ROOT"
sudo chmod 777 "$TEST_ROOT"
sudo mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/empty"
# Awkward file size testcases.
# This needs sudo to set the files’ users at the very end.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/files"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 1/13]\033[0m Creating file size testcases"
for i in {1..13}; do
fallocate -l "$i" "$TEST_ROOT/files/$i"_bytes
fallocate -l "$i"KiB "$TEST_ROOT/files/$i"_KiB
fallocate -l "$i"MiB "$TEST_ROOT/files/$i"_MiB
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/files/"*
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/files/"
chmod 644 "$TEST_ROOT/files/"*
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER "$TEST_ROOT/files/"*
# File name extension testcases.
# These aren’t tested in details view, but we set timestamps on them to
# test that various sort options work.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 2/13]\033[0m Creating file name extension testcases"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/Makefile"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/IMAGE.PNG"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/image.svg"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/VIDEO.AVI"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/video.wmv"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/music.mp3"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/MUSIC.OGG"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/lossless.flac"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/lossless.wav"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/crypto.asc"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/crypto.signature"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/document.pdf"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/DOCUMENT.XLSX"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/COMPRESSED.ZIP"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compressed.tar.gz"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compressed.tgz"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compressed.tar.xz"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compressed.txz"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compressed.deb"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/backup~"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/#SAVEFILE#"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/file.tmp"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compiled.class"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compiled.o"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compiled.js"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/file-names-exts/compiled.coffee"
# File name testcases.
# bash really doesn’t want you to create a file with escaped characters
# in its name, so we have to resort to the echo builtin and touch!
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/file-names"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 3/13]\033[0m Creating file names testcases"
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/ascii: hello" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/emoji: [🆒]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/utf-8: pâté" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/bell: [\a]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/backspace: [\b]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/form-feed: [\f]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line: [\n]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/return: [\r]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/tab: [\t]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/vertical-tab: [\v]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/escape: [\033]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/ansi: [\033[34mblue\033[0m]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/invalid-utf8-1: [\xFF]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/invalid-utf8-2: [\xc3\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/invalid-utf8-3: [\xe2\x82\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/invalid-utf8-4: [\xf0\x28\x8c\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line-dir: [\n]" | xargs -0 mkdir
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line-dir: [\n]/subfile" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line-dir: [\n]/another: [\n]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line-dir: [\n]/broken" | xargs -0 touch
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/links"
ln -s "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line-dir"*/* "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/links"
echo -ne "$TEST_ROOT/file-names/new-line-dir: [\n]/broken" | xargs -0 rm
# Special file testcases.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/specials"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 4/13]\033[0m Creating special file kind testcases"
sudo mknod "$TEST_ROOT/specials/block-device" b 3 60
sudo mknod "$TEST_ROOT/specials/char-device" c 14 40
sudo mknod "$TEST_ROOT/specials/named-pipe" p
sudo touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/specials/"*
# Awkward symlink testcases.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/links"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 5/13]\033[0m Creating symlink testcases"
ln -s / "$TEST_ROOT/links/root"
ln -s /usr "$TEST_ROOT/links/usr"
ln -s nowhere "$TEST_ROOT/links/broken"
ln -s /proc/1/root "$TEST_ROOT/links/forbidden"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/links/some_file"
ln -s "$TEST_ROOT/links/some_file" "$TEST_ROOT/links/some_file_absolute"
(cd "$TEST_ROOT/links"; ln -s "some_file" "some_file_relative")
(cd "$TEST_ROOT/links"; ln -s "." "current_dir")
(cd "$TEST_ROOT/links"; ln -s ".." "parent_dir")
(cd "$TEST_ROOT/links"; ln -s "itself" "itself")
# Awkward passwd testcases.
# sudo is needed for these because we technically aren’t a member
# of the groups (because they don’t exist), and chown and chgrp
# are smart enough to disallow it!
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/passwd"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 6/13]\033[0m Creating user and group testcases"
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/passwd/unknown-uid"
chmod 644 "$TEST_ROOT/passwd/unknown-uid"
sudo chown $FIXED_BAD_UID:$FIXED_USER "$TEST_ROOT/passwd/unknown-uid"
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/passwd/unknown-gid"
chmod 644 "$TEST_ROOT/passwd/unknown-gid"
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_BAD_GID "$TEST_ROOT/passwd/unknown-gid"
# Awkward permission testcases.
# Differences in the way ‘chmod’ handles setting ‘setuid’ and ‘setgid’
# when you don’t already own the file mean that we need to use ‘sudo’
# to change permissions to those.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/permissions"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 7/13]\033[0m Creating file permission testcases"
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/forbidden-directory"
chmod 000 "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/forbidden-directory"
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/forbidden-directory"
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/forbidden-directory"
for perms in 000 001 002 004 010 020 040 100 200 400 644 755 777 1000 1001 2000 2010 4000 4100 7666 7777; do
touch "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/$perms"
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/$perms"
sudo chmod $perms "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/$perms"
sudo touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/permissions/$perms"
# Awkward date and time testcases.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/dates"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 8/13]\033[0m Creating date and time testcases"
# created dates
# there’s no way to touch the created date of a file...
# so we have to do this the old-fashioned way!
# (and make sure these don't actually get listed)
touch -t $FIXED_OLD_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"; sleep 1
touch -t $FIXED_MED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"; sleep 1
touch -t $FIXED_NEW_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
# modified dates
touch -t $FIXED_OLD_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $FIXED_MED_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"
touch -t $FIXED_NEW_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"
# accessed dates
touch -t $FIXED_OLD_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"
touch -t $FIXED_MED_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $FIXED_NEW_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/dates"
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/far-dates"
touch -t $FIXED_PAST_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/far-dates/the-distant-past"
touch -t $FIXED_FUTURE_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/far-dates/beyond-the-future"
# Awkward extended attribute testcases.
# We need to test combinations of various numbers of files *and*
# extended attributes in directories. Turns out, the easiest way to
# do this is to generate all combinations of files with “one-xattr”
# or “two-xattrs” in their name and directories with “empty” or
# “one-file” in their name, then just give the right number of
# xattrs and children to those.
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/attributes"
echo -e "\033[1m[ 9/13]\033[0m Creating extended attribute testcases"
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/attributes/files"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/attributes/files/"{no-xattrs,one-xattr,two-xattrs}{,_forbidden}
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/attributes/dirs"
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/attributes/dirs/"{no-xattrs,one-xattr,two-xattrs}_{empty,one-file,two-files}{,_forbidden}
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "$TEST_ROOT/attributes"/**/*{one-xattr,two-xattrs}*
setfattr -n user.another_greeting -v hi "$TEST_ROOT/attributes"/**/*two-xattrs*
for dir in "$TEST_ROOT/attributes/dirs/"*one-file*; do
touch $dir/file-in-question
for dir in "$TEST_ROOT/attributes/dirs/"*two-files*; do
touch $dir/this-file
touch $dir/that-file
find "$TEST_ROOT/attributes" -exec touch {} -t $FIXED_DATE \;
# I want to use the following to test,
# but it only works on macos:
#chmod +a "$FIXED_USER deny readextattr" "$TEST_ROOT/attributes"/**/*_forbidden
sudo chmod 000 "$TEST_ROOT/attributes"/**/*_forbidden
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/attributes"
# A sample Git repository
# This uses cd because it's easier than telling Git where to go each time
echo -e "\033[1m[10/13]\033[0m Creating Git testcases (1/4)"
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/git"
cd "$TEST_ROOT/git"
git init >/dev/null
mkdir edits additions moves
echo "original content" | tee edits/{staged,unstaged,both} >/dev/null
echo "this file gets moved" > moves/hither
git add edits moves
git config --global user.email "exa@exa.exa"
git config --global user.name "Exa Exa"
git commit -m "Automated test commit" >/dev/null
echo "modifications!" | tee edits/{staged,both} >/dev/null
touch additions/{staged,edited}
mv moves/{hither,thither}
git add edits moves additions
echo "more modifications!" | tee edits/unstaged edits/both additions/edited >/dev/null
touch additions/unstaged
find "$TEST_ROOT/git" -exec touch {} -t $FIXED_DATE \;
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/git"
# A second Git repository
# for testing two at once
echo -e "\033[1m[11/13]\033[0m Creating Git testcases (2/4)"
mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/git2/deeply/nested/directory"
cd "$TEST_ROOT/git2"
git init >/dev/null
touch "deeply/nested/directory/upd8d"
git add "deeply/nested/directory/upd8d"
git commit -m "Automated test commit" >/dev/null
echo "Now with contents" > "deeply/nested/directory/upd8d"
touch "deeply/nested/directory/l8st"
echo -e "target\n*.mp3" > ".gitignore"
mkdir "ignoreds"
touch "ignoreds/music.mp3"
touch "ignoreds/music.m4a"
mkdir "ignoreds/nested"
touch "ignoreds/nested/70s grove.mp3"
touch "ignoreds/nested/funky chicken.m4a"
mkdir "ignoreds/nested2"
touch "ignoreds/nested2/ievan polkka.mp3"
mkdir "target"
touch "target/another ignored file"
mkdir "deeply/nested/repository"
cd "deeply/nested/repository"
git init >/dev/null
touch subfile
# This file, ‘subfile’, should _not_ be marked as a new file by exa, because
# it’s in the sub-repository but hasn’t been added to it. Were the sub-repo not
# present, it would be marked as a new file, as the top-level repo knows about
# the ‘deeply’ directory.
find "$TEST_ROOT/git2" -exec touch {} -t $FIXED_DATE \;
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/git2"
# A third Git repository
# Regression test for https://github.com/ogham/exa/issues/526
echo -e "\033[1m[12/13]\033[0m Creating Git testcases (3/4)"
mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/git3"
cd "$TEST_ROOT/git3"
git init >/dev/null
# Create a symbolic link pointing to a non-existing file
ln -s aaa/aaa/a b
# This normally fails with:
find "$TEST_ROOT/git3" -exec touch {} -h -t $FIXED_DATE \;
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/git3"
# A fourth Git repository
# Regression test for https://github.com/ogham/exa/issues/698
echo -e "\033[1m[12/13]\033[0m Creating Git testcases (4/4)"
mkdir -p "$TEST_ROOT/git4"
cd "$TEST_ROOT/git4"
git init >/dev/null
# Create a non UTF-8 file
touch 'P'$'\b\211''UUU'
find "$TEST_ROOT/git4" -exec touch {} -h -t $FIXED_DATE \;
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/git4"
# Hidden and dot file testcases.
# We need to set the permissions of `.` and `..` because they actually
# get displayed in the output here, so this has to come last.
echo -e "\033[1m[13/13]\033[0m Creating hidden and dot file testcases"
shopt -u dotglob
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
cd "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/visible"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/.hidden"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/..extra-hidden"
# ./hiddens/
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/"*
chmod 644 "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/"*
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/"*
# .
touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
chmod 755 "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
# ..
sudo touch -t $FIXED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT"
sudo chmod 755 "$TEST_ROOT"