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//! Parsing command-line strings into exa options.
//! This module imports exas configuration types, such as `View` (the details
//! of displaying multiple files) and `DirAction` (what to do when encountering
//! a directory), and implements `deduce` methods on them so they can be
//! configured using command-line options.
//! ## Useless and overridden options
//! Lets say exa was invoked with just one argument: `exa --inode`. The
//! `--inode` option is used in the details view, where it adds the inode
//! column to the output. But because the details view is *only* activated with
//! the `--long` argument, adding `--inode` without it would not have any
//! effect.
//! For a long time, exas philosophy was that the user should be warned
//! whenever they could be mistaken like this. If you tell exa to display the
//! inode, and it *doesnt* display the inode, isnt that more annoying than
//! having it throw an error back at you?
//! However, this doesnt take into account *configuration*. Say a user wants
//! to configure exa so that it lists inodes in the details view, but otherwise
//! functions normally. A common way to do this for command-line programs is to
//! define a shell alias that specifies the details they want to use every
//! time. For the inode column, the alias would be:
//! `alias exa="exa --inode"`
//! Using this alias means that although the inode column will be shown in the
//! details view, youre now *only* allowed to use the details view, as any
//! other view type will result in an error. Oops!
//! Another example is when an option is specified twice, such as `exa
//! --sort=Name --sort=size`. Did the user change their mind about sorting, and
//! accidentally specify the option twice?
//! Again, exa rejected this case, throwing an error back to the user instead
//! of trying to guess how they want their output sorted. And again, this
//! doesnt take into account aliases being used to set defaults. A user who
//! wants their files to be sorted case-insensitively may configure their shell
//! with the following:
//! `alias exa="exa --sort=Name"`
//! Just like the earlier example, the user now cant use any other sort order,
//! because exa refuses to guess which one they meant. Its *more* annoying to
//! have to go back and edit the command than if there were no error.
//! Fortunately, theres a heuristic for telling which options came from an
//! alias and which came from the actual command-line: aliased options are
//! nearer the beginning of the options array, and command-line options are
//! nearer the end. This means that after the options have been parsed, exa
//! needs to traverse them *backwards* to find the last-most-specified one.
//! For example, invoking exa with `exa --sort=size` when that alias is present
//! would result in a full command-line of:
//! `exa --sort=Name --sort=size`
//! `--sort=size` should override `--sort=Name` because its closer to the end
//! of the arguments array. In fact, because theres no way to tell where the
//! arguments came from -- its just a heuristic -- this will still work even
//! if no aliases are being used!
//! Finally, this isnt just useful when options could override each other.
//! Creating an alias `exal="exa --long --inode --header"` then invoking `exal
//! --grid --long` shouldnt complain about `--long` being given twice when
//! its clear what the user wants.
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use crate::fs::dir_action::DirAction;
use crate::fs::filter::FileFilter;
use crate::output::{View, Mode, details, grid_details};
mod style;
mod dir_action;
mod filter;
mod view;
mod help;
use self::help::HelpString;
mod version;
use self::version::VersionString;
mod misfire;
pub use self::misfire::Misfire;
pub mod vars;
pub use self::vars::Vars;
mod parser;
mod flags;
use self::parser::MatchedFlags;
/// These **options** represent a parsed, error-checked versions of the
/// users command-line options.
pub struct Options {
/// The action to perform when encountering a directory rather than a
/// regular file.
pub dir_action: DirAction,
/// How to sort and filter files before outputting them.
pub filter: FileFilter,
/// The type of output to use (lines, grid, or details).
pub view: View,
impl Options {
/// Parse the given iterator of command-line strings into an Options
/// struct and a list of free filenames, using the environment variables
/// for extra options.
pub fn parse<'args, I, V>(args: I, vars: &V) -> Result<(Options, Vec<&'args OsStr>), Misfire>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=&'args OsString>,
V: Vars {
use crate::options::parser::{Matches, Strictness};
let strictness = match vars.get(vars::EXA_STRICT) {
None => Strictness::UseLastArguments,
Some(ref t) if t.is_empty() => Strictness::UseLastArguments,
_ => Strictness::ComplainAboutRedundantArguments,
let Matches { flags, frees } = match flags::ALL_ARGS.parse(args, strictness) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => return Err(Misfire::InvalidOptions(e)),
let options = Options::deduce(&flags, vars)?;
Ok((options, frees))
/// Whether the View specified in this set of options includes a Git
/// status column. Its only worth trying to discover a repository if the
/// results will end up being displayed.
pub fn should_scan_for_git(&self) -> bool {
match self.view.mode {
Mode::Details(details::Options { table: Some(ref table), .. }) |
Mode::GridDetails(grid_details::Options { details: details::Options { table: Some(ref table), .. }, .. }) => table.extra_columns.git,
_ => false,
/// Determines the complete set of options based on the given command-line
/// arguments, after theyve been parsed.
fn deduce<V: Vars>(matches: &MatchedFlags, vars: &V) -> Result<Options, Misfire> {
let dir_action = DirAction::deduce(matches)?;
let filter = FileFilter::deduce(matches)?;
let view = View::deduce(matches, vars)?;
Ok(Options { dir_action, view, filter })
pub mod test {
use super::{Options, Misfire, flags};
use crate::options::parser::{Arg, MatchedFlags};
use std::ffi::OsString;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Strictnesses {
/// This function gets used by the other testing modules.
/// It can run with one or both strictness values: if told to run with
/// both, then both should resolve to the same result.
/// It returns a vector with one or two elements in.
/// These elements can then be tested with assert_eq or what have you.
pub fn parse_for_test<T, F>(inputs: &[&str], args: &'static [&'static Arg], strictnesses: Strictnesses, get: F) -> Vec<T>
where F: Fn(&MatchedFlags) -> T
use self::Strictnesses::*;
use crate::options::parser::{Args, Strictness};
let bits = inputs.into_iter().map(|&o| os(o)).collect::<Vec<OsString>>();
let mut result = Vec::new();
if strictnesses == Last || strictnesses == Both {
let results = Args(args).parse(bits.iter(), Strictness::UseLastArguments);
if strictnesses == Complain || strictnesses == Both {
let results = Args(args).parse(bits.iter(), Strictness::ComplainAboutRedundantArguments);
/// Creates an `OSStr` (used in tests)
fn os(input: &str) -> OsString {
let mut os = OsString::new();
fn files() {
let args = [ os("this file"), os("that file") ];
let outs = Options::parse(&args, &None).unwrap().1;
assert_eq!(outs, vec![ &os("this file"), &os("that file") ])
fn no_args() {
let nothing: Vec<OsString> = Vec::new();
let outs = Options::parse(&nothing, &None).unwrap().1;
assert!(outs.is_empty()); // Listing the `.` directory is done in main.rs
fn long_across() {
let args = [ os("--long"), os("--across") ];
let opts = Options::parse(&args, &None);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless(&flags::ACROSS, true, &flags::LONG))
fn oneline_across() {
let args = [ os("--oneline"), os("--across") ];
let opts = Options::parse(&args, &None);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless(&flags::ACROSS, true, &flags::ONE_LINE))