Benjamin Sago f8df02dae7 Batch source formatting
I read through every file and applied a couple of rustfmt suggestions. The brace placement and alignment of items on similar lines has been made consistent, even if neither are rustfmt's default style (a file has been put in place to enforce this). Other changes are:

• Alphabetical imports and modules
• Comma placement at the end of match blocks
• Use newlines and indentation judiciously
• Spaces around associated types
• Spaces after negations (it makes it more clear imho)
• Comment formatting
• Use early-returns and Optional `?` where appropriate
2020-10-10 20:02:55 +01:00

83 lines
5.8 KiB

use crate::options::parser::{Arg, Args, TakesValue, Values};
// exa options
pub static VERSION: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'v'), long: "version", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static HELP: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'?'), long: "help", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
// display options
pub static ONE_LINE: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'1'), long: "oneline", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static LONG: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'l'), long: "long", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static GRID: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'G'), long: "grid", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static ACROSS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'x'), long: "across", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static RECURSE: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'R'), long: "recurse", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static TREE: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'T'), long: "tree", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static CLASSIFY: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'F'), long: "classify", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static COLOR: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "color", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(COLOURS)) };
pub static COLOUR: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "colour", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(COLOURS)) };
const COLOURS: &[&str] = &["always", "auto", "never"];
pub static COLOR_SCALE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "color-scale", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static COLOUR_SCALE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "colour-scale", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
// filtering and sorting options
pub static ALL: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'a'), long: "all", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static LIST_DIRS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'd'), long: "list-dirs", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static LEVEL: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'L'), long: "level", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(None) };
pub static REVERSE: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'r'), long: "reverse", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static SORT: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b's'), long: "sort", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(SORTS)) };
pub static IGNORE_GLOB: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'I'), long: "ignore-glob", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(None) };
pub static GIT_IGNORE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "git-ignore", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static DIRS_FIRST: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "group-directories-first", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static ONLY_DIRS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'D'), long: "only-dirs", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
const SORTS: Values = &[ "name", "Name", "size", "extension",
"Extension", "modified", "changed", "accessed",
"created", "inode", "type", "none" ];
// display options
pub static BINARY: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'b'), long: "binary", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static BYTES: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'B'), long: "bytes", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static GROUP: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'g'), long: "group", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static HEADER: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'h'), long: "header", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static ICONS: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "icons", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static INODE: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'i'), long: "inode", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static LINKS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'H'), long: "links", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static MODIFIED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'm'), long: "modified", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static CHANGED: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "changed", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static BLOCKS: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'S'), long: "blocks", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static TIME: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b't'), long: "time", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(TIMES)) };
pub static ACCESSED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'u'), long: "accessed", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static CREATED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'U'), long: "created", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static TIME_STYLE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "time-style", takes_value: TakesValue::Necessary(Some(TIME_STYLES)) };
const TIMES: Values = &["modified", "changed", "accessed", "created"];
const TIME_STYLES: Values = &["default", "long-iso", "full-iso", "iso"];
// suppressing columns
pub static NO_PERMISSIONS: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-permissions", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static NO_FILESIZE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-filesize", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static NO_USER: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-user", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static NO_TIME: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-time", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
// optional feature options
pub static GIT: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "git", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static EXTENDED: Arg = Arg { short: Some(b'@'), long: "extended", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static OCTAL: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "octal-permissions", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static ALL_ARGS: Args = Args(&[