Ben S b0c51d93f8 Remove a few deprecated constructs
The language keeps changing when I'm not looking!
2014-09-22 18:03:47 +02:00

165 lines
4.7 KiB

extern crate regex;
#[phase(plugin)] extern crate regex_macros;
extern crate ansi_term;
extern crate unicode;
use std::os;
use file::File;
use dir::Dir;
use column::{Column, Left};
use options::{Options, Details, Lines, Grid};
use unix::Unix;
use ansi_term::{Paint, Plain, strip_formatting};
pub mod column;
pub mod dir;
pub mod format;
pub mod file;
pub mod filetype;
pub mod unix;
pub mod options;
pub mod sort;
pub mod term;
fn main() {
let args = os::args();
match Options::getopts(args) {
Err(err) => println!("Invalid options:\n{}", err),
Ok(opts) => exa(&opts),
fn exa(opts: &Options) {
let mut first = true;
// It's only worth printing out directory names if the user supplied
// more than one of them.
let print_dir_names = opts.dirs.len() > 1;
for dir_name in opts.dirs.clone().into_iter() {
if first {
first = false;
else {
match Dir::readdir(Path::new(dir_name.clone())) {
Ok(dir) => {
let unsorted_files = dir.files();
let files: Vec<&File> = opts.transform_files(&unsorted_files);
if print_dir_names {
println!("{}:", dir_name);
match opts.view {
Details(ref cols) => details_view(opts, cols, files),
Lines => lines_view(files),
Grid(across, width) => grid_view(across, width, files),
Err(e) => {
println!("{}: {}", dir_name, e);
fn lines_view(files: Vec<&File>) {
for file in files.iter() {
println!("{}", file.file_name());
fn grid_view(across: bool, console_width: uint, files: Vec<&File>) {
let max_column_length = files.iter().map(|f| f.file_name_width()).max().unwrap();
let num_columns = (console_width + 1) / (max_column_length + 1);
let count = files.len();
let mut num_rows = count / num_columns;
if count % num_columns != 0 {
num_rows += 1;
for y in range(0, num_rows) {
for x in range(0, num_columns) {
let num = if across {
y * num_columns + x
else {
y + num_rows * x
if num >= count {
let file = files[num];
let file_name = file.name.clone();
let styled_name = file.file_colour().paint(file_name.as_slice());
if x == num_columns - 1 {
print!("{}", styled_name);
else {
print!("{}", Left.pad_string(&styled_name, max_column_length - file_name.len() + 1));
fn details_view(options: &Options, columns: &Vec<Column>, files: Vec<&File>) {
// The output gets formatted into columns, which looks nicer. To
// do this, we have to write the results into a table, instead of
// displaying each file immediately, then calculating the maximum
// width of each column based on the length of the results and
// padding the fields during output.
let mut cache = Unix::empty_cache();
let mut table: Vec<Vec<String>> = files.iter()
.map(|f| columns.iter().map(|c| f.display(c, &mut cache)).collect())
if options.header {
table.insert(0, columns.iter().map(|c| Plain.underline().paint(c.header())).collect());
// Each column needs to have its invisible colour-formatting
// characters stripped before it has its width calculated, or the
// width will be incorrect and the columns won't line up properly.
// This is fairly expensive to do (it uses a regex), so the
// results are cached.
let lengths: Vec<Vec<uint>> = table.iter()
.map(|row| row.iter().map(|col| strip_formatting(col.clone()).len()).collect())
let column_widths: Vec<uint> = range(0, columns.len())
.map(|n| lengths.iter().map(|row| row[n]).max().unwrap())
for (field_widths, row) in lengths.iter().zip(table.iter()) {
for (num, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
if num != 0 {
print!(" ");
if num == columns.len() - 1 {
print!("{}", row.get(num));
else {
let padding = column_widths[num] - field_widths[num];
print!("{}", column.alignment().pad_string(row.get(num), padding));