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synced 2025-02-05 03:58:25 +00:00
There was a problem with the Vagrant tests where the year 2016 was hard-coded in as the modified date. This had to be done to make the --long tests use the correct date format, which varies depending on whether the timestamp is in the current year. Unfortunately, time progresses [citation needed], and what was once 2016 is now 2017, so the date format changed and the tests broke. Because the Vagrantfile is just a Ruby script, we can look up the current year at runtime and use that instead. There’s also a check added to the test runner that makes sure none of the files are more than 365 days old, because if any are, then it’s time to update the timestamps (or it’s the last day of a leap year)
194 lines
7.4 KiB
194 lines
7.4 KiB
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = 1024
v.cpus = 1
config.vm.box = "debian/jessie64"
config.vm.hostname = "exa"
# Install the dependencies needed for exa to build.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[apt-get install -y git cmake libgit2-dev libssh2-1-dev curl attr pkg-config]
# Guarantee that the timezone is UTC -- some of the tests
# depend on this (for now).
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[timedatectl set-timezone UTC]
# Install Rust.
# This is done as vagrant, not root, because it’s vagrant
# who actually uses it. Sent to /dev/null because the progress
# bar produces a lot of output.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline:
%[hash rustc &>/dev/null || curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh &> /dev/null]
# Use a different ‘target’ directory on the VM than on the host.
# By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can
# cause problems if it has different permissions than the other
# directories, or contains object files compiled for the host.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline:
%[echo "export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/home/vagrant/target" >> ~/.bashrc]
# Test that wide columns work with a really long username.
# The benefit of Vagrant is that we don’t need to set this up
# on the *actual* system!
longuser = "antidisestablishmentarienism"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[id -u #{longuser} &>/dev/null || useradd #{longuser}]
test_dir = "/home/vagrant/testcases"
# Because the timestamps are formatted differently depending on whether
# they’re in the current year or not (see `details.rs`), we have to make
# sure that the files are created in the current year, so they get shown
# in the format we expect.
current_year = Date.today.year
some_date = "#{current_year}01011234.56" # 1st January, 12:34:56
invalid_uid = 666
invalid_gid = 616
# Delete old testcases if they exist already.
# This needs root because the generator does some sudo-ing.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[rm -rfv #{test_dir}]
# Generate our awkward testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline:
%[mkdir #{test_dir}]
# Awkward file size testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/files"
for i in {1..13}; do
fallocate -l "$i" "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_bytes
fallocate -l "$i"KiB "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_KiB
fallocate -l "$i"MiB "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_MiB
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/files/"*
# File name extension testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/file-types"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/Makefile"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/image.png"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/image.svg"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/video.avi"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/video.wmv"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/music.mp3"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/music.ogg"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/lossless.flac"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/lossless.wav"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/crypto.asc"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/crypto.signature"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/document.pdf"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/document.xlsx"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compressed.zip"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compressed.tar.gz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compressed.tgz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/backup~"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/#SAVEFILE#"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/file.tmp"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compiled.class"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compiled.o"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compiled.js"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-types/compiled.coffee"
# Awkward symlink testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/links"
ln -s / "#{test_dir}/links/root"
ln -s /usr "#{test_dir}/links/usr"
ln -s nowhere "#{test_dir}/links/broken"
ln -s /proc/1/root "#{test_dir}/links/forbidden"
# Awkward passwd testcases.
# sudo is needed for these because we technically aren’t a member
# of the groups (because they don’t exist), and chown and chgrp
# are smart enough to disallow it!
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/passwd"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
sudo chown #{invalid_uid} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
sudo chgrp #{invalid_gid} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
# Awkward permission testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/permissions"
touch "#{test_dir}/permissions/all-permissions"
chmod 777 "#{test_dir}/permissions/all-permissions"
touch "#{test_dir}/permissions/no-permissions"
chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/permissions/no-permissions"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/permissions/"*
# Awkward extended attribute testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/none"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/one"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/one"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/two"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/two"
setfattr -n user.another_greeting -v hi "#{test_dir}/attributes/two"
#touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/forbidden"
#setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/forbidden"
#chmod +a "$YOU deny readextattr" "#{test_dir}/attributes/forbidden"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/empty-with-attribute"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/empty-with-attribute"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-with-attribute"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-with-attribute/file"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-with-attribute"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden/file"
#setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
#chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
#chmod +a "$YOU deny readextattr" "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes/"*
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"*
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"*/*