2021-02-28 07:18:17 +11:00

58 lines
3.1 KiB

#compdef exa
# Save this file as _exa in /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions or in any
# other folder in $fpath. E. g. save it in a folder called ~/.zfunc and add a
# line containing `fpath=(~/.zfunc $fpath)` somewhere before `compinit` in your
# ~/.zshrc.
__exa() {
# Give completions using the `_arguments` utility function with
# `-s` for option stacking like `exa -ab` for `exa -a -b` and
# `-S` for delimiting options with `--` like in `exa -- -a`.
_arguments -s -S \
"(- *)"{-v,--version}"[Show version of exa]" \
"(- *)"{-'\?',--help}"[Show list of command-line options]" \
{-1,--oneline}"[Display one entry per line]" \
{-l,--long}"[Display extended file metadata as a table]" \
{-G,--grid}"[Display entries as a grid]" \
{-x,--across}"[Sort the grid across, rather than downwards]" \
{-R,--recurse}"[Recurse into directories]" \
{-T,--tree}"[Recurse into directories as a tree]" \
{-F,--classify}"[Display type indicator by file names]" \
--colo{,u}r"[When to use terminal colours]" \
--colo{,u}r-scale"[Highlight levels of file sizes distinctly]" \
--icons"[Display icons]" \
--no-icons"[Hide icons]" \
--group-directories-first"[Sort directories before other files]" \
--git-ignore"[Ignore files mentioned in '.gitignore']" \
{-a,--all}"[Show hidden and 'dot' files]" \
{-d,--list-dirs}"[List directories like regular files]" \
{-D,--only-dirs}"[List only directories]" \
{-L,--level}"+[Limit the depth of recursion]" \
{-r,--reverse}"[Reverse the sort order]" \
{-s,--sort}="[Which field to sort by]:(sort field):(accessed age changed created date extension Extension filename Filename inode modified oldest name Name newest none size time type)" \
{-I,--ignore-glob}"[Ignore files that match these glob patterns]" \
{-b,--binary}"[List file sizes with binary prefixes]" \
{-B,--bytes}"[List file sizes in bytes, without any prefixes]" \
--changed"[Use the changed timestamp field]" \
{-g,--group}"[List each file's group]" \
{-h,--header}"[Add a header row to each column]" \
{-H,--links}"[List each file's number of hard links]" \
{-i,--inode}"[List each file's inode number]" \
{-m,--modified}"[Use the modified timestamp field]" \
{-S,--blocks}"[List each file's number of filesystem blocks]" \
{-t,--time}="[Which time field to show]:(time field):(accessed changed created modified)" \
--time-style="[How to format timestamps]:(time style):(default iso long-iso full-iso)" \
--no-permissions"[Suppress the permissions field]" \
--no-filesize"[Suppress the filesize field]" \
--no-user"[Suppress the user field]" \
--no-time"[Suppress the time field]" \
{-u,--accessed}"[Use the accessed timestamp field]" \
{-U,--created}"[Use the created timestamp field]" \
--git"[List each file's Git status, if tracked]" \
{-@,--extended}"[List each file's extended attributes and sizes]" \