Ben S b116889abc Change format of file sizes to be shorter
I'm copying ls here because we don't really need the 'B' for bytes to be
listed every time. I think it looks better the new way. Unlike ls, don't
list directory sizes, because I've never found the pseudo-sizes they get
given at all useful.

Also, fix a bug where aligning columns didn't work when the number of
format characters (like '\x1B' and '[') were different between each
2014-05-25 15:52:36 +01:00

143 lines
4.8 KiB

use std::io::fs;
use std::io;
use colours::{Plain, Style, Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Cyan};
use column::{Column, Permissions, FileName, FileSize, User, Group};
use format::{formatBinaryBytes, formatDecimalBytes};
use unix::{get_user_name, get_group_name};
static MEDIA_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "bmp", "tiff", "tif",
"ppm", "pgm", "pbm", "pnm", "webp", "raw", "arw",
"svg", "pdf", "stl", "eps", "dvi", "ps" ];
static COMPRESSED_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"zip", "tar", "Z", "gz", "bz2", "a", "ar", "7z",
"iso", "dmg", "tc", "rar", "par" ];
// Each file is definitely going to get `stat`ted at least once, if
// only to determine what kind of file it is, so carry the `stat`
// result around with the file for safe keeping.
pub struct File<'a> {
pub name: &'a str,
pub ext: Option<&'a str>,
pub path: &'a Path,
pub stat: io::FileStat,
impl<'a> File<'a> {
pub fn from_path(path: &'a Path) -> File<'a> {
let filename: &str = path.filename_str().unwrap();
// We have to use lstat here instad of file.stat(), as it
// doesn't follow symbolic links. Otherwise, the stat() call
// will fail if it encounters a link that's target is
// non-existent.
let stat: io::FileStat = match fs::lstat(path) {
Ok(stat) => stat,
Err(e) => fail!("Couldn't stat {}: {}", filename, e),
return File {
path: path,
stat: stat,
name: filename,
ext: File::ext(filename),
fn ext(name: &'a str) -> Option<&'a str> {
let re = regex!(r"\.(.+)$");
re.captures(name).map(|caps| caps.at(1))
pub fn is_dotfile(&self) -> bool {
pub fn display(&self, column: &Column) -> StrBuf {
match *column {
Permissions => self.permissions(),
FileName => self.file_colour().paint(self.name.as_slice()),
FileSize(si) => self.file_size(si),
User => get_user_name(self.stat.unstable.uid as i32).unwrap_or(self.stat.unstable.uid.to_str()),
Group => get_group_name(self.stat.unstable.gid as u32).unwrap_or(self.stat.unstable.gid.to_str()),
fn file_size(&self, si: bool) -> StrBuf {
// Don't report file sizes for directories. I've never looked
// at one of those numbers and gained any information from it.
if self.stat.kind == io::TypeDirectory {
} else {
let sizeStr = if si {
} else {
return Green.bold().paint(sizeStr.as_slice());
fn type_char(&self) -> StrBuf {
return match self.stat.kind {
io::TypeFile => ".".to_strbuf(),
io::TypeDirectory => Blue.paint("d"),
io::TypeNamedPipe => Yellow.paint("|"),
io::TypeBlockSpecial => Purple.paint("s"),
io::TypeSymlink => Cyan.paint("l"),
_ => "?".to_owned(),
fn file_colour(&self) -> Style {
if self.stat.kind == io::TypeDirectory {
else if self.stat.perm.contains(io::UserExecute) {
else if self.name.ends_with("~") {
else if self.name.starts_with("README") {
else if self.ext.is_some() && MEDIA_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == self.ext.unwrap()) {
else if self.ext.is_some() && COMPRESSED_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == self.ext.unwrap()) {
else {
fn permissions(&self) -> StrBuf {
let bits = self.stat.perm;
return format!("{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}",
bit(bits, io::UserRead, "r", Yellow.bold()),
bit(bits, io::UserWrite, "w", Red.bold()),
bit(bits, io::UserExecute, "x", Green.bold().underline()),
bit(bits, io::GroupRead, "r", Yellow.normal()),
bit(bits, io::GroupWrite, "w", Red.normal()),
bit(bits, io::GroupExecute, "x", Green.normal()),
bit(bits, io::OtherRead, "r", Yellow.normal()),
bit(bits, io::OtherWrite, "w", Red.normal()),
bit(bits, io::OtherExecute, "x", Green.normal()),
fn bit(bits: io::FilePermission, bit: io::FilePermission, other: &'static str, style: Style) -> StrBuf {
if bits.contains(bit) {
} else {