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synced 2024-12-26 01:57:32 +00:00
Replace ~strs with either &'static strs or .to_owned() strs where appropriate Fields now seem to be private by default - good!
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85 lines
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pub enum Colour {
Black = 30, Red = 31, Green = 32, Yellow = 33, Blue = 34, Purple = 35, Cyan = 36, White = 37,
pub enum Style {
pub struct StyleStruct {
foreground: Colour,
background: Option<Colour>,
bold: bool,
underline: bool,
impl Style {
pub fn paint(&self, input: ~str) -> ~str {
match *self {
Plain => input,
Foreground(c) => c.paint(input),
Style(s) => match s {
StyleStruct { foreground, background, bold, underline } => {
let bg: ~str = match background {
Some(c) => format!("{};", c as int + 10),
None => "".to_owned(),
let bo = if bold { "1;" } else { "" };
let un = if underline { "4;" } else { "" };
format!("\x1B[{}{}{}{}m{}\x1B[0m", bo, un, bg, foreground as int, input)
impl Style {
pub fn bold(&self) -> Style {
match *self {
Plain => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: White, background: None, bold: true, underline: false }),
Foreground(c) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: c, background: None, bold: true, underline: false }),
Style(st) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: st.foreground, background: st.background, bold: true, underline: false }),
pub fn underline(&self) -> Style {
match *self {
Plain => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: White, background: None, bold: false, underline: true }),
Foreground(c) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: c, background: None, bold: false, underline: true }),
Style(st) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: st.foreground, background: st.background, bold: false, underline: true }),
pub fn on(&self, background: Colour) -> Style {
match *self {
Plain => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: White, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false }),
Foreground(c) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: c, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false }),
Style(st) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: st.foreground, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false }),
impl Colour {
pub fn paint(&self, input: &str) -> ~str {
format!("\x1B[{}m{}\x1B[0m", *self as int, input)
pub fn underline(&self) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: None, bold: false, underline: true })
pub fn bold(&self) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: None, bold: true, underline: false })
pub fn normal(&self) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: None, bold: false, underline: false })
pub fn on(&self, background: Colour) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false })