2017-05-07 17:39:01 +01:00

43 lines
2.1 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use fs::File;
impl<'a> File<'a> {
/// For this file, return a vector of alternate file paths that, if any of
/// them exist, mean that *this* file should be coloured as “compiled”.
/// The point of this is to highlight compiled files such as `foo.o` when
/// their source file `foo.c` exists in the same directory. It's too
/// dangerous to highlight *all* compiled, so the paths in this vector
/// are checked for existence first: for example, `foo.js` is perfectly
/// valid without `foo.coffee`.
pub fn get_source_files(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
if let Some(ref ext) = self.ext {
match &ext[..] {
"class" => vec![self.path.with_extension("java")], // Java
"css" => vec![self.path.with_extension("sass"), self.path.with_extension("less")], // SASS, Less
"elc" => vec![self.path.with_extension("el")], // Emacs Lisp
"hi" => vec![self.path.with_extension("hs")], // Haskell
"js" => vec![self.path.with_extension("coffee"), self.path.with_extension("ts")], // CoffeeScript, TypeScript
"o" => vec![self.path.with_extension("c"), self.path.with_extension("cpp")], // C, C++
"pyc" => vec![self.path.with_extension("py")], // Python
"aux" | // TeX: auxiliary file
"bbl" | // BibTeX bibliography file
"blg" | // BibTeX log file
"lof" | // TeX list of figures
"log" | // TeX log file
"lot" | // TeX list of tables
"toc" => vec![self.path.with_extension("tex")], // TeX table of contents
_ => vec![], // No source files if none of the above
else {
vec![] // No source files if there's no extension, either!