2017-03-31 17:09:32 +01:00

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use std::ffi::OsStr;
use getopts;
use fs::feature::xattr;
use output::{Details, GridDetails};
mod dir_action;
pub use self::dir_action::{DirAction, RecurseOptions};
mod filter;
pub use self::filter::{FileFilter, SortField, SortCase};
mod help;
use self::help::*;
mod misfire;
pub use self::misfire::Misfire;
mod view;
pub use self::view::View;
/// These **options** represent a parsed, error-checked versions of the
/// users command-line options.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Options {
/// The action to perform when encountering a directory rather than a
/// regular file.
pub dir_action: DirAction,
/// How to sort and filter files before outputting them.
pub filter: FileFilter,
/// The type of output to use (lines, grid, or details).
pub view: View,
impl Options {
/// Call getopts on the given slice of command-line strings.
pub fn getopts<S>(args: &[S]) -> Result<(Options, Vec<String>), Misfire>
where S: AsRef<OsStr> {
let mut opts = getopts::Options::new();
opts.optflag("v", "version", "display version of exa");
opts.optflag("?", "help", "show list of command-line options");
// Display options
opts.optflag("1", "oneline", "display one entry per line");
opts.optflag("G", "grid", "display entries in a grid view (default)");
opts.optflag("l", "long", "display extended details and attributes");
opts.optflag("R", "recurse", "recurse into directories");
opts.optflag("T", "tree", "recurse into subdirectories in a tree view");
opts.optflag("x", "across", "sort multi-column view entries across");
opts.optopt ("", "color", "when to show anything in colours", "WHEN");
opts.optopt ("", "colour", "when to show anything in colours (alternate spelling)", "WHEN");
opts.optflag("", "color-scale", "use a colour scale when displaying file sizes (alternate spelling)");
opts.optflag("", "colour-scale", "use a colour scale when displaying file sizes");
// Filtering and sorting options
opts.optflag("", "group-directories-first", "list directories before other files");
opts.optflag("a", "all", "show dot-files");
opts.optflag("d", "list-dirs", "list directories as regular files");
opts.optflag("r", "reverse", "reverse order of files");
opts.optopt ("s", "sort", "field to sort by", "WORD");
opts.optopt ("I", "ignore-glob", "patterns (|-separated) of names to ignore", "GLOBS");
// Long view options
opts.optflag("b", "binary", "use binary prefixes in file sizes");
opts.optflag("B", "bytes", "list file sizes in bytes, without prefixes");
opts.optflag("g", "group", "show group as well as user");
opts.optflag("h", "header", "show a header row at the top");
opts.optflag("H", "links", "show number of hard links");
opts.optflag("i", "inode", "show each file's inode number");
opts.optopt ("L", "level", "maximum depth of recursion", "DEPTH");
opts.optflag("m", "modified", "display timestamp of most recent modification");
opts.optflag("S", "blocks", "show number of file system blocks");
opts.optopt ("t", "time", "which timestamp to show for a file", "WORD");
opts.optflag("u", "accessed", "display timestamp of last access for a file");
opts.optflag("U", "created", "display timestamp of creation for a file");
if cfg!(feature="git") {
opts.optflag("", "git", "show git status");
if xattr::ENABLED {
opts.optflag("@", "extended", "display extended attribute keys and sizes");
let matches = match opts.parse(args) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => return Err(Misfire::InvalidOptions(e)),
if matches.opt_present("help") {
let mut help_string = "Usage:\n exa [options] [files...]\n".to_owned();
if !matches.opt_present("long") {
if cfg!(feature="git") {
if xattr::ENABLED {
return Err(Misfire::Help(help_string));
else if matches.opt_present("version") {
return Err(Misfire::Version);
let options = Options::deduce(&matches)?;
Ok((options, matches.free))
/// Whether the View specified in this set of options includes a Git
/// status column. Its only worth trying to discover a repository if the
/// results will end up being displayed.
pub fn should_scan_for_git(&self) -> bool {
match self.view {
View::Details(Details { columns: Some(cols), .. }) => cols.should_scan_for_git(),
View::GridDetails(GridDetails { details: Details { columns: Some(cols), .. }, .. }) => cols.should_scan_for_git(),
_ => false,
/// Determines the complete set of options based on the given command-line
/// arguments, after theyve been parsed.
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Options, Misfire> {
let dir_action = DirAction::deduce(matches)?;
let filter = FileFilter::deduce(matches)?;
let view = View::deduce(matches, filter.clone(), dir_action)?;
Ok(Options {
dir_action: dir_action,
view: view,
filter: filter, // TODO: clone
mod test {
use super::{Options, Misfire, SortField, SortCase};
use fs::feature::xattr;
fn is_helpful<T>(misfire: Result<T, Misfire>) -> bool {
match misfire {
Err(Misfire::Help(_)) => true,
_ => false,
fn help() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--help".to_string() ]);
fn help_with_file() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--help".to_string(), "me".to_string() ]);
fn files() {
let args = Options::getopts(&[ "this file".to_string(), "that file".to_string() ]).unwrap().1;
assert_eq!(args, vec![ "this file".to_string(), "that file".to_string() ])
fn no_args() {
let nothing: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let args = Options::getopts(&nothing).unwrap().1;
assert!(args.is_empty()); // Listing the `.` directory is done in main.rs
fn file_sizes() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--long", "--binary", "--bytes" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Conflict("binary", "bytes"))
fn just_binary() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--binary" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("binary", false, "long"))
fn just_bytes() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--bytes" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("bytes", false, "long"))
fn long_across() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--long", "--across" ]);
assert_eq!(opts, Err(Misfire::Useless("across", true, "long")))
fn oneline_across() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--oneline", "--across" ]);
assert_eq!(opts, Err(Misfire::Useless("across", true, "oneline")))
fn just_header() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--header" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("header", false, "long"))
fn just_group() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--group" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("group", false, "long"))
fn just_inode() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--inode" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("inode", false, "long"))
fn just_links() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--links" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("links", false, "long"))
fn just_blocks() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--blocks" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("blocks", false, "long"))
fn test_sort_size() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--sort=size" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap().0.filter.sort_field, SortField::Size);
fn test_sort_name() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--sort=name" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap().0.filter.sort_field, SortField::Name(SortCase::Sensitive));
fn test_sort_name_lowercase() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--sort=Name" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap().0.filter.sort_field, SortField::Name(SortCase::Insensitive));
fn just_git() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--git" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("git", false, "long"))
fn extended_without_long() {
if xattr::ENABLED {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--extended" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("extended", false, "long"))
fn level_without_recurse_or_tree() {
let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--level", "69105" ]);
assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless2("level", "recurse", "tree"))