Benjamin Sago 4be0a36d4e Inline this thing
If a function returns one of several enum variants, but we’re only interested in one, then just return its contents and have it apply the Mode “wrapper” later.
2017-06-26 08:38:56 +01:00

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use std::env::var_os;
use getopts;
use output::Colours;
use output::{grid, details};
use output::column::{Columns, TimeTypes, SizeFormat};
use output::file_name::Classify;
use options::Misfire;
use fs::feature::xattr;
/// The **view** contains all information about how to format output.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct View {
pub mode: Mode,
pub colours: Colours,
pub classify: Classify,
impl View {
/// Determine which view to use and all of that views arguments.
pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<View, Misfire> {
let mode = Mode::deduce(matches)?;
let colours = Colours::deduce(matches)?;
let classify = Classify::deduce(matches);
Ok(View { mode, colours, classify })
/// The **mode** is the “type” of output.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Mode {
GridDetails(grid::Options, details::Options),
impl Mode {
/// Determine the mode from the command-line arguments.
pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Mode, Misfire> {
use options::misfire::Misfire::*;
let long = || {
if matches.opt_present("across") && !matches.opt_present("grid") {
Err(Useless("across", true, "long"))
else if matches.opt_present("oneline") {
Err(Useless("oneline", true, "long"))
else {
Ok(details::Options {
columns: Some(Columns::deduce(matches)?),
header: matches.opt_present("header"),
xattr: xattr::ENABLED && matches.opt_present("extended"),
let long_options_scan = || {
for option in &[ "binary", "bytes", "inode", "links", "header", "blocks", "time", "group" ] {
if matches.opt_present(option) {
return Err(Useless(option, false, "long"));
if cfg!(feature="git") && matches.opt_present("git") {
Err(Useless("git", false, "long"))
else if matches.opt_present("level") && !matches.opt_present("recurse") && !matches.opt_present("tree") {
Err(Useless2("level", "recurse", "tree"))
else if xattr::ENABLED && matches.opt_present("extended") {
Err(Useless("extended", false, "long"))
else {
let other_options_scan = || {
if let Some(width) = TerminalWidth::deduce()?.width() {
if matches.opt_present("oneline") {
if matches.opt_present("across") {
Err(Useless("across", true, "oneline"))
else {
else if matches.opt_present("tree") {
let details = details::Options {
columns: None,
header: false,
xattr: false,
else {
let grid = grid::Options {
across: matches.opt_present("across"),
console_width: width,
else {
// If the terminal width couldnt be matched for some reason, such
// as the programs stdout being connected to a file, then
// fallback to the lines view.
if matches.opt_present("tree") {
let details = details::Options {
columns: None,
header: false,
xattr: false,
else {
if matches.opt_present("long") {
let details = long()?;
if matches.opt_present("grid") {
match other_options_scan()? {
Mode::Grid(grid) => return Ok(Mode::GridDetails(grid, details)),
others => return Ok(others),
else {
return Ok(Mode::Details(details));
/// The width of the terminal requested by the user.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum TerminalWidth {
/// The user requested this specific number of columns.
/// The terminal was found to have this number of columns.
/// The user didnt request any particular terminal width.
impl TerminalWidth {
/// Determine a requested terminal width from the command-line arguments.
/// Returns an error if a requested width doesnt parse to an integer.
fn deduce() -> Result<TerminalWidth, Misfire> {
if let Some(columns) = var_os("COLUMNS").and_then(|s| s.into_string().ok()) {
match columns.parse() {
Ok(width) => Ok(TerminalWidth::Set(width)),
Err(e) => Err(Misfire::FailedParse(e)),
else if let Some(width) = *TERM_WIDTH {
else {
fn width(&self) -> Option<usize> {
match *self {
TerminalWidth::Set(width) |
TerminalWidth::Terminal(width) => Some(width),
TerminalWidth::Unset => None,
impl Columns {
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Columns, Misfire> {
Ok(Columns {
size_format: SizeFormat::deduce(matches)?,
time_types: TimeTypes::deduce(matches)?,
inode: matches.opt_present("inode"),
links: matches.opt_present("links"),
blocks: matches.opt_present("blocks"),
group: matches.opt_present("group"),
git: cfg!(feature="git") && matches.opt_present("git"),
impl SizeFormat {
/// Determine which file size to use in the file size column based on
/// the users options.
/// The default mode is to use the decimal prefixes, as they are the
/// most commonly-understood, and dont involve trying to parse large
/// strings of digits in your head. Changing the format to anything else
/// involves the `--binary` or `--bytes` flags, and these conflict with
/// each other.
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<SizeFormat, Misfire> {
let binary = matches.opt_present("binary");
let bytes = matches.opt_present("bytes");
match (binary, bytes) {
(true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("binary", "bytes")),
(true, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::BinaryBytes),
(false, true ) => Ok(SizeFormat::JustBytes),
(false, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::DecimalBytes),
impl TimeTypes {
/// Determine which of a files time fields should be displayed for it
/// based on the users options.
/// There are two separate ways to pick which fields to show: with a
/// flag (such as `--modified`) or with a parameter (such as
/// `--time=modified`). An error is signaled if both ways are used.
/// Its valid to show more than one column by passing in more than one
/// option, but passing *no* options means that the user just wants to
/// see the default set.
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<TimeTypes, Misfire> {
let possible_word = matches.opt_str("time");
let modified = matches.opt_present("modified");
let created = matches.opt_present("created");
let accessed = matches.opt_present("accessed");
if let Some(word) = possible_word {
if modified {
return Err(Misfire::Useless("modified", true, "time"));
else if created {
return Err(Misfire::Useless("created", true, "time"));
else if accessed {
return Err(Misfire::Useless("accessed", true, "time"));
static TIMES: &[& str] = &["modified", "accessed", "created"];
match &*word {
"mod" | "modified" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false }),
"acc" | "accessed" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: true, modified: false, created: false }),
"cr" | "created" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: false, created: true }),
otherwise => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("time", otherwise, TIMES))
else if modified || created || accessed {
Ok(TimeTypes { accessed, modified, created })
else {
/// Under what circumstances we should display coloured, rather than plain,
/// output to the terminal.
/// By default, we want to display the colours when stdout can display them.
/// Turning them on when output is going to, say, a pipe, would make programs
/// such as `grep` or `more` not work properly. So the `Automatic` mode does
/// this check and only displays colours when they can be truly appreciated.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum TerminalColours {
/// Display them even when output isnt going to a terminal.
/// Display them when output is going to a terminal, but not otherwise.
/// Never display them, even when output is going to a terminal.
impl Default for TerminalColours {
fn default() -> TerminalColours {
impl TerminalColours {
/// Determine which terminal colour conditions to use.
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<TerminalColours, Misfire> {
const COLOURS: &[&str] = &["always", "auto", "never"];
if let Some(word) = matches.opt_str("color").or_else(|| matches.opt_str("colour")) {
match &*word {
"always" => Ok(TerminalColours::Always),
"auto" | "automatic" => Ok(TerminalColours::Automatic),
"never" => Ok(TerminalColours::Never),
otherwise => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("color", otherwise, COLOURS))
else {
impl Colours {
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<Colours, Misfire> {
use self::TerminalColours::*;
let tc = TerminalColours::deduce(matches)?;
if tc == Always || (tc == Automatic && TERM_WIDTH.is_some()) {
let scale = matches.opt_present("color-scale") || matches.opt_present("colour-scale");
else {
impl Classify {
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Classify {
if matches.opt_present("classify") { Classify::AddFileIndicators }
else { Classify::JustFilenames }
// Gets, then caches, the width of the terminal that exa is running in.
// This gets used multiple times above, with no real guarantee of order,
// so its easier to just cache it the first time it runs.
lazy_static! {
static ref TERM_WIDTH: Option<usize> = {
use term::dimensions;
dimensions().map(|t| t.0)