
170 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package fzf
import (
func newItem(str string) *Item {
bytes := []byte(str)
trimmed, _, _ := extractColor(str, nil, nil)
return &Item{origText: &bytes, text: util.ToChars([]byte(trimmed))}
func TestReplacePlaceholder(t *testing.T) {
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
item1 := newItem(" foo'bar \x1b[31mbaz\x1b[m")
items1 := []*Item{item1, item1}
items2 := []*Item{
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
newItem("foo'bar \x1b[31mbaz\x1b[m"),
newItem("foo'bar \x1b[31mbaz\x1b[m"),
newItem("FOO'BAR \x1b[31mBAZ\x1b[m")}
delim := "'"
var regex *regexp.Regexp
var result string
check := func(expected string) {
if result != expected {
t.Errorf("expected: %s, actual: %s", expected, result)
// helper function that converts template format into string and carries out the check()
checkFormat := func(format string) {
type quotes struct{ O, I string } // outer, inner quotes
unixStyle := quotes{"'", "'\\''"}
windowsStyle := quotes{"^\"", "'"}
var effectiveStyle quotes
if util.IsWindows() {
effectiveStyle = windowsStyle
} else {
effectiveStyle = unixStyle
expected := templateToString(format, effectiveStyle)
printsep := "\n"
// {}, preserve ansi
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}", false, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar \x1b[31mbaz\x1b[m{{.O}}")
// {}, strip ansi
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
// {}, with multiple items
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items2)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
// {..}, strip leading whitespaces, preserve ansi
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {..}", false, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar \x1b[31mbaz\x1b[m{{.O}}")
// {..}, strip leading whitespaces, strip ansi
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {..}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
// {q}
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {} {q}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}} {{.O}}query{{.O}}")
// {q}, multiple items
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {+}{q}{+}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query 'string'", items2)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR BAZ{{.O}}{{.O}}query {{.I}}string{{.I}}{{.O}}{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR BAZ{{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}{q}{}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query 'string'", items2)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}{{.O}}query {{.I}}string{{.I}}{{.O}}{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {1}/{2}/{2,1}/{-1}/{-2}/{}/{..}/{n.t}/\\{}/\\{1}/\\{q}/{3}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}bazfoo{{.I}}bar{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}}/{{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}/{n.t}/{}/{1}/{q}/{{.O}}{{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {1}/{2}/{-1}/{-2}/{..}/{n.t}/\\{}/\\{1}/\\{q}/{3}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items2)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}/{n.t}/{}/{1}/{q}/{{.O}}{{.O}}")
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {+1}/{+2}/{+-1}/{+-2}/{+..}/{n.t}/\\{}/\\{1}/\\{q}/{+3}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", items2)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}} {{.O}}BAZ{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}} {{.O}}BAZ{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR BAZ{{.O}}/{n.t}/{}/{1}/{q}/{{.O}}{{.O}} {{.O}}{{.O}}")
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
// forcePlus
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {1}/{2}/{-1}/{-2}/{..}/{n.t}/\\{}/\\{1}/\\{q}/{3}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, true, "query", items2)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}} {{.O}}BAZ{{.O}}/{{.O}}baz{{.O}} {{.O}}BAZ{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}} {{.O}}FOO{{.I}}BAR BAZ{{.O}}/{n.t}/{}/{1}/{q}/{{.O}}{{.O}} {{.O}}{{.O}}")
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
// Whitespace preserving flag with "'" delimiter
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s1}", true, Delimiter{str: &delim}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s2}", true, Delimiter{str: &delim}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}bar baz{{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s}", true, Delimiter{str: &delim}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s..}", true, Delimiter{str: &delim}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
// Whitespace preserving flag with regex delimiter
Improvements to code quality and readability (#1737) * Remove 1 unused field and 3 unused functions unused elements fount by running golangci-lint run --disable-all --enable unused src/result.go:19:2: field `index` is unused (unused) index int32 ^ src/tui/light.go:716:23: func `(*LightWindow).stderr` is unused (unused) func (w *LightWindow) stderr(str string) { ^ src/terminal.go:1015:6: func `numLinesMax` is unused (unused) func numLinesMax(str string, max int) int { ^ src/tui/tui.go:167:20: func `ColorPair.is24` is unused (unused) func (p ColorPair) is24() bool { ^ * Address warnings from "gosimple" linter src/options.go:389:83: S1003: should use strings.Contains(str, ",,,") instead (gosimple) if str == "," || strings.HasPrefix(str, ",,") || strings.HasSuffix(str, ",,") || strings.Index(str, ",,,") >= 0 { ^ src/options.go:630:18: S1007: should use raw string (`...`) with regexp.MustCompile to avoid having to escape twice (gosimple) executeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile( ^ src/terminal.go:29:16: S1007: should use raw string (`...`) with regexp.MustCompile to avoid having to escape twice (gosimple) placeholder = regexp.MustCompile("\\\\?(?:{[+sf]*[0-9,-.]*}|{q}|{\\+?f?nf?})") ^ src/terminal_test.go:92:10: S1007: should use raw string (`...`) with regexp.MustCompile to avoid having to escape twice (gosimple) regex = regexp.MustCompile("\\w+") ^ * Address warnings from "staticcheck" linter src/algo/algo.go:374:2: SA4006: this value of `offset32` is never used (staticcheck) offset32, T := alloc32(offset32, slab, N) ^ src/algo/algo.go:456:2: SA4006: this value of `offset16` is never used (staticcheck) offset16, C := alloc16(offset16, slab, width*M) ^ src/tui/tui.go:119:2: SA9004: only the first constant in this group has an explicit type (staticcheck) colUndefined Color = -2 ^
2019-11-05 00:46:51 +00:00
regex = regexp.MustCompile(`\w+`)
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s1}", true, Delimiter{regex: regex}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} {{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s2}", true, Delimiter{regex: regex}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}}{{.I}}{{.O}}")
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {s3}", true, Delimiter{regex: regex}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} {{.O}}")
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
// No match
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}/{+}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", []*Item{nil, nil})
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
check("echo /")
// No match, but with selections
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}/{+}", true, Delimiter{}, printsep, false, "query", []*Item{nil, item1})
checkFormat("echo /{{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}")
2017-01-27 08:46:56 +00:00
// String delimiter
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}/{1}/{2}", true, Delimiter{str: &delim}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}foo{{.O}}/{{.O}}bar baz{{.O}}")
// Regex delimiter
regex = regexp.MustCompile("[oa]+")
// foo'bar baz
result = replacePlaceholder("echo {}/{1}/{3}/{2..3}", true, Delimiter{regex: regex}, printsep, false, "query", items1)
checkFormat("echo {{.O}} foo{{.I}}bar baz{{.O}}/{{.O}}f{{.O}}/{{.O}}r b{{.O}}/{{.O}}{{.I}}bar b{{.O}}")
func TestQuoteEntryCmd(t *testing.T) {
tests := map[string]string{
`"`: `^"\^"^"`,
`\`: `^"\\^"`,
`\"`: `^"\\\^"^"`,
`"\\\"`: `^"\^"\\\\\\\^"^"`,
`&|<>()@^%!`: `^"^&^|^<^>^(^)^@^^^%^!^"`,
`C:\Program Files (x86)\`: `^"C:\\Program Files ^(x86^)\\^"`,
for input, expected := range tests {
escaped := quoteEntryCmd(input)
if escaped != expected {
t.Errorf("Input: %s, expected: %s, actual %s", input, expected, escaped)
// Helper function to parse, execute and convert "text/template" to string. Panics on error.
func templateToString(format string, data interface{}) string {
bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(format)).Execute(bb, data)
if err != nil {
return bb.String()