
128 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-03-29 12:20:33 +00:00
//go:build !windows
package tui
import (
2023-10-22 16:01:47 +00:00
func IsLightRendererSupported() bool {
return true
func (r *LightRenderer) defaultTheme() *ColorTheme {
if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("TERM"), "256") {
return Dark256
colors, err := exec.Command("tput", "colors").Output()
if err == nil && atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(colors)), 16) > 16 {
return Dark256
return Default16
func (r *LightRenderer) fd() int {
return int(r.ttyin.Fd())
func (r *LightRenderer) initPlatform() error {
fd := r.fd()
origState, err := term.GetState(fd)
if err != nil {
return err
r.origState = origState
return nil
func (r *LightRenderer) closePlatform() {
func openTtyIn() *os.File {
in, err := os.OpenFile(consoleDevice, syscall.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
tty := ttyname()
if len(tty) > 0 {
if in, err := os.OpenFile(tty, syscall.O_RDONLY, 0); err == nil {
return in
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Failed to open "+consoleDevice)
return in
func (r *LightRenderer) setupTerminal() {
func (r *LightRenderer) restoreTerminal() {
term.Restore(r.fd(), r.origState)
func (r *LightRenderer) updateTerminalSize() {
width, height, err := term.GetSize(r.fd())
if err == nil {
r.width = width
r.height = r.maxHeightFunc(height)
} else {
r.width = getEnv("COLUMNS", defaultWidth)
r.height = r.maxHeightFunc(getEnv("LINES", defaultHeight))
func (r *LightRenderer) findOffset() (row int, col int) {
bytes := []byte{}
for tries := 0; tries < offsetPollTries; tries++ {
bytes = r.getBytesInternal(bytes, tries > 0)
offsets := offsetRegexp.FindSubmatch(bytes)
if len(offsets) > 3 {
// Add anything we skipped over to the input buffer
r.buffer = append(r.buffer, offsets[1]...)
return atoi(string(offsets[2]), 0) - 1, atoi(string(offsets[3]), 0) - 1
return -1, -1
func (r *LightRenderer) getch(nonblock bool) (int, bool) {
b := make([]byte, 1)
fd := r.fd()
util.SetNonblock(r.ttyin, nonblock)
_, err := util.Read(fd, b)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return int(b[0]), true
2023-10-22 16:01:47 +00:00
type window struct {
lines uint16
columns uint16
width uint16
height uint16
func (r *LightRenderer) Size() (termSize, error) {
w := new(window)
_, _, err := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, r.ttyin.Fd(), syscall.TIOCGWINSZ, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)))
if err != 0 {
return termSize{}, err
return termSize{int(w.lines), int(w.columns), int(w.width), int(w.height)}, nil