Avoid conflict with other neoterm plugins.

To avoid conflict with other neoterm plugins that manage terminals,
prefer named terminals.
This commit is contained in:
Kassio Borges 2015-06-13 10:34:12 -03:00
parent eaa3c67a5e
commit 9f33068ab3

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function! fzf#run(...) abort
let oshell = &shell
set shell=sh
if has('nvim') && bufexists('[FZF]')
if has('nvim') && bufexists('term://*:FZF')
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg 'FZF is already running!'
echohl None
@ -280,17 +280,13 @@ function! s:execute_term(dict, command, temps)
call s:split(a:dict)
call s:pushd(a:dict)
let fzf = { 'buf': bufnr('%'), 'dict': a:dict, 'temps': a:temps }
let fzf = { 'buf': bufnr('%'), 'dict': a:dict, 'temps': a:temps, 'name': 'FZF' }
function! fzf.on_exit(id, code)
let tab = tabpagenr()
if bufnr('') == self.buf
" We use close instead of bd! since Vim does not close the split when
" there's no other listed buffer
" FIXME This should be unnecessary due to `bufhidden=wipe` but in some
" cases Neovim fails to clean up the buffer and `bufexists('[FZF]')
" returns 1 even when it cannot be seen anywhere else. e.g. `FZF!`
silent! execute 'bd!' self.buf
if s:ptab == tab
wincmd p
@ -305,7 +301,6 @@ function! s:execute_term(dict, command, temps)
call termopen(a:command, fzf)
silent file [FZF]
return []