* Sixel image can now be displayed with other text, and is scrollable
* If an image can't be displayed entirely due to the scroll offset, fzf
will render a wireframe to indicate that an image should be displayed
for clarity
* Added bin/ script to demonstrate how to display an image
using Kitty or Sixel protocol
An example:
ls *.jpg | fzf --preview='seq $((FZF_PREVIEW_LINES*9/10)); {}; seq 100'
A known issue:
* If you reduce the size of the preview window, the image may extend
beyond the preview window
# Scrolling will behave similarly to CTRL-E and CTRL-Y of vim
fzf --bind scroll-up:offset-up,scroll-down:offset-down \
--bind ctrl-y:offset-up,ctrl-e:offset-down \
* Works inside and outside of tmux
* There is a problem where fzf unnecessarily displays the scroll offset
indicator at the topbright of the screen when the image just fits the
preview window. This is because `kitty icat` generates an extra line
after the image area.
# A 5-row images; an extra row at the end confuses fzf
["\e_Ga ... \e[9C̅̅ࠪ̅̍ࠪ̅̎ࠪ̅̐ࠪ̅̒ࠪ̅̽ࠪ̅̾ࠪ̅̿ࠪ̅͆ࠪ̅͊ࠪ̅͋ࠪ\n",
* Example:
fzf --preview='
if file --mime-type {} | grep -qF 'image/'; then
# --transfer-mode=memory is the fastest option but if you want fzf to be able
# to redraw the image on terminal resize or on 'change-preview-window',
# you need to use --transfer-mode=stream.
kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --stdin=no --place=${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES}@0x0 {}
bat --color=always {}
Can we find a better name? I have considered the followings.
* 'point', because "the pointer" points to the current item.
* 'shift', 'switch', 'move', etc. These are not technically correct
because the current item can change without cursor movement (--tac,
reload, search update)
* 'change' is already taken. 'change-current' feels a bit wordy and
sounds wrong, 'current-changed' is wordy and doesn't go well with the
other event names
* 'target', not straightforward
* Default border style on Windows is changed to `sharp` because some
Windows terminals are not capable of displaying `rounded` border
characters correctly.
* If your terminal emulator renders each box-drawing character with
2 columns, set `RUNEWIDTH_EASTASIAN` environment variable to `1`.
Even when {q} is empty. Because, why not?
While this can be seen as a breaking change, there is an easy workaround
to keep the old behavior.
# This will show // even when the query is empty
: | fzf --preview 'echo /{q}/'
# But if you don't want it,
: | fzf --preview '[ -n {q} ] || exit; echo /{q}/'
# Put the cursor on the 10th item
seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(10)'
# Put the cursor on the 10th to last item
seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(-10)'
This reverts commit 750b2a6313.
This can cause a deadlock if the endpoints are accessed in the core event
loop via execute action.
fzf --listen 6266 --bind 'space:execute:curl localhost:6266'
Technically, there's no reason to use the API because the information is
already available via `{}` and `{q}`, but I'd like to completely remove
the risk of misuse.
Favors the line with shorter matched chunk. A chunk is a set of
consecutive non-whitespace characters.
Unlike the default `length`, this new scheme works well with tabular input.
# length prefers item #1, because the whole line is shorter,
# chunk prefers item #2, because the matched chunk ("foo") is shorter
fzf --height=6 --header-lines=2 --tiebreak=chunk --reverse --query=fo << "EOF"
N | Field1 | Field2 | Field3
- | ------ | ------ | ------
1 | hello | foobar | baz
2 | world | foo | bazbaz
If the input does not contain any spaces, `chunk` is equivalent to
`length`. But we're not going to set it as the default because it is
computationally more expensive.
- Not the exact solution to --tiebreak=length not taking --nth into account,
but this should work. And the added benefit is that it works well even
when --nth is not provided.
- Adding a bonus point to the last character of a word didn't turn out great.
The order of the result suddenly changes when you type in the last
character in the word producing a jarring effect.
So you can "rotate" through the different options with a single binding.
fzf --preview 'cat {}' \
--bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(70%|down,40%,border-horizontal|hidden|)'
The new actions are named with 'change-' prefix to differentiate from
the pre-existing, one-off 'preview(...)' action.
Related #2435
Related #2376
- Can set up multiple bindings with different change-preview-window actions
- Not possible to "rotate" through the options with a single binding
- Enlarge or shrink not possible
- `--phony` renamed to `--disabled` for consistency
- `--no-phony` is now `--enabled`
- Added `enable-search`, `disable-search`, and `toggle-search` actions
for `--bind`
- Added `--color` options: `query` and `disabled`
# Will start rendering after 200ms, update every 100ms
fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
# Should print "Loading .." message after 500ms
fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
# The first line should appear after 200ms
fzf --preview 'date; sleep 2; date'
# Should not render before enough lines for the scroll offset are ready
rg --line-number --no-heading --color=always ^ |
fzf --delimiter : --ansi --preview-window '+{2}-/2' \
--preview 'sleep 1; bat --style=numbers --color=always --pager=never --highlight-line={2} {1}'