When `ps` is aliased for something uncommon, like `alias ps=grc ps` which colorizes ps output, the output of `ps` can be unexpected and/or undesired.
This change makes ps to be always executed as command, even if it's aliased.
Handles records like "[]:9722 ssh-rsa ..."
This is a standard format for servers running on custom port according to http://man.openbsd.org/sshd.8#SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_FORMAT
A hostname or address may optionally be enclosed within ‘[’ and ‘]’
brackets then followed by ‘:’ and a non-standard port number.
The command substitution and following word splitting to determine the default
zle widget for ^I formerly only works if the IFS parameter contains a space. Now
it specifically splits at spaces, regardless of IFS.
zle automatically calls zle-line-init when it starts to read a new line. Many
Zsh setups use this hook to set the terminal into application mode, since this
will then allow defining keybinds based on the $terminfo variable (the escape
codes in said variable are only valid in application mode).
However, fzf resets the terminal into raw mode, rendering $terminfo values
invalid once the widget has finished. Accordingly, keyboard bindings defined
via $terminfo won’t work anymore.
This fixes the issue by calling zle-line-init when widgets finish. Care is taken
to not call this widget when it is undefined.
- You can now override _fzf_compgen_path and _fzf_compgen_dir functions
to use custom commands such as ag instead of find for listing
completion candidates.
- The first argument is the base path to start traversal
- Removed file-only completion in bash, i.e. _fzf_file_completion.
Maintaining a list of commands that only expect files, not
directories, is cumbersome (there are too many) and error-prone.
- Added $FZF_COMPLETION_DIR_COMMANDS to customize the list of commands
which use directory-only completion. The default is "cd pushd rmdir".
Not sure if it's the best approach to address the requirement, I'll
leave it as an undocumented feature.
Related: #406 (@thomcom), #456 (@frizinak)
* _fzf_complete is the helper function for custom completion
* _fzf_complete FZF_OPTS ARGS
* Reads the output of the source command instead of the command string
* In zsh, you can use pipe to feed the data into the function, but
it's not possible in bash as by doing so COMPREPLY is set from the
subshell and thus nullified
* Change the naming convention for consistency:
* _fzf_complete_COMMAND
# pass completion suggested by @d4ndo (#362)
_fzf_complete_pass() {
_fzf_complete '+m' "$@" < <(
local pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/}
local stringsize="${#pwdir}"
find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print |
cut -c "$((stringsize + 1))"- |
sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/'
# Only in bash
complete -F _fzf_complete_pass -o default -o bashdefault pass
While in bash you can externally register custom completion functions
using `complete` command, it was not possible to do so in zsh without
changing completion.zsh as the name of the supported commands are
hard-coded within the code (See #362). With this commit, fzf-completion
of zsh will first look if `_fzf_COMMAND_completion` exists and calls the
function, so one can externally define completion functions for specific
This commit also tries to make the interface of (yet undocumented)
_fzf_list_completion helper function consistent across bash and zsh.
So the following code works both on bash and zsh.
_fzf_pass_completion() {
local pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/}
local stringsize="${#pwdir}"
let "stringsize+=1"
_fzf_list_completion '+m' "$@" << "EOF"
find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print | cut -c "$stringsize"- | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/'
# Only on bash
complete -F _fzf_pass_completion -o default -o bashdefault pass
Note that the suggested convention and the interface are not yet final
and subject to change.
/cc @d4ndo