Requires latest tmux built from source (e.g. brew install tmux --HEAD)
# 50%/50% width and height on the center of the screen
fzf-tmux -p
# 80%/80%
fzf-tmux -p80%
# 80%/40%
fzf-tmux -p80%,40%
# Separate -w and -h
fzf-tmux -w80% -h40%
# 80%/40% at position (0, 0)
fzf-tmux -w80% -h40% -x0 -y0
You can configure key bindings and fuzzy completion to open in tmux
popup window like so:
FZF_TMUX_OPTS='-p 80%'
To make it easier to write more complex fzf options. Although this
does not break backward compatibility, users are encouraged to update
their code accordingly.
# Before
_fzf_complete "FZF_ARG1 FZF_ARG2..." "$@" < <(
# Print candidates
# After
_fzf_complete FZF_ARG1 FZF_ARG2... -- "$@" < <(
# Print candidates
This commit fixes a bug where lines that declare multiple hostnames get
omitted from completion entirely if one of the hostnames matches *. For
Host baz.*
While we can attach `_fzf_path_completion` or `_fzf_dir_completion` to
any command using the standard bash complete command, the functionality
of the existing completion function is lost.
Use _fzf_setup_completion if you want to extend the existing function
with fuzzy completion instead of completely replacing it.
e.g. _fzf_setup_completion path kubectl
This change is not required if you use the install script to generate
~/.fzf.bash or ~/.fzf.zsh which already has the proper guard statement.
* Correctly exclude SSH config options with Host
SSH config files have 14 options containing 'Host'.
Previously The zsh and bash completion scripts would include lines
containing these options when doing command-line completion of SSH hosts
with `ssh **`.
This commit fixes that problem by only including lines with 'host '.
* Don't autocomplete SSH hostnames using ?
SSH config files support ? as well as * for wildcards in Host lines.
This commit excludes lines containing ? for zsh/bash command line
completeion using `ssh **`
* [bash/zsh] Fix missing fuzzy completions
`cat foo**<TAB>` did not display the file `foobar` if there was a directory
named `foo`.
* [zsh] Evaluate completion prefix
cat $HOME**
cat ~username**
cat ~username/foo**
After _completion_loader is called, instead of loading the entire
completion.bash file, just restore the fzf completion for the current
command. `_fzf_orig_completion_$cmd` is only set if _completion_loader
actually changed the completion options to avoid infinite loop.
When `ps` is aliased for something uncommon, like `alias ps=grc ps` which colorizes ps output, the output of `ps` can be unexpected and/or undesired.
This change makes ps to be always executed as command, even if it's aliased.
Handles records like "[]:9722 ssh-rsa ..."
This is a standard format for servers running on custom port according to
A hostname or address may optionally be enclosed within ‘[’ and ‘]’
brackets then followed by ‘:’ and a non-standard port number.
_fzf_completion_loaded is no longer checked. This change increases the
load time by a few milliseconds, but I can't think of a better way to
handle the issue.
Handle uppercase letters in program names. This also deals with `-` and
`.`, both of which are quite common in program names, e.g., `xdg-open`
and ``.
- You can now override _fzf_compgen_path and _fzf_compgen_dir functions
to use custom commands such as ag instead of find for listing
completion candidates.
- The first argument is the base path to start traversal
- Removed file-only completion in bash, i.e. _fzf_file_completion.
Maintaining a list of commands that only expect files, not
directories, is cumbersome (there are too many) and error-prone.
- Added $FZF_COMPLETION_DIR_COMMANDS to customize the list of commands
which use directory-only completion. The default is "cd pushd rmdir".
Not sure if it's the best approach to address the requirement, I'll
leave it as an undocumented feature.
Related: #406 (@thomcom), #456 (@frizinak)
* _fzf_complete is the helper function for custom completion
* _fzf_complete FZF_OPTS ARGS
* Reads the output of the source command instead of the command string
* In zsh, you can use pipe to feed the data into the function, but
it's not possible in bash as by doing so COMPREPLY is set from the
subshell and thus nullified
* Change the naming convention for consistency:
* _fzf_complete_COMMAND
# pass completion suggested by @d4ndo (#362)
_fzf_complete_pass() {
_fzf_complete '+m' "$@" < <(
local pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/}
local stringsize="${#pwdir}"
find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print |
cut -c "$((stringsize + 1))"- |
sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/'
# Only in bash
complete -F _fzf_complete_pass -o default -o bashdefault pass
While in bash you can externally register custom completion functions
using `complete` command, it was not possible to do so in zsh without
changing completion.zsh as the name of the supported commands are
hard-coded within the code (See #362). With this commit, fzf-completion
of zsh will first look if `_fzf_COMMAND_completion` exists and calls the
function, so one can externally define completion functions for specific
This commit also tries to make the interface of (yet undocumented)
_fzf_list_completion helper function consistent across bash and zsh.
So the following code works both on bash and zsh.
_fzf_pass_completion() {
local pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/}
local stringsize="${#pwdir}"
let "stringsize+=1"
_fzf_list_completion '+m' "$@" << "EOF"
find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print | cut -c "$stringsize"- | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/'
# Only on bash
complete -F _fzf_pass_completion -o default -o bashdefault pass
Note that the suggested convention and the interface are not yet final
and subject to change.
/cc @d4ndo
- Add `--history` option (e.g. fzf --history ~/.fzf.history)
- Add `--history-max` option for limiting the size of the file (default 1000)
- Add `previous-history` and `next-history` actions for `--bind`
- CTRL-P and CTRL-N are automatically remapped to these actions when
`--history` is used
Closes#249, #251
- Use symlinks instead of generating the full content
- Update fish_user_paths and remove ~/.config/fish/functions/
- Create wrapper script for fzf when Ruby version and use it instead of
exported function not to break fzf-tmux