GO ?= go GOOS ?= $(word 1, $(subst /, " ", $(word 4, $(shell go version)))) MAKEFILE := $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(MAKEFILE)) SOURCES := $(wildcard *.go src/*.go src/*/*.go) $(MAKEFILE) ifdef FZF_VERSION VERSION := $(FZF_VERSION) else VERSION := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 2> /dev/null) endif ifeq ($(VERSION),) $(error Not on git repository; cannot determine $$FZF_VERSION) endif VERSION_TRIM := $(shell sed "s/-.*//" <<< $(VERSION)) VERSION_REGEX := $(subst .,\.,$(VERSION_TRIM)) ifdef FZF_REVISION REVISION := $(FZF_REVISION) else REVISION := $(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%h -- $(SOURCES) 2> /dev/null) endif ifeq ($(REVISION),) $(error Not on git repository; cannot determine $$FZF_REVISION) endif BUILD_FLAGS := -a -ldflags "-X main.version=$(VERSION) -X main.revision=$(REVISION) -w '-extldflags=$(LDFLAGS)'" -tags "$(TAGS)" BINARY64 := fzf-$(GOOS)_amd64 BINARYARM5 := fzf-$(GOOS)_arm5 BINARYARM6 := fzf-$(GOOS)_arm6 BINARYARM7 := fzf-$(GOOS)_arm7 BINARYARM8 := fzf-$(GOOS)_arm8 BINARYPPC64LE := fzf-$(GOOS)_ppc64le # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname UNAME_M := $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(UNAME_M),x86_64) BINARY := $(BINARY64) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),amd64) BINARY := $(BINARY64) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),armv5l) BINARY := $(BINARYARM5) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),armv6l) BINARY := $(BINARYARM6) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),armv7l) BINARY := $(BINARYARM7) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),armv8l) BINARY := $(BINARYARM8) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),aarch64) BINARY := $(BINARYARM8) else ifeq ($(UNAME_M),ppc64le) BINARY := $(BINARYPPC64LE) else $(error Build on $(UNAME_M) is not supported, yet.) endif all: target/$(BINARY) test: $(SOURCES) SHELL=/bin/sh GOOS= $(GO) test -v -tags "$(TAGS)" \ github.com/junegunn/fzf/src \ github.com/junegunn/fzf/src/algo \ github.com/junegunn/fzf/src/tui \ github.com/junegunn/fzf/src/util install: bin/fzf build: goreleaser --rm-dist --snapshot release: ifndef GITHUB_TOKEN $(error GITHUB_TOKEN is not defined) endif # Check if we are on master branch ifneq ($(shell git symbolic-ref --short HEAD),master) $(error Not on master branch) endif # Check if version numbers are properly updated grep -q ^$(VERSION_REGEX)$$ CHANGELOG.md grep -qF '"fzf $(VERSION_TRIM)"' man/man1/fzf.1 grep -qF '"fzf $(VERSION_TRIM)"' man/man1/fzf-tmux.1 grep -qF $(VERSION) install grep -qF $(VERSION) install.ps1 # Make release note out of CHANGELOG.md sed -n '/^$(VERSION_REGEX)$$/,/^[0-9]/p' CHANGELOG.md | tail -r | \ sed '1,/^ *$$/d' | tail -r | sed 1,2d | tee tmp/release-note # Push to temp branch first so that install scripts always works on master branch git checkout -B temp master git push origin temp --follow-tags --force # Make a GitHub release goreleaser --rm-dist --release-notes tmp/release-note # Push to master git checkout master git push origin master # Delete temp branch git push origin --delete temp clean: $(RM) -r dist target target/$(BINARY64): $(SOURCES) GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ # https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GoArm target/$(BINARYARM5): $(SOURCES) GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ target/$(BINARYARM6): $(SOURCES) GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ target/$(BINARYARM7): $(SOURCES) GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ target/$(BINARYARM8): $(SOURCES) GOARCH=arm64 $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ target/$(BINARYPPC64LE): $(SOURCES) GOARCH=ppc64le $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $@ bin/fzf: target/$(BINARY) | bin cp -f target/$(BINARY) bin/fzf docker: docker build -t fzf-arch . docker run -it fzf-arch tmux docker-test: docker build -t fzf-arch . docker run -it fzf-arch update: $(GO) get -u $(GO) mod tidy .PHONY: all build release test install clean docker docker-test update