fzf in Go ========= fzf in go This directory contains the source code for the new fzf implementation in [Go][go]. Upgrade from Ruby version ------------------------- The install script has been updated to download the right binary for your system. If you already have installed fzf, simply git-pull the repository and rerun the install script. ```sh cd ~/.fzf git pull ./install ``` Otherwise, follow [the instruction][install] as before. You can also install fzf using Homebrew if you prefer that way. Motivations ----------- ### No Ruby dependency There have always been complaints about fzf being a Ruby script. To make matters worse, Ruby 2.1 removed ncurses binding from its standard libary. Because of the change, users running Ruby 2.1 or above are forced to build C extensions of curses gem to meet the requirement of fzf. The new Go version will be distributed as an executable binary so it will be much more accessible and should be easier to setup. ### Performance Many people have been surprised to see how fast fzf is even when it was written in Ruby. It stays quite responsive even for 100k+ lines, which is well above the size of the usual input. The new Go version, of course, is significantly faster than that. It has all the performance optimization techniques used in Ruby implementation and more. It also doesn't suffer from [GIL][gil], so the search performance scales proportional to the number of CPU cores. On my MacBook Pro (Mid 2012), the new version was shown to be an order of magnitude faster on certain cases. It also starts much faster though the difference may not be noticeable. Build ----- ```sh # Build fzf executables and tarballs make release # Install the executable to ../bin directory make install # Build executables and tarballs for Linux using Docker make linux ``` Third-party libraries used -------------------------- - [ncurses][ncurses] - [mattn/go-runewidth](https://github.com/mattn/go-runewidth) - Licensed under [MIT](http://mattn.mit-license.org/2013) - [mattn/go-shellwords](https://github.com/mattn/go-shellwords) - Licensed under [MIT](http://mattn.mit-license.org/2014) License ------- [MIT](LICENSE) [install]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf#installation [go]: https://golang.org/ [gil]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Interpreter_Lock [ncurses]: https://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/ [req]: http://golang.org/doc/install [termbox]: https://github.com/nsf/termbox-go