#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # # ____ ____ # / __/___ / __/ # / /_/_ / / /_ # / __/ / /_/ __/ # /_/ /___/_/ Fuzzy finder for your shell # # URL: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf # Author: Junegunn Choi # License: MIT # Last update: November 10, 2013 # # Copyright (c) 2013 Junegunn Choi # # MIT License # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. def usage x puts %[usage: fzf [options] -m, --multi Enable multi-select -s, --sort=MAX Maximum number of matched items to sort. Default: 500. +s, --no-sort Do not sort the result. Keep the sequence unchanged. +i Case-sensitive match +c, --no-color Disable colors] exit x end stdout = $stdout.clone $stdout.reopen($stderr) usage 0 unless (%w[--help -h] & ARGV).empty? @rxflag = ARGV.delete('+i') ? 0 : Regexp::IGNORECASE @sort = %w[+s --no-sort].map { |e| ARGV.delete e }.compact.empty? ? ENV.fetch('FZF_DEFAULT_SORT', 500).to_i : nil @color = %w[+c --no-color].map { |e| ARGV.delete e }.compact.empty? @multi = !%w[-m --multi].map { |e| ARGV.delete e }.compact.empty? rest = ARGV.join ' ' if sort = rest.match(/(-s|--sort=?) ?([0-9]+)/) usage 1 unless @sort @sort = sort[2].to_i rest = rest.delete sort[0] end usage 1 unless rest.empty? require 'thread' require 'curses' @mtx = Mutex.new @smtx = Mutex.new @cv = ConditionVariable.new @lists = [] @new = [] @query = '' @matches = [] @count = 0 @cursor_x = 0 @vcursor = 0 @events = {} @selects = {} # ordered >= 1.9 case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ module UConv CHOSUNG = 0x1100 JUNGSUNG = 0x1161 JONGSUNG = 0x11A7 CHOSUNGS = 19 JUNGSUNGS = 21 JONGSUNGS = 28 JJCOUNT = JUNGSUNGS * JONGSUNGS NFC_BEGIN = 0xAC00 NFC_END = NFC_BEGIN + CHOSUNGS * JUNGSUNGS * JONGSUNGS def self.nfd str ret = '' str.split(//).each do |c| cp = c.ord if cp >= NFC_BEGIN && cp < NFC_END idx = cp - NFC_BEGIN cho = CHOSUNG + idx / JJCOUNT jung = JUNGSUNG + (idx % JJCOUNT) / JONGSUNGS jong = JONGSUNG + idx % JONGSUNGS ret << cho << jung ret << jong if jong != JONGSUNG else ret << c end end ret end def self.nfc str, b = 0, e = 0 ret = '' omap = [] pend = [] str.split(//).each_with_index do |c, idx| cp = c.ord omap << ret.length unless pend.empty? if cp >= JUNGSUNG && cp < JUNGSUNG + JUNGSUNGS pend << cp - JUNGSUNG next elsif cp >= JONGSUNG && cp < JONGSUNG + JONGSUNGS pend << cp - JONGSUNG next else omap[-1] = omap[-1] + 1 ret << [NFC_BEGIN + pend[0] * JJCOUNT + (pend[1] || 0) * JONGSUNGS + (pend[2] || 0)].pack('U*') pend.clear end end if cp >= CHOSUNG && cp < CHOSUNG + CHOSUNGS pend << cp - CHOSUNG else ret << c end end return [ret, omap[b] || 0, omap[e] || ((omap.last || 0) + 1)] end end def convert_query q UConv.nfd(q).split(//) end def convert_item item UConv.nfc(*item) end else def convert_query q q.split(//) end def convert_item item item end end def emit event @mtx.synchronize do @events[event] = yield @cv.broadcast end end C = Curses def max_items; C.lines - 2; end def cursor_y; C.lines - 1; end def cprint str, col C.attron(col) do C.addstr str.gsub("\0", '') end if str end def print_input C.setpos cursor_y, 0 C.clrtoeol cprint '> ', color(:blue, true) C.attron(C::A_BOLD) do C.addstr @query end end def print_info selected, msg = nil @fan ||= '-\|/-\|/'.split(//) C.setpos cursor_y - 1, 0 C.clrtoeol prefix = if fan = @fan.shift @fan.push fan cprint fan, color(:fan, true) ' ' else ' ' end C.attron color(:info, false) do C.addstr "#{prefix}#{@matches.length}/#{@count}" C.addstr " (#{selected})" if selected > 0 C.addstr msg if msg end end def refresh C.setpos cursor_y, 2 + width(@query[0, @cursor_x]) C.refresh end def ctrl char char.to_s.ord - 'a'.ord + 1 end if RUBY_VERSION.split('.').map { |e| e.rjust(3, '0') }.join > '001009' @wrx = Regexp.new '\p{Han}|\p{Katakana}|\p{Hiragana}|\p{Hangul}' def width str str.gsub(@wrx, ' ').length end def trim str, len, left width = width str diff = 0 while width > len width -= (left ? str[0, 1] : str[-1, 1]) =~ @wrx ? 2 : 1 str = left ? str[1..-1] : str[0...-1] diff += 1 end [str, diff] end else def width str str.length end def trim str, len, left diff = str.length - len if diff > 0 [left ? str[diff..-1] : str[0...-diff], diff] else [str, 0] end end class String def ord self.unpack('c').first end end class Fixnum def ord self end end end C.init_screen C.start_color dbg = if C.respond_to?(:use_default_colors) C.use_default_colors -1 else C::COLOR_BLACK end C.raw C.noecho if @color if C.can_change_color? fg = ENV.fetch('FZF_FG', 252).to_i bg = ENV.fetch('FZF_BG', 236).to_i C.init_pair 1, 110, dbg C.init_pair 2, 108, dbg C.init_pair 3, fg + 2, bg C.init_pair 4, 151, bg C.init_pair 5, 148, dbg C.init_pair 6, 144, dbg C.init_pair 7, 161, bg else C.init_pair 1, C::COLOR_BLUE, dbg C.init_pair 2, C::COLOR_GREEN, dbg C.init_pair 3, C::COLOR_YELLOW, C::COLOR_BLACK C.init_pair 4, C::COLOR_GREEN, C::COLOR_BLACK C.init_pair 5, C::COLOR_GREEN, dbg C.init_pair 6, C::COLOR_WHITE, dbg C.init_pair 7, C::COLOR_RED, C::COLOR_BLACK end def color sym, bold = false C.color_pair([:blue, :match, :chosen, :match!, :fan, :info, :red].index(sym) + 1) | (bold ? C::A_BOLD : 0) end else def color sym, bold = false case sym when :chosen bold ? C::A_REVERSE : 0 when :match C::A_UNDERLINE when :match! C::A_REVERSE | C::A_UNDERLINE else 0 end | (bold ? C::A_BOLD : 0) end end @read = if $stdin.tty? if default_command = ENV['FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND'] IO.popen(default_command) elsif !`which find`.empty? IO.popen("find * -path '*/\\.*' -prune -o -type f -print -o -type l -print 2> /dev/null") else exit 1 end else $stdin end reader = Thread.new { while line = @read.gets emit(:new) { @new << line.chomp } end emit(:loaded) { true } @smtx.synchronize { @fan = [] } } main = Thread.current searcher = Thread.new { events = {} fcache = {} matches = [] selects = {} mcount = 0 # match count plcount = 0 # prev list count q = '' vcursor = 0 delay = -5 begin while true @mtx.synchronize do while true events.merge! @events if @events.empty? # No new events @cv.wait @mtx next end @events.clear break end if events[:new] @lists << [@new, {}] @count += @new.length @new = [] fcache = {} end if events[:select] selects = @selects.dup end end#mtx new_search = events[:key] || events.delete(:new) user_input = events[:key] || events[:vcursor] || events.delete(:select) progress = 0 started_at = Time.now if new_search && !@lists.empty? q = events.delete(:key) || q unless q.empty? q = q.downcase if @rxflag != 0 regexp = Regexp.new(convert_query(q).inject('') { |sum, e| e = Regexp.escape e sum << "#{e}[^#{e}]*?" }, @rxflag) end matches = fcache[q] ||= begin found = [] skip = false cnt = 0 @lists.each do |pair| list, cache = pair cnt += list.length @mtx.synchronize { skip = @events[:key] progress = (100 * cnt / @count) } break if skip found.concat(cache[q] ||= q.empty? ? list : begin if progress < 100 && Time.now - started_at > 0.5 @smtx.synchronize do print_info selects.length, " (#{progress}%)" refresh end end prefix, suffix = @query[0, @cursor_x], @query[@cursor_x..-1] || '' prefix_cache = suffix_cache = nil (prefix.length - 1).downto(1) do |len| break if prefix_cache = cache[prefix[0, len]] end 0.upto(suffix.length - 1) do |idx| break if suffix_cache = cache[suffix[idx..-1]] end unless suffix.empty? partial_cache = [prefix_cache, suffix_cache].compact.sort_by { |e| e.length }.first (partial_cache ? partial_cache.map { |e| e.first } : list).map { |line| # Ignore errors: e.g. invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 md = line.match(regexp) rescue nil md && [line, *md.offset(0)] }.compact end) end next if skip @sort ? found : found.reverse end mcount = matches.length if @sort && mcount <= @sort && !q.empty? matches.replace matches.sort_by { |triple| line, b, e = triple [b ? (e - b) : 0, line.length, line] } end end#new_search # This small delay reduces the number of partial lists sleep((delay = [20, delay + 5].min) * 0.01) unless user_input if events.delete(:vcursor) || new_search @mtx.synchronize do plcount = [@matches.length, max_items].min @matches = matches vcursor = @vcursor = [0, [@vcursor, mcount - 1, max_items - 1].min].max end end # Output @smtx.synchronize do item_length = [mcount, max_items].min if item_length < plcount plcount.downto(item_length) do |idx| C.setpos cursor_y - idx - 2, 0 C.clrtoeol end end maxc = C.cols - 3 matches[0, max_items].each_with_index do |item, idx| next if !new_search && !((vcursor-1)..(vcursor+1)).include?(idx) line, b, e = convert_item item b ||= 0 e ||= 0 row = cursor_y - idx - 2 chosen = idx == vcursor # Overflow if width(line) > maxc ewidth = width(line[0...e]) # Stri.. if ewidth <= maxc - 2 line, _ = trim line, maxc - 2, false line << '..' # ..ring else # ..ri.. line = line[0...e] + '..' if ewidth < width(line) - 2 line, diff = trim line, maxc - 2, true b += 2 - diff e += 2 - diff b = [2, b].max line = '..' + line end end C.setpos row, 0 C.clrtoeol cprint chosen ? '>' : ' ', color(:red, true) selected = selects.include?([*item][0]) cprint selected ? '>' : ' ', chosen ? color(:chosen) : (selected ? color(:red, true) : 0) C.attron color(:chosen, true) if chosen if b < e C.addstr line[0, b] cprint line[b...e], color(chosen ? :match! : :match, chosen) C.attron color(:chosen, true) if chosen C.addstr line[e..-1] || '' else C.addstr line end C.attroff color(:chosen, true) if chosen end print_info selects.length if !@lists.empty? || events[:loaded] refresh end end#while rescue Exception => e main.raise e end } got = nil begin tty = IO.open(IO.sysopen('/dev/tty'), 'r') input = '' cursor = 0 actions = { :nop => proc {}, ctrl(:c) => proc { exit 1 }, ctrl(:d) => proc { exit 1 if input.empty? }, ctrl(:m) => proc { @mtx.synchronize do got = [*@matches.fetch(@vcursor, [])][0] end exit 0 }, ctrl(:u) => proc { input = input[cursor..-1]; cursor = 0 }, ctrl(:a) => proc { cursor = 0 }, ctrl(:e) => proc { cursor = input.length }, ctrl(:j) => proc { emit(:vcursor) { @vcursor -= 1 } }, ctrl(:k) => proc { emit(:vcursor) { @vcursor += 1 } }, ctrl(:w) => proc { ridx = (input[0...cursor - 1].rindex(/\S\s/) || -2) + 2 input = input[0...ridx] + input[cursor..-1] cursor = ridx }, 127 => proc { input[cursor -= 1] = '' if cursor > 0 }, 9 => proc { |o| emit(:select) { if sel = [*@matches.fetch(@vcursor, [])][0] if @selects.has_key? sel @selects.delete sel else @selects[sel] = 1 end @vcursor = [0, @vcursor + (o == :stab ? 1 : -1)].max end } if @multi }, :left => proc { cursor = [0, cursor - 1].max }, :right => proc { cursor = [input.length, cursor + 1].min }, } actions[ctrl(:b)] = actions[:left] actions[ctrl(:f)] = actions[:right] actions[ctrl(:h)] = actions[127] actions[ctrl(:n)] = actions[ctrl(:j)] actions[ctrl(:p)] = actions[ctrl(:k)] actions[:stab] = actions[9] while true # Update user input @smtx.synchronize do @cursor_x = cursor print_input refresh end ord = tty.getc.ord if ord == 27 ord = tty.getc.ord if ord == 91 ord = case tty.getc.ord when 68 then :left when 67 then :right when 66 then ctrl(:j) when 65 then ctrl(:k) when 90 then :stab else :nop end end end actions.fetch(ord, proc { |ord| char = [ord].pack('U*') if char =~ /[[:print:]]/ input.insert cursor, char cursor += 1 end }).call(ord) # Dispatch key event emit(:key) { @query = input.dup } end ensure C.close_screen if got @selects.delete got @selects.each do |sel, _| stdout.puts sel end stdout.puts got end end