2017-01-08 02:09:56 +09:00

765 lines
15 KiB

package tui
import (
const (
defaultWidth = 80
defaultHeight = 24
escPollInterval = 5
func openTtyIn() *os.File {
in, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/tty", syscall.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to open /dev/tty")
return in
// FIXME: Need better handling of non-displayable characters
func (r *LightRenderer) stderr(str string) {
bytes := []byte(str)
runes := []rune{}
for len(bytes) > 0 {
r, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(bytes)
if r == utf8.RuneError || r != '\x1b' && r != '\n' && r < 32 {
runes = append(runes, '?')
} else {
runes = append(runes, r)
bytes = bytes[sz:]
r.queued += string(runes)
func (r *LightRenderer) csi(code string) {
r.stderr("\x1b[" + code)
func (r *LightRenderer) flush() {
if len(r.queued) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, r.queued)
r.queued = ""
// Light renderer
type LightRenderer struct {
theme *ColorTheme
mouse bool
forceBlack bool
prevDownTime time.Time
clickY []int
ttyin *os.File
buffer []byte
ostty string
width int
height int
yoffset int
tabstop int
escDelay int
upOneLine bool
queued string
maxHeightFunc func(int) int
type LightWindow struct {
renderer *LightRenderer
colored bool
border bool
top int
left int
width int
height int
posx int
posy int
tabstop int
bg Color
func NewLightRenderer(theme *ColorTheme, forceBlack bool, mouse bool, tabstop int, maxHeightFunc func(int) int) Renderer {
r := LightRenderer{
theme: theme,
forceBlack: forceBlack,
mouse: mouse,
ttyin: openTtyIn(),
yoffset: -1,
tabstop: tabstop,
upOneLine: false,
maxHeightFunc: maxHeightFunc}
return &r
func (r *LightRenderer) defaultTheme() *ColorTheme {
colors, err := util.ExecCommand("tput colors").Output()
if err == nil && atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(colors)), 16) > 16 {
return Dark256
return Default16
func stty(cmd string) string {
out, err := util.ExecCommand("stty " + cmd + " < /dev/tty").Output()
if err != nil {
// Not sure how to handle this
panic("stty " + cmd + ": " + err.Error())
return strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
func (r *LightRenderer) findOffset() (row int, col int) {
bytes := r.getBytesInternal([]byte{})
// ^[[*;*R
if len(bytes) > 5 && bytes[0] == 27 && bytes[1] == 91 && bytes[len(bytes)-1] == 'R' {
nums := strings.Split(string(bytes[2:len(bytes)-1]), ";")
if len(nums) == 2 {
return atoi(nums[0], 0) - 1, atoi(nums[1], 0) - 1
return -1, -1
// No idea
return -1, -1
func repeat(s string, times int) string {
if times > 0 {
return strings.Repeat(s, times)
return ""
func atoi(s string, defaultValue int) int {
value, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return defaultValue
return value
func (r *LightRenderer) Init() {
delay := 100
delayEnv := os.Getenv("ESCDELAY")
if len(delayEnv) > 0 {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(delayEnv)
if err == nil && num >= 0 {
delay = num
r.escDelay = delay
r.ostty = stty("-g")
initTheme(r.theme, r.defaultTheme(), r.forceBlack)
_, x := r.findOffset()
if x > 0 {
r.upOneLine = true
for i := 1; i < r.MaxY(); i++ {
if r.mouse {
r.csi(fmt.Sprintf("%dA", r.MaxY()-1))
r.yoffset, _ = r.findOffset()
func (r *LightRenderer) updateTerminalSize() {
sizes := strings.Split(stty("size"), " ")
if len(sizes) < 2 {
r.width = defaultWidth
r.height = r.maxHeightFunc(defaultHeight)
} else {
r.width = atoi(sizes[1], defaultWidth)
r.height = r.maxHeightFunc(atoi(sizes[0], defaultHeight))
func (r *LightRenderer) getch(nonblock bool) int {
b := make([]byte, 1)
util.SetNonblock(r.ttyin, nonblock)
_, err := r.ttyin.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return -1
return int(b[0])
func (r *LightRenderer) getBytes() []byte {
return r.getBytesInternal(r.buffer)
func (r *LightRenderer) getBytesInternal(buffer []byte) []byte {
c := r.getch(false)
retries := 0
if c == ESC {
retries = r.escDelay / escPollInterval
buffer = append(buffer, byte(c))
for {
c = r.getch(true)
if c == -1 {
if retries > 0 {
time.Sleep(escPollInterval * time.Millisecond)
retries = 0
buffer = append(buffer, byte(c))
return buffer
func (r *LightRenderer) GetChar() Event {
if len(r.buffer) == 0 {
r.buffer = r.getBytes()
if len(r.buffer) == 0 {
panic("Empty buffer")
sz := 1
defer func() {
r.buffer = r.buffer[sz:]
switch r.buffer[0] {
case CtrlC:
return Event{CtrlC, 0, nil}
case CtrlG:
return Event{CtrlG, 0, nil}
case CtrlQ:
return Event{CtrlQ, 0, nil}
case 127:
return Event{BSpace, 0, nil}
case ESC:
ev := r.escSequence(&sz)
// Second chance
if ev.Type == Invalid {
r.buffer = r.getBytes()
ev = r.escSequence(&sz)
return ev
if r.buffer[0] <= CtrlZ {
return Event{int(r.buffer[0]), 0, nil}
char, rsz := utf8.DecodeRune(r.buffer)
if char == utf8.RuneError {
return Event{ESC, 0, nil}
sz = rsz
return Event{Rune, char, nil}
func (r *LightRenderer) escSequence(sz *int) Event {
if len(r.buffer) < 2 {
return Event{ESC, 0, nil}
*sz = 2
switch r.buffer[1] {
case 13:
return Event{AltEnter, 0, nil}
case 32:
return Event{AltSpace, 0, nil}
case 47:
return Event{AltSlash, 0, nil}
case 98:
return Event{AltB, 0, nil}
case 100:
return Event{AltD, 0, nil}
case 102:
return Event{AltF, 0, nil}
case 127:
return Event{AltBS, 0, nil}
case 91, 79:
if len(r.buffer) < 3 {
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
*sz = 3
switch r.buffer[2] {
case 68:
return Event{Left, 0, nil}
case 67:
return Event{Right, 0, nil}
case 66:
return Event{Down, 0, nil}
case 65:
return Event{Up, 0, nil}
case 90:
return Event{BTab, 0, nil}
case 72:
return Event{Home, 0, nil}
case 70:
return Event{End, 0, nil}
case 77:
return r.mouseSequence(sz)
case 80:
return Event{F1, 0, nil}
case 81:
return Event{F2, 0, nil}
case 82:
return Event{F3, 0, nil}
case 83:
return Event{F4, 0, nil}
case 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54:
if len(r.buffer) < 4 {
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
*sz = 4
switch r.buffer[2] {
case 50:
if len(r.buffer) == 5 && r.buffer[4] == 126 {
*sz = 5
switch r.buffer[3] {
case 48:
return Event{F9, 0, nil}
case 49:
return Event{F10, 0, nil}
case 51:
return Event{F11, 0, nil}
case 52:
return Event{F12, 0, nil}
// Bracketed paste mode \e[200~ / \e[201
if r.buffer[3] == 48 && (r.buffer[4] == 48 || r.buffer[4] == 49) && r.buffer[5] == 126 {
*sz = 6
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil} // INS
case 51:
return Event{Del, 0, nil}
case 52:
return Event{End, 0, nil}
case 53:
return Event{PgUp, 0, nil}
case 54:
return Event{PgDn, 0, nil}
case 49:
switch r.buffer[3] {
case 126:
return Event{Home, 0, nil}
case 53, 55, 56, 57:
if len(r.buffer) == 5 && r.buffer[4] == 126 {
*sz = 5
switch r.buffer[3] {
case 53:
return Event{F5, 0, nil}
case 55:
return Event{F6, 0, nil}
case 56:
return Event{F7, 0, nil}
case 57:
return Event{F8, 0, nil}
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
case 59:
if len(r.buffer) != 6 {
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
*sz = 6
switch r.buffer[4] {
case 50:
switch r.buffer[5] {
case 68:
return Event{Home, 0, nil}
case 67:
return Event{End, 0, nil}
case 53:
switch r.buffer[5] {
case 68:
return Event{SLeft, 0, nil}
case 67:
return Event{SRight, 0, nil}
} // r.buffer[4]
} // r.buffer[3]
} // r.buffer[2]
} // r.buffer[2]
} // r.buffer[1]
if r.buffer[1] >= 'a' && r.buffer[1] <= 'z' {
return Event{AltA + int(r.buffer[1]) - 'a', 0, nil}
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
func (r *LightRenderer) mouseSequence(sz *int) Event {
if len(r.buffer) < 6 || r.yoffset < 0 {
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
*sz = 6
switch r.buffer[3] {
case 32, 36, 40, 48, // mouse-down / shift / cmd / ctrl
35, 39, 43, 51: // mouse-up / shift / cmd / ctrl
mod := r.buffer[3] >= 36
down := r.buffer[3]%2 == 0
x := int(r.buffer[4] - 33)
y := int(r.buffer[5]-33) - r.yoffset
double := false
if down {
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(r.prevDownTime) < doubleClickDuration {
r.clickY = append(r.clickY, y)
} else {
r.clickY = []int{y}
r.prevDownTime = now
} else {
if len(r.clickY) > 1 && r.clickY[0] == r.clickY[1] &&
time.Now().Sub(r.prevDownTime) < doubleClickDuration {
double = true
return Event{Mouse, 0, &MouseEvent{y, x, 0, down, double, mod}}
case 96, 100, 104, 112, // scroll-up / shift / cmd / ctrl
97, 101, 105, 113: // scroll-down / shift / cmd / ctrl
mod := r.buffer[3] >= 100
s := 1 - int(r.buffer[3]%2)*2
x := int(r.buffer[4] - 33)
y := int(r.buffer[5]-33) - r.yoffset
return Event{Mouse, 0, &MouseEvent{y, x, s, false, false, mod}}
return Event{Invalid, 0, nil}
func (r *LightRenderer) Pause() {
stty(fmt.Sprintf("%q", r.ostty))
func (r *LightRenderer) Resume() bool {
// Should redraw
return true
func (r *LightRenderer) Clear() {
func (r *LightRenderer) RefreshWindows(windows []Window) {
func (r *LightRenderer) Refresh() {
func (r *LightRenderer) Close() {
if r.mouse {
if r.upOneLine {
stty(fmt.Sprintf("%q", r.ostty))
func (r *LightRenderer) MaxX() int {
return r.width
func (r *LightRenderer) MaxY() int {
return r.height
func (r *LightRenderer) DoesAutoWrap() bool {
return true
func (r *LightRenderer) NewWindow(top int, left int, width int, height int, border bool) Window {
w := &LightWindow{
renderer: r,
colored: r.theme != nil,
border: border,
top: top,
left: left,
width: width,
height: height,
tabstop: r.tabstop,
bg: colDefault}
if r.theme != nil {
w.bg = r.theme.Bg
if w.border {
return w
func (w *LightWindow) drawBorder() {
w.Move(0, 0)
w.CPrint(ColBorder, AttrRegular, "┌"+repeat("─", w.width-2)+"┐")
for y := 1; y < w.height-1; y++ {
w.Move(y, 0)
w.CPrint(ColBorder, AttrRegular, "│")
w.cprint2(colDefault, w.bg, AttrRegular, repeat(" ", w.width-2))
w.CPrint(ColBorder, AttrRegular, "│")
w.Move(w.height-1, 0)
w.CPrint(ColBorder, AttrRegular, "└"+repeat("─", w.width-2)+"┘")
func (w *LightWindow) csi(code string) {
func (w *LightWindow) stderr(str string) {
func (w *LightWindow) Top() int {
return w.top
func (w *LightWindow) Left() int {
return w.left
func (w *LightWindow) Width() int {
return w.width
func (w *LightWindow) Height() int {
return w.height
func (w *LightWindow) Refresh() {
func (w *LightWindow) Close() {
func (w *LightWindow) X() int {
return w.posx
func (w *LightWindow) Enclose(y int, x int) bool {
return x >= w.left && x < (w.left+w.width) &&
y >= w.top && y < (w.top+w.height)
func (w *LightWindow) Move(y int, x int) {
w.posx = x
w.posy = y
y += w.Top()
if y > 0 {
w.csi(fmt.Sprintf("%dB", y))
x += w.Left()
if x > 0 {
w.csi(fmt.Sprintf("%dC", x))
func (w *LightWindow) MoveAndClear(y int, x int) {
w.Move(y, x)
// We should not delete preview window on the right
// csi("K")
w.Print(repeat(" ", w.width-x))
w.Move(y, x)
func attrCodes(attr Attr) []string {
codes := []string{}
if (attr & Bold) > 0 {
codes = append(codes, "1")
if (attr & Dim) > 0 {
codes = append(codes, "2")
if (attr & Italic) > 0 {
codes = append(codes, "3")
if (attr & Underline) > 0 {
codes = append(codes, "4")
if (attr & Blink) > 0 {
codes = append(codes, "5")
if (attr & Reverse) > 0 {
codes = append(codes, "7")
return codes
func colorCodes(fg Color, bg Color) []string {
codes := []string{}
appendCode := func(c Color, offset int) {
if c == colDefault {
if c.is24() {
r := (c >> 16) & 0xff
g := (c >> 8) & 0xff
b := (c) & 0xff
codes = append(codes, fmt.Sprintf("%d;2;%d;%d;%d", 38+offset, r, g, b))
} else if c >= colBlack && c <= colWhite {
codes = append(codes, fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(c)+30+offset))
} else if c > colWhite && c < 16 {
codes = append(codes, fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(c)+90+offset-8))
} else if c >= 16 && c < 256 {
codes = append(codes, fmt.Sprintf("%d;5;%d", 38+offset, c))
appendCode(fg, 0)
appendCode(bg, 10)
return codes
func (w *LightWindow) csiColor(fg Color, bg Color, attr Attr) bool {
codes := append(attrCodes(attr), colorCodes(fg, bg)...)
w.csi(";" + strings.Join(codes, ";") + "m")
return len(codes) > 0
func (w *LightWindow) Print(text string) {
w.cprint2(colDefault, w.bg, AttrRegular, text)
func (w *LightWindow) CPrint(pair ColorPair, attr Attr, text string) {
if !w.colored {
w.csiColor(colDefault, colDefault, attrFor(pair, attr))
} else {
w.csiColor(pair.Fg(), pair.Bg(), attr)
func (w *LightWindow) cprint2(fg Color, bg Color, attr Attr, text string) {
if w.csiColor(fg, bg, attr) {
defer w.csi("m")
type wrappedLine struct {
text string
displayWidth int
func wrapLine(input string, prefixLength int, max int, tabstop int) []wrappedLine {
lines := []wrappedLine{}
width := 0
line := ""
for _, r := range input {
w := util.Max(util.RuneWidth(r, prefixLength+width, 8), 1)
width += w
str := string(r)
if r == '\t' {
str = repeat(" ", w)
if prefixLength+width <= max {
line += str
} else {
lines = append(lines, wrappedLine{string(line), width - w})
line = str
prefixLength = 0
width = util.RuneWidth(r, prefixLength, 8)
lines = append(lines, wrappedLine{string(line), width})
return lines
func (w *LightWindow) fill(str string, onMove func()) bool {
allLines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for i, line := range allLines {
lines := wrapLine(line, w.posx, w.width, w.tabstop)
for j, wl := range lines {
w.posx += wl.displayWidth
if j < len(lines)-1 || i < len(allLines)-1 {
if w.posy+1 >= w.height {
return false
w.MoveAndClear(w.posy+1, 0)
return true
func (w *LightWindow) setBg() {
if w.bg != colDefault {
w.csiColor(colDefault, w.bg, AttrRegular)
func (w *LightWindow) Fill(text string) bool {
w.MoveAndClear(w.posy, w.posx)
return w.fill(text, w.setBg)
func (w *LightWindow) CFill(fg Color, bg Color, attr Attr, text string) bool {
w.MoveAndClear(w.posy, w.posx)
if bg == colDefault {
bg = w.bg
if w.csiColor(fg, bg, attr) {
return w.fill(text, func() { w.csiColor(fg, bg, attr) })
defer w.csi("m")
return w.fill(text, w.setBg)
func (w *LightWindow) FinishFill() {
for y := w.posy + 1; y < w.height; y++ {
w.MoveAndClear(y, 0)
func (w *LightWindow) Erase() {
if w.border {
// We don't erase the window here to avoid flickering during scroll
w.Move(0, 0)