Junegunn Choi 2fe1e28220 Improvements in performance and memory usage
I profiled fzf and it turned out that it was spending significant amount
of time repeatedly converting character arrays into Unicode codepoints.
This commit greatly improves search performance after the initial scan
by memoizing the converted results.

This commit also addresses the problem of unbounded memory usage of fzf.
fzf is a short-lived process that usually processes small input, so it
was implemented to cache the intermediate results very aggressively with
no notion of cache expiration/eviction. I still think a proper
implementation of caching scheme is definitely an overkill. Instead this
commit introduces limits to the maximum size (or minimum selectivity) of
the intermediate results that can be cached.
2015-04-17 22:23:52 +09:00

331 lines
7.2 KiB

package fzf
import (
// fuzzy
// 'exact
// ^exact-prefix
// exact-suffix$
// !not-fuzzy
// !'not-exact
// !^not-exact-prefix
// !not-exact-suffix$
type termType int
const (
termFuzzy termType = iota
type term struct {
typ termType
inv bool
text []rune
origText []rune
// Pattern represents search pattern
type Pattern struct {
mode Mode
caseSensitive bool
text []rune
terms []term
hasInvTerm bool
delimiter *regexp.Regexp
nth []Range
procFun map[termType]func(bool, *[]rune, []rune) (int, int)
var (
_patternCache map[string]*Pattern
_splitRegex *regexp.Regexp
_cache ChunkCache
func init() {
_splitRegex = regexp.MustCompile("\\s+")
func clearPatternCache() {
// We can uniquely identify the pattern for a given string since
// mode and caseMode do not change while the program is running
_patternCache = make(map[string]*Pattern)
func clearChunkCache() {
_cache = NewChunkCache()
// BuildPattern builds Pattern object from the given arguments
func BuildPattern(mode Mode, caseMode Case,
nth []Range, delimiter *regexp.Regexp, runes []rune) *Pattern {
var asString string
switch mode {
case ModeExtended, ModeExtendedExact:
asString = strings.Trim(string(runes), " ")
asString = string(runes)
cached, found := _patternCache[asString]
if found {
return cached
caseSensitive, hasInvTerm := true, false
terms := []term{}
switch caseMode {
case CaseSmart:
hasUppercase := false
for _, r := range runes {
if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
hasUppercase = true
if !hasUppercase {
runes, caseSensitive = []rune(strings.ToLower(asString)), false
case CaseIgnore:
runes, caseSensitive = []rune(strings.ToLower(asString)), false
switch mode {
case ModeExtended, ModeExtendedExact:
terms = parseTerms(mode, string(runes))
for _, term := range terms {
if term.inv {
hasInvTerm = true
ptr := &Pattern{
mode: mode,
caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
text: runes,
terms: terms,
hasInvTerm: hasInvTerm,
nth: nth,
delimiter: delimiter,
procFun: make(map[termType]func(bool, *[]rune, []rune) (int, int))}
ptr.procFun[termFuzzy] = algo.FuzzyMatch
ptr.procFun[termExact] = algo.ExactMatchNaive
ptr.procFun[termPrefix] = algo.PrefixMatch
ptr.procFun[termSuffix] = algo.SuffixMatch
_patternCache[asString] = ptr
return ptr
func parseTerms(mode Mode, str string) []term {
tokens := _splitRegex.Split(str, -1)
terms := []term{}
for _, token := range tokens {
typ, inv, text := termFuzzy, false, token
origText := []rune(text)
if mode == ModeExtendedExact {
typ = termExact
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "!") {
inv = true
text = text[1:]
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "'") {
if mode == ModeExtended {
typ = termExact
text = text[1:]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(text, "^") {
typ = termPrefix
text = text[1:]
} else if strings.HasSuffix(text, "$") {
typ = termSuffix
text = text[:len(text)-1]
if len(text) > 0 {
terms = append(terms, term{
typ: typ,
inv: inv,
text: []rune(text),
origText: origText})
return terms
// IsEmpty returns true if the pattern is effectively empty
func (p *Pattern) IsEmpty() bool {
if p.mode == ModeFuzzy {
return len(p.text) == 0
return len(p.terms) == 0
// AsString returns the search query in string type
func (p *Pattern) AsString() string {
return string(p.text)
// CacheKey is used to build string to be used as the key of result cache
func (p *Pattern) CacheKey() string {
if p.mode == ModeFuzzy {
return p.AsString()
cacheableTerms := []string{}
for _, term := range p.terms {
if term.inv {
cacheableTerms = append(cacheableTerms, string(term.origText))
return strings.Join(cacheableTerms, " ")
// Match returns the list of matches Items in the given Chunk
func (p *Pattern) Match(chunk *Chunk) []*Item {
space := chunk
// ChunkCache: Exact match
cacheKey := p.CacheKey()
if !p.hasInvTerm { // Because we're excluding Inv-term from cache key
if cached, found := _cache.Find(chunk, cacheKey); found {
return cached
// ChunkCache: Prefix/suffix match
for idx := 1; idx < len(cacheKey); idx++ {
// [---------| ] | [ |---------]
// [--------| ] | [ |--------]
// [-------| ] | [ |-------]
prefix := cacheKey[:len(cacheKey)-idx]
suffix := cacheKey[idx:]
for _, substr := range [2]*string{&prefix, &suffix} {
if cached, found := _cache.Find(chunk, *substr); found {
cachedChunk := Chunk(cached)
space = &cachedChunk
break Loop
matches := p.matchChunk(space)
if !p.hasInvTerm {
_cache.Add(chunk, cacheKey, matches)
return matches
func (p *Pattern) matchChunk(chunk *Chunk) []*Item {
matches := []*Item{}
if p.mode == ModeFuzzy {
for _, item := range *chunk {
if sidx, eidx := p.fuzzyMatch(item); sidx >= 0 {
matches = append(matches,
dupItem(item, []Offset{Offset{int32(sidx), int32(eidx)}}))
} else {
for _, item := range *chunk {
if offsets := p.extendedMatch(item); len(offsets) == len(p.terms) {
matches = append(matches, dupItem(item, offsets))
return matches
// MatchItem returns true if the Item is a match
func (p *Pattern) MatchItem(item *Item) bool {
if p.mode == ModeFuzzy {
sidx, _ := p.fuzzyMatch(item)
return sidx >= 0
offsets := p.extendedMatch(item)
return len(offsets) == len(p.terms)
func dupItem(item *Item, offsets []Offset) *Item {
return &Item{
text: item.text,
origText: item.origText,
transformed: item.transformed,
index: item.index,
offsets: offsets,
colors: item.colors,
rank: Rank{0, 0, item.index}}
func (p *Pattern) fuzzyMatch(item *Item) (int, int) {
input := p.prepareInput(item)
return p.iter(algo.FuzzyMatch, input, p.text)
func (p *Pattern) extendedMatch(item *Item) []Offset {
input := p.prepareInput(item)
offsets := []Offset{}
for _, term := range p.terms {
pfun := p.procFun[term.typ]
if sidx, eidx := p.iter(pfun, input, term.text); sidx >= 0 {
if term.inv {
offsets = append(offsets, Offset{int32(sidx), int32(eidx)})
} else if term.inv {
offsets = append(offsets, Offset{0, 0})
return offsets
func (p *Pattern) prepareInput(item *Item) *[]Token {
if item.transformed != nil {
return item.transformed
var ret *[]Token
if len(p.nth) > 0 {
tokens := Tokenize(item.text, p.delimiter)
ret = Transform(tokens, p.nth)
} else {
runes := []rune(*item.text)
trans := []Token{Token{text: &runes, prefixLength: 0}}
ret = &trans
item.transformed = ret
return ret
func (p *Pattern) iter(pfun func(bool, *[]rune, []rune) (int, int),
tokens *[]Token, pattern []rune) (int, int) {
for _, part := range *tokens {
prefixLength := part.prefixLength
if sidx, eidx := pfun(p.caseSensitive, part.text, pattern); sidx >= 0 {
return sidx + prefixLength, eidx + prefixLength
return -1, -1