Junegunn Choi f0bfeba733
Add new tiebreak: 'chunk'
Favors the line with shorter matched chunk. A chunk is a set of
consecutive non-whitespace characters.

Unlike the default `length`, this new scheme works well with tabular input.

  # length prefers item #1, because the whole line is shorter,
  # chunk prefers item #2, because the matched chunk ("foo") is shorter
  fzf --height=6 --header-lines=2 --tiebreak=chunk --reverse --query=fo << "EOF"
  N | Field1 | Field2 | Field3
  - | ------ | ------ | ------
  1 | hello  | foobar | baz
  2 | world  | foo    | bazbaz

If the input does not contain any spaces, `chunk` is equivalent to
`length`. But we're not going to set it as the default because it is
computationally more expensive.

Close #2285
Close #2537
- Not the exact solution to --tiebreak=length not taking --nth into account,
  but this should work. And the added benefit is that it works well even
  when --nth is not provided.
- Adding a bonus point to the last character of a word didn't turn out great.
  The order of the result suddenly changes when you type in the last
  character in the word producing a jarring effect.
2022-08-02 21:48:19 +09:00

175 lines
5.9 KiB

package fzf
import (
func withIndex(i *Item, index int) *Item {
(*i).text.Index = int32(index)
return i
func TestOffsetSort(t *testing.T) {
offsets := []Offset{
{3, 5}, {2, 7},
{1, 3}, {2, 9}}
if offsets[0][0] != 1 || offsets[0][1] != 3 ||
offsets[1][0] != 2 || offsets[1][1] != 7 ||
offsets[2][0] != 2 || offsets[2][1] != 9 ||
offsets[3][0] != 3 || offsets[3][1] != 5 {
t.Error("Invalid order:", offsets)
func TestRankComparison(t *testing.T) {
rank := func(vals ...uint16) Result {
return Result{
points: [4]uint16{vals[0], vals[1], vals[2], vals[3]},
item: &Item{text: util.Chars{Index: int32(vals[4])}}}
if compareRanks(rank(3, 0, 0, 0, 5), rank(2, 0, 0, 0, 7), false) ||
!compareRanks(rank(3, 0, 0, 0, 5), rank(3, 0, 0, 0, 6), false) ||
!compareRanks(rank(1, 2, 0, 0, 3), rank(1, 3, 0, 0, 2), false) ||
!compareRanks(rank(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), rank(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), false) {
t.Error("Invalid order")
if compareRanks(rank(3, 0, 0, 0, 5), rank(2, 0, 0, 0, 7), true) ||
!compareRanks(rank(3, 0, 0, 0, 5), rank(3, 0, 0, 0, 6), false) ||
!compareRanks(rank(1, 2, 0, 0, 3), rank(1, 3, 0, 0, 2), true) ||
!compareRanks(rank(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), rank(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), false) {
t.Error("Invalid order (tac)")
// Match length, string length, index
func TestResultRank(t *testing.T) {
// FIXME global
sortCriteria = []criterion{byScore, byLength}
str := []rune("foo")
item1 := buildResult(
withIndex(&Item{text: util.RunesToChars(str)}, 1), []Offset{}, 2)
if item1.points[3] != math.MaxUint16-2 || // Bonus
item1.points[2] != 3 || // Length
item1.points[1] != 0 || // Unused
item1.points[0] != 0 || // Unused
item1.item.Index() != 1 {
// Only differ in index
item2 := buildResult(&Item{text: util.RunesToChars(str)}, []Offset{}, 2)
items := []Result{item1, item2}
if items[0] != item2 || items[1] != item1 {
items = []Result{item2, item1, item1, item2}
if items[0] != item2 || items[1] != item2 ||
items[2] != item1 || items[3] != item1 {
t.Error(items, item1, item1.item.Index(), item2, item2.item.Index())
// Sort by relevance
item3 := buildResult(
withIndex(&Item{}, 2), []Offset{{1, 3}, {5, 7}}, 3)
item4 := buildResult(
withIndex(&Item{}, 2), []Offset{{1, 2}, {6, 7}}, 4)
item5 := buildResult(
withIndex(&Item{}, 2), []Offset{{1, 3}, {5, 7}}, 5)
item6 := buildResult(
withIndex(&Item{}, 2), []Offset{{1, 2}, {6, 7}}, 6)
items = []Result{item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6}
if !(items[0] == item6 && items[1] == item5 &&
items[2] == item4 && items[3] == item3 &&
items[4] == item2 && items[5] == item1) {
t.Error(items, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6)
func TestChunkTiebreak(t *testing.T) {
// FIXME global
sortCriteria = []criterion{byScore, byChunk}
score := 100
test := func(input string, offset Offset, chunk string) {
item := buildResult(withIndex(&Item{text: util.RunesToChars([]rune(input))}, 1), []Offset{offset}, score)
if !(item.points[3] == math.MaxUint16-uint16(score) && item.points[2] == uint16(len(chunk))) {
test("hello foobar goodbye", Offset{8, 9}, "foobar")
test("hello foobar goodbye", Offset{7, 18}, "foobar goodbye")
test("hello foobar goodbye", Offset{0, 1}, "hello")
test("hello foobar goodbye", Offset{5, 7}, "hello foobar") // TBD
func TestColorOffset(t *testing.T) {
// ------------ 20 ---- -- ----
// ++++++++ ++++++++++
// --++++++++-- --++++++++++---
offsets := []Offset{{5, 15}, {25, 35}}
item := Result{
item: &Item{
colors: &[]ansiOffset{
{[2]int32{0, 20}, ansiState{1, 5, 0, -1}},
{[2]int32{22, 27}, ansiState{2, 6, tui.Bold, -1}},
{[2]int32{30, 32}, ansiState{3, 7, 0, -1}},
{[2]int32{33, 40}, ansiState{4, 8, tui.Bold, -1}}}}}
colBase := tui.NewColorPair(89, 189, tui.AttrUndefined)
colMatch := tui.NewColorPair(99, 199, tui.AttrUndefined)
colors := item.colorOffsets(offsets, tui.Dark256, colBase, colMatch, true)
assert := func(idx int, b int32, e int32, c tui.ColorPair) {
o := colors[idx]
if o.offset[0] != b || o.offset[1] != e || o.color != c {
t.Error(o, b, e, c)
// [{[0 5] {1 5 0}} {[5 15] {99 199 0}} {[15 20] {1 5 0}}
// {[22 25] {2 6 1}} {[25 27] {99 199 1}} {[27 30] {99 199 0}}
// {[30 32] {99 199 0}} {[32 33] {99 199 0}} {[33 35] {99 199 1}}
// {[35 40] {4 8 1}}]
assert(0, 0, 5, tui.NewColorPair(1, 5, tui.AttrUndefined))
assert(1, 5, 15, colMatch)
assert(2, 15, 20, tui.NewColorPair(1, 5, tui.AttrUndefined))
assert(3, 22, 25, tui.NewColorPair(2, 6, tui.Bold))
assert(4, 25, 27, colMatch.WithAttr(tui.Bold))
assert(5, 27, 30, colMatch)
assert(6, 30, 32, colMatch)
assert(7, 32, 33, colMatch) // TODO: Should we merge consecutive blocks?
assert(8, 33, 35, colMatch.WithAttr(tui.Bold))
assert(9, 35, 40, tui.NewColorPair(4, 8, tui.Bold))
colRegular := tui.NewColorPair(-1, -1, tui.AttrUndefined)
colUnderline := tui.NewColorPair(-1, -1, tui.Underline)
colors = item.colorOffsets(offsets, tui.Dark256, colRegular, colUnderline, true)
// [{[0 5] {1 5 0}} {[5 15] {1 5 8}} {[15 20] {1 5 0}}
// {[22 25] {2 6 1}} {[25 27] {2 6 9}} {[27 30] {-1 -1 8}}
// {[30 32] {3 7 8}} {[32 33] {-1 -1 8}} {[33 35] {4 8 9}}
// {[35 40] {4 8 1}}]
assert(0, 0, 5, tui.NewColorPair(1, 5, tui.AttrUndefined))
assert(1, 5, 15, tui.NewColorPair(1, 5, tui.Underline))
assert(2, 15, 20, tui.NewColorPair(1, 5, tui.AttrUndefined))
assert(3, 22, 25, tui.NewColorPair(2, 6, tui.Bold))
assert(4, 25, 27, tui.NewColorPair(2, 6, tui.Bold|tui.Underline))
assert(5, 27, 30, colUnderline)
assert(6, 30, 32, tui.NewColorPair(3, 7, tui.Underline))
assert(7, 32, 33, colUnderline)
assert(8, 33, 35, tui.NewColorPair(4, 8, tui.Bold|tui.Underline))
assert(9, 35, 40, tui.NewColorPair(4, 8, tui.Bold))