Junegunn Choi bbe10f4f77
Consolidate Result and rank structs
By not storing item index twice, we can cut down the size of Result
struct and now it makes more sense to store and pass Results by values.
Benchmarks show no degradation of performance by additional pointer
indirection for looking up index.
2017-07-18 03:14:33 +09:00

386 lines
9.0 KiB

package fzf
import (
// fuzzy
// 'exact
// ^exact-prefix
// exact-suffix$
// !not-fuzzy
// !'not-exact
// !^not-exact-prefix
// !not-exact-suffix$
type termType int
const (
termFuzzy termType = iota
type term struct {
typ termType
inv bool
text []rune
caseSensitive bool
origText []rune
type termSet []term
// Pattern represents search pattern
type Pattern struct {
fuzzy bool
fuzzyAlgo algo.Algo
extended bool
caseSensitive bool
normalize bool
forward bool
text []rune
termSets []termSet
cacheable bool
delimiter Delimiter
nth []Range
procFun map[termType]algo.Algo
var (
_patternCache map[string]*Pattern
_splitRegex *regexp.Regexp
_cache ChunkCache
func init() {
_splitRegex = regexp.MustCompile("\\s+")
func clearPatternCache() {
// We can uniquely identify the pattern for a given string since
// search mode and caseMode do not change while the program is running
_patternCache = make(map[string]*Pattern)
func clearChunkCache() {
_cache = NewChunkCache()
// BuildPattern builds Pattern object from the given arguments
func BuildPattern(fuzzy bool, fuzzyAlgo algo.Algo, extended bool, caseMode Case, normalize bool, forward bool,
cacheable bool, nth []Range, delimiter Delimiter, runes []rune) *Pattern {
var asString string
if extended {
asString = strings.Trim(string(runes), " ")
} else {
asString = string(runes)
cached, found := _patternCache[asString]
if found {
return cached
caseSensitive := true
termSets := []termSet{}
if extended {
termSets = parseTerms(fuzzy, caseMode, normalize, asString)
for _, termSet := range termSets {
for idx, term := range termSet {
// If the query contains inverse search terms or OR operators,
// we cannot cache the search scope
if !cacheable || idx > 0 || term.inv || !fuzzy && term.typ != termExact {
cacheable = false
break Loop
} else {
lowerString := strings.ToLower(asString)
caseSensitive = caseMode == CaseRespect ||
caseMode == CaseSmart && lowerString != asString
if !caseSensitive {
asString = lowerString
ptr := &Pattern{
fuzzy: fuzzy,
fuzzyAlgo: fuzzyAlgo,
extended: extended,
caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
normalize: normalize,
forward: forward,
text: []rune(asString),
termSets: termSets,
cacheable: cacheable,
nth: nth,
delimiter: delimiter,
procFun: make(map[termType]algo.Algo)}
ptr.procFun[termFuzzy] = fuzzyAlgo
ptr.procFun[termEqual] = algo.EqualMatch
ptr.procFun[termExact] = algo.ExactMatchNaive
ptr.procFun[termPrefix] = algo.PrefixMatch
ptr.procFun[termSuffix] = algo.SuffixMatch
_patternCache[asString] = ptr
return ptr
func parseTerms(fuzzy bool, caseMode Case, normalize bool, str string) []termSet {
tokens := _splitRegex.Split(str, -1)
sets := []termSet{}
set := termSet{}
switchSet := false
for _, token := range tokens {
typ, inv, text := termFuzzy, false, token
lowerText := strings.ToLower(text)
caseSensitive := caseMode == CaseRespect ||
caseMode == CaseSmart && text != lowerText
if !caseSensitive {
text = lowerText
origText := []rune(text)
if !fuzzy {
typ = termExact
if text == "|" {
switchSet = false
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "!") {
inv = true
typ = termExact
text = text[1:]
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "'") {
// Flip exactness
if fuzzy && !inv {
typ = termExact
text = text[1:]
} else {
typ = termFuzzy
text = text[1:]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(text, "^") {
if strings.HasSuffix(text, "$") {
typ = termEqual
text = text[1 : len(text)-1]
} else {
typ = termPrefix
text = text[1:]
} else if strings.HasSuffix(text, "$") {
typ = termSuffix
text = text[:len(text)-1]
if len(text) > 0 {
if switchSet {
sets = append(sets, set)
set = termSet{}
textRunes := []rune(text)
if normalize {
textRunes = algo.NormalizeRunes(textRunes)
set = append(set, term{
typ: typ,
inv: inv,
text: textRunes,
caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
origText: origText})
switchSet = true
if len(set) > 0 {
sets = append(sets, set)
return sets
// IsEmpty returns true if the pattern is effectively empty
func (p *Pattern) IsEmpty() bool {
if !p.extended {
return len(p.text) == 0
return len(p.termSets) == 0
// AsString returns the search query in string type
func (p *Pattern) AsString() string {
return string(p.text)
// CacheKey is used to build string to be used as the key of result cache
func (p *Pattern) CacheKey() string {
if !p.extended {
return p.AsString()
cacheableTerms := []string{}
for _, termSet := range p.termSets {
if len(termSet) == 1 && !termSet[0].inv && (p.fuzzy || termSet[0].typ == termExact) {
cacheableTerms = append(cacheableTerms, string(termSet[0].origText))
return strings.Join(cacheableTerms, " ")
// Match returns the list of matches Items in the given Chunk
func (p *Pattern) Match(chunk *Chunk, slab *util.Slab) []Result {
// ChunkCache: Exact match
cacheKey := p.CacheKey()
if p.cacheable {
if cached := _cache.Lookup(chunk, cacheKey); cached != nil {
return cached
// Prefix/suffix cache
space := _cache.Search(chunk, cacheKey)
matches := p.matchChunk(chunk, space, slab)
if p.cacheable {
_cache.Add(chunk, cacheKey, matches)
return matches
func (p *Pattern) matchChunk(chunk *Chunk, space []Result, slab *util.Slab) []Result {
matches := []Result{}
if space == nil {
for idx := range *chunk {
if match, _, _ := p.MatchItem(&(*chunk)[idx], false, slab); match != nil {
matches = append(matches, *match)
} else {
for _, result := range space {
if match, _, _ := p.MatchItem(result.item, false, slab); match != nil {
matches = append(matches, *match)
return matches
// MatchItem returns true if the Item is a match
func (p *Pattern) MatchItem(item *Item, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (*Result, []Offset, *[]int) {
if p.extended {
if offsets, bonus, pos := p.extendedMatch(item, withPos, slab); len(offsets) == len(p.termSets) {
result := buildResult(item, offsets, bonus)
return &result, offsets, pos
return nil, nil, nil
offset, bonus, pos := p.basicMatch(item, withPos, slab)
if sidx := offset[0]; sidx >= 0 {
offsets := []Offset{offset}
result := buildResult(item, offsets, bonus)
return &result, offsets, pos
return nil, nil, nil
func (p *Pattern) basicMatch(item *Item, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Offset, int, *[]int) {
input := p.prepareInput(item)
if p.fuzzy {
return p.iter(p.fuzzyAlgo, input, p.caseSensitive, p.normalize, p.forward, p.text, withPos, slab)
return p.iter(algo.ExactMatchNaive, input, p.caseSensitive, p.normalize, p.forward, p.text, withPos, slab)
func (p *Pattern) extendedMatch(item *Item, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) ([]Offset, int, *[]int) {
input := p.prepareInput(item)
offsets := []Offset{}
var totalScore int
var allPos *[]int
if withPos {
allPos = &[]int{}
for _, termSet := range p.termSets {
var offset Offset
var currentScore int
matched := false
for _, term := range termSet {
pfun := p.procFun[term.typ]
off, score, pos := p.iter(pfun, input, term.caseSensitive, p.normalize, p.forward, term.text, withPos, slab)
if sidx := off[0]; sidx >= 0 {
if term.inv {
offset, currentScore = off, score
matched = true
if withPos {
if pos != nil {
*allPos = append(*allPos, *pos...)
} else {
for idx := off[0]; idx < off[1]; idx++ {
*allPos = append(*allPos, int(idx))
} else if term.inv {
offset, currentScore = Offset{0, 0}, 0
matched = true
if matched {
offsets = append(offsets, offset)
totalScore += currentScore
return offsets, totalScore, allPos
func (p *Pattern) prepareInput(item *Item) []Token {
if len(p.nth) == 0 {
return []Token{Token{text: &item.text, prefixLength: 0}}
if item.transformed != nil {
return *item.transformed
tokens := Tokenize(item.text, p.delimiter)
ret := Transform(tokens, p.nth)
item.transformed = &ret
return ret
func (p *Pattern) iter(pfun algo.Algo, tokens []Token, caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Offset, int, *[]int) {
for _, part := range tokens {
if res, pos := pfun(caseSensitive, normalize, forward, *part.text, pattern, withPos, slab); res.Start >= 0 {
sidx := int32(res.Start) + part.prefixLength
eidx := int32(res.End) + part.prefixLength
if pos != nil {
for idx := range *pos {
(*pos)[idx] += int(part.prefixLength)
return Offset{sidx, eidx}, res.Score, pos
return Offset{-1, -1}, 0, nil