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#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Create a new dynamic module so we don't pollute the global namespace with our functions and
# variables
$null = New-Module starship {
refactor(directory): Introduce `logical-path` argument which allows a shell to explicitly specify both a logical and physical filesystem path (#2104) * refactor(directory): Introduce `logical-path` argument which allows a shell to explicitly specify both a logical and physical filesystem path Fix `directory::module` to consume both path and logical-path (if provided). The "logical" path is preferred when rendering the "display path", while the "physical" path is used to resolve the "read only" flag. Repo- and home-directory contraction behavior is maintained, based on the logical path if it is set, or the physical path if it is not. The custom "get_current_dir" logic has been removed entirely, and the `directory` module now relies on `context.current_dir` / `context.logical_dir` entirely. Changes have been made to `init/starship.ps1` to work with this new flag: - Calculate and pass "physical" and "logical" paths explicitly (as other shells do not pass `--logical-path` that they fall back to rendering the physical path) - Moved the "powershell provider prefix" cleanup code to the PowerShell script - this code _should_ now support any kind of powershell path prefix. * fix(powershell): Fix an issue with trailing backslashes on file paths causing command line parsing issues. This is a bit of a footgun! The work-around chosen is to append a trailing space when a path string ends with a backslash, and then trim any extra whitespace away in the Context constructor. Other alternatives considered and rejected: 1. Always trim trailing backslashes as the filesystem generally doesn't need them. 2. Escape trailing backslashes with another backslash. This proved complex as PS only quotes string args when the string includes some whitespace, and other backslashes within the string apparently don't need to be escaped. * fix(powershell): Use Invoke-Native pattern for safely invoking native executables with strings which may contain characters which need to be escaped carefully. * fix(context): Remove superfluous argument trims These were in place to clean up extra whitespace sometimes injected by starship.ps1::prompt, and are no longer required with the new Invoke-Native helper in place. * refactor(directory): Clean up the semantics of `logical_dir` defaulting it to `current_dir` but overridable by the `--logical-dir` flag. - Restore `use_logical_path` config flag. - Always attempt to contract repo paths from the `current_dir`. * fix(directory) :Use logical_dir for contracting the home directory This keeps the two calls to contract_path in sync. * fix(directory): Remove test script * refactor(directory): Convert current_dir to canonical filesystem path when use_logical_path = false - This requires some clean-up to remove the extended-path prefix on Windows - The configured logical_dir is ignored entirely in this mode - we calculate a new logical_dir by cleaning up the physical_dir path for display. - Test coverage * fix(directory): Use AsRef style for passing Path arguments * fix(directory): Strip the windows extended-path prefix from the display string later in the render process * fix(docs): Update docs/config/README.md for use_logical_path * refactor(context): Populate `current_dir` from `--path` or `std::env::current_dir`, populate `logical_dir` from `--logical-path` or the `PWD` env var - `current_dir` is always canonicalized - On Windows, `current_dir` will have an extended-path prefix - `logical_dir` is now always set - `directory::module` now just selects between `current_dir` and `logical_dir` when picking which path to render - Test coverage * fix(directory): Fix path comparison operations in directory to ignore differences between path prefixes - Added PathExt extension trait which adds `normalised_equals`, `normalised_starts_with` and `without_prefix` * fix(path): Add test coverage for PathExt on *nix * fix(directory): Test coverage for `contract_repo_path`, `contract_path` with variations of verbatim and non-verbatim paths * fix(directory): Update path-slash to latest This fixes the issue with the trailing character of some Windows paths being truncated, e.g. `\\server\share` and `C:` * fix(powershell): Improve UTF8 output handling, argument encoding - Use `ProcessStartInfo` to launch native executable, replacing manual UTF8 output encoding handling - If we detect we're on PWSH6+ use the new `System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList` parameter, otherwise manually escape the argument string - Move `Get-Cwd` and `Invoke-Native` into the prompt function scope so that they don't leak into the user's shell scope * fix(path): Make PathExt methods no-ops on *nix * fix(path): Cargo fmt * fix(powershell): Remove typo ';'. Fix variable assignment lint.
2021-02-08 14:14:59 +00:00
function Get-Cwd {
$cwd = Get-Location
$provider_prefix = "$($cwd.Provider.ModuleName)\$($cwd.Provider.Name)::"
return @{
# Resolve the actual/physical path
# NOTE: ProviderPath is only a physical filesystem path for the "FileSystem" provider
# E.g. `Dev:\` -> `C:\Users\Joe Bloggs\Dev\`
Path = $cwd.ProviderPath;
# Resolve the provider-logical path
refactor(directory): Introduce `logical-path` argument which allows a shell to explicitly specify both a logical and physical filesystem path (#2104) * refactor(directory): Introduce `logical-path` argument which allows a shell to explicitly specify both a logical and physical filesystem path Fix `directory::module` to consume both path and logical-path (if provided). The "logical" path is preferred when rendering the "display path", while the "physical" path is used to resolve the "read only" flag. Repo- and home-directory contraction behavior is maintained, based on the logical path if it is set, or the physical path if it is not. The custom "get_current_dir" logic has been removed entirely, and the `directory` module now relies on `context.current_dir` / `context.logical_dir` entirely. Changes have been made to `init/starship.ps1` to work with this new flag: - Calculate and pass "physical" and "logical" paths explicitly (as other shells do not pass `--logical-path` that they fall back to rendering the physical path) - Moved the "powershell provider prefix" cleanup code to the PowerShell script - this code _should_ now support any kind of powershell path prefix. * fix(powershell): Fix an issue with trailing backslashes on file paths causing command line parsing issues. This is a bit of a footgun! The work-around chosen is to append a trailing space when a path string ends with a backslash, and then trim any extra whitespace away in the Context constructor. Other alternatives considered and rejected: 1. Always trim trailing backslashes as the filesystem generally doesn't need them. 2. Escape trailing backslashes with another backslash. This proved complex as PS only quotes string args when the string includes some whitespace, and other backslashes within the string apparently don't need to be escaped. * fix(powershell): Use Invoke-Native pattern for safely invoking native executables with strings which may contain characters which need to be escaped carefully. * fix(context): Remove superfluous argument trims These were in place to clean up extra whitespace sometimes injected by starship.ps1::prompt, and are no longer required with the new Invoke-Native helper in place. * refactor(directory): Clean up the semantics of `logical_dir` defaulting it to `current_dir` but overridable by the `--logical-dir` flag. - Restore `use_logical_path` config flag. - Always attempt to contract repo paths from the `current_dir`. * fix(directory) :Use logical_dir for contracting the home directory This keeps the two calls to contract_path in sync. * fix(directory): Remove test script * refactor(directory): Convert current_dir to canonical filesystem path when use_logical_path = false - This requires some clean-up to remove the extended-path prefix on Windows - The configured logical_dir is ignored entirely in this mode - we calculate a new logical_dir by cleaning up the physical_dir path for display. - Test coverage * fix(directory): Use AsRef style for passing Path arguments * fix(directory): Strip the windows extended-path prefix from the display string later in the render process * fix(docs): Update docs/config/README.md for use_logical_path * refactor(context): Populate `current_dir` from `--path` or `std::env::current_dir`, populate `logical_dir` from `--logical-path` or the `PWD` env var - `current_dir` is always canonicalized - On Windows, `current_dir` will have an extended-path prefix - `logical_dir` is now always set - `directory::module` now just selects between `current_dir` and `logical_dir` when picking which path to render - Test coverage * fix(directory): Fix path comparison operations in directory to ignore differences between path prefixes - Added PathExt extension trait which adds `normalised_equals`, `normalised_starts_with` and `without_prefix` * fix(path): Add test coverage for PathExt on *nix * fix(directory): Test coverage for `contract_repo_path`, `contract_path` with variations of verbatim and non-verbatim paths * fix(directory): Update path-slash to latest This fixes the issue with the trailing character of some Windows paths being truncated, e.g. `\\server\share` and `C:` * fix(powershell): Improve UTF8 output handling, argument encoding - Use `ProcessStartInfo` to launch native executable, replacing manual UTF8 output encoding handling - If we detect we're on PWSH6+ use the new `System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList` parameter, otherwise manually escape the argument string - Move `Get-Cwd` and `Invoke-Native` into the prompt function scope so that they don't leak into the user's shell scope * fix(path): Make PathExt methods no-ops on *nix * fix(path): Cargo fmt * fix(powershell): Remove typo ';'. Fix variable assignment lint.
2021-02-08 14:14:59 +00:00
# NOTE: Attempt to trim any "provider prefix" from the path string.
# E.g. `Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::Dev:\` -> `Dev:\`
LogicalPath =
if ($cwd.Path.StartsWith($provider_prefix)) {
} else {
function Invoke-Native {
param($Executable, $Arguments)
$startInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo -ArgumentList $Executable -Property @{
StandardOutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8;
RedirectStandardOutput = $true;
RedirectStandardError = $true;
CreateNoWindow = $true;
UseShellExecute = $false;
if ($startInfo.ArgumentList.Add) {
# PowerShell 6+ uses .NET 5+ and supports the ArgumentList property
# which bypasses the need for manually escaping the argument list into
# a command string.
foreach ($arg in $Arguments) {
else {
# Build an arguments string which follows the C++ command-line argument quoting rules
# See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//17w5ykft(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
$escaped = $Arguments | ForEach-Object {
$s = $_ -Replace '(\\+)"','$1$1"'; # Escape backslash chains immediately preceding quote marks.
$s = $s -Replace '(\\+)$','$1$1'; # Escape backslash chains immediately preceding the end of the string.
$s = $s -Replace '"','\"'; # Escape quote marks.
"`"$s`"" # Quote the argument.
$startInfo.Arguments = $escaped -Join ' ';
$process = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($startInfo)
# Read the output and error streams asynchronously
# Avoids potential deadlocks when the child process fills one of the buffers
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.diagnostics.process.standardoutput?view=net-6.0#remarks
$stdout = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync()
$stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync()
[System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::WaitAll(@($stdout, $stderr))
# stderr isn't displayed with this style of invocation
# Manually write it to console
if ($stderr.Result.Trim() -ne '') {
# Write-Error doesn't work here
function Enable-TransientPrompt {
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Enter -ScriptBlock {
$previousOutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
try {
$parseErrors = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$null, [ref]$null, [ref]$parseErrors, [ref]$null)
if ($parseErrors.Count -eq 0) {
$script:TransientPrompt = $true
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
} finally {
if ($script:DoesUseLists) {
# If PSReadline is set to display suggestion list, this workaround is needed to clear the buffer below
# before accepting the current commandline. The max amount of items in the list is 10, so 12 lines
# are cleared (10 + 1 more for the prompt + 1 more for current commandline).
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert("`n" * [math]::Min($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Height - $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y - 1, 12))
[Console]::OutputEncoding = $previousOutputEncoding
function Disable-TransientPrompt {
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Enter -Function AcceptLine
$script:TransientPrompt = $false
function global:prompt {
$origDollarQuestion = $global:?
$origLastExitCode = $global:LASTEXITCODE
# Invoke precmd, if specified
try {
if (Test-Path function:Invoke-Starship-PreCommand) {
} catch {}
# @ makes sure the result is an array even if single or no values are returned
$jobs = @(Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Running' }).Count
$cwd = Get-Cwd
$arguments = @(
# We start from the premise that the command executed correctly, which covers also the fresh console.
$lastExitCodeForPrompt = 0
if ($lastCmd = Get-History -Count 1) {
# In case we have a False on the Dollar hook, we know there's an error.
if (-not $origDollarQuestion) {
# We retrieve the InvocationInfo from the most recent error using $global:error[0]
$lastCmdletError = try { $global:error[0] | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InvocationInfo } catch { $null }
# We check if the last command executed matches the line that caused the last error, in which case we know
# it was an internal Powershell command, otherwise, there MUST be an error code.
$lastExitCodeForPrompt = if ($null -ne $lastCmdletError -and $lastCmd.CommandLine -eq $lastCmdletError.Line) { 1 } else { $origLastExitCode }
$duration = [math]::Round(($lastCmd.EndExecutionTime - $lastCmd.StartExecutionTime).TotalMilliseconds)
$arguments += "--cmd-duration=$($duration)"
$arguments += "--status=$($lastExitCodeForPrompt)"
if ([Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InViCommandMode()) {
$arguments += "--keymap=vi"
# Invoke Starship
$promptText = if ($script:TransientPrompt) {
$script:TransientPrompt = $false
if (Test-Path function:Invoke-Starship-TransientFunction) {
} else {
"$([char]0x1B)[1;32m$([char]0x1B)[0m "
} else {
Invoke-Native -Executable ::STARSHIP:: -Arguments $arguments
# Set the number of extra lines in the prompt for PSReadLine prompt redraw.
Set-PSReadLineOption -ExtraPromptLineCount ($promptText.Split("`n").Length - 1)
# Return the prompt
# Propagate the original $LASTEXITCODE from before the prompt function was invoked.
$global:LASTEXITCODE = $origLastExitCode
# Propagate the original $? automatic variable value from before the prompt function was invoked.
# $? is a read-only or constant variable so we can't directly override it.
# In order to propagate up its original boolean value we will take an action
# which will produce the desired value.
# This has to be the very last thing that happens in the prompt function
# since every PowerShell command sets the $? variable.
if ($global:? -ne $origDollarQuestion) {
if ($origDollarQuestion) {
# Simple command which will execute successfully and set $? = True without any other side affects.
} else {
# Write-Error will set $? to False.
# ErrorAction Ignore will prevent the error from being added to the $Error collection.
Write-Error '' -ErrorAction 'Ignore'
refactor(directory): Introduce `logical-path` argument which allows a shell to explicitly specify both a logical and physical filesystem path (#2104) * refactor(directory): Introduce `logical-path` argument which allows a shell to explicitly specify both a logical and physical filesystem path Fix `directory::module` to consume both path and logical-path (if provided). The "logical" path is preferred when rendering the "display path", while the "physical" path is used to resolve the "read only" flag. Repo- and home-directory contraction behavior is maintained, based on the logical path if it is set, or the physical path if it is not. The custom "get_current_dir" logic has been removed entirely, and the `directory` module now relies on `context.current_dir` / `context.logical_dir` entirely. Changes have been made to `init/starship.ps1` to work with this new flag: - Calculate and pass "physical" and "logical" paths explicitly (as other shells do not pass `--logical-path` that they fall back to rendering the physical path) - Moved the "powershell provider prefix" cleanup code to the PowerShell script - this code _should_ now support any kind of powershell path prefix. * fix(powershell): Fix an issue with trailing backslashes on file paths causing command line parsing issues. This is a bit of a footgun! The work-around chosen is to append a trailing space when a path string ends with a backslash, and then trim any extra whitespace away in the Context constructor. Other alternatives considered and rejected: 1. Always trim trailing backslashes as the filesystem generally doesn't need them. 2. Escape trailing backslashes with another backslash. This proved complex as PS only quotes string args when the string includes some whitespace, and other backslashes within the string apparently don't need to be escaped. * fix(powershell): Use Invoke-Native pattern for safely invoking native executables with strings which may contain characters which need to be escaped carefully. * fix(context): Remove superfluous argument trims These were in place to clean up extra whitespace sometimes injected by starship.ps1::prompt, and are no longer required with the new Invoke-Native helper in place. * refactor(directory): Clean up the semantics of `logical_dir` defaulting it to `current_dir` but overridable by the `--logical-dir` flag. - Restore `use_logical_path` config flag. - Always attempt to contract repo paths from the `current_dir`. * fix(directory) :Use logical_dir for contracting the home directory This keeps the two calls to contract_path in sync. * fix(directory): Remove test script * refactor(directory): Convert current_dir to canonical filesystem path when use_logical_path = false - This requires some clean-up to remove the extended-path prefix on Windows - The configured logical_dir is ignored entirely in this mode - we calculate a new logical_dir by cleaning up the physical_dir path for display. - Test coverage * fix(directory): Use AsRef style for passing Path arguments * fix(directory): Strip the windows extended-path prefix from the display string later in the render process * fix(docs): Update docs/config/README.md for use_logical_path * refactor(context): Populate `current_dir` from `--path` or `std::env::current_dir`, populate `logical_dir` from `--logical-path` or the `PWD` env var - `current_dir` is always canonicalized - On Windows, `current_dir` will have an extended-path prefix - `logical_dir` is now always set - `directory::module` now just selects between `current_dir` and `logical_dir` when picking which path to render - Test coverage * fix(directory): Fix path comparison operations in directory to ignore differences between path prefixes - Added PathExt extension trait which adds `normalised_equals`, `normalised_starts_with` and `without_prefix` * fix(path): Add test coverage for PathExt on *nix * fix(directory): Test coverage for `contract_repo_path`, `contract_path` with variations of verbatim and non-verbatim paths * fix(directory): Update path-slash to latest This fixes the issue with the trailing character of some Windows paths being truncated, e.g. `\\server\share` and `C:` * fix(powershell): Improve UTF8 output handling, argument encoding - Use `ProcessStartInfo` to launch native executable, replacing manual UTF8 output encoding handling - If we detect we're on PWSH6+ use the new `System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList` parameter, otherwise manually escape the argument string - Move `Get-Cwd` and `Invoke-Native` into the prompt function scope so that they don't leak into the user's shell scope * fix(path): Make PathExt methods no-ops on *nix * fix(path): Cargo fmt * fix(powershell): Remove typo ';'. Fix variable assignment lint.
2021-02-08 14:14:59 +00:00
# Disable virtualenv prompt, it breaks starship
$script:TransientPrompt = $false
$script:DoesUseLists = (Get-PSReadLineOption).PredictionViewStyle -eq 'ListView'
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
} else {
$ENV:STARSHIP_SHELL = "powershell"
# Set up the session key that will be used to store logs
$ENV:STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY = -join ((48..57) + (65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 16 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ })
# Invoke Starship and set continuation prompt
Set-PSReadLineOption -ContinuationPrompt (
Invoke-Native -Executable ::STARSHIP:: -Arguments @(
try {
Set-PSReadLineOption -ViModeIndicator script -ViModeChangeHandler {
} catch {}
Export-ModuleMember -Function @(