use git2::RepositoryState; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use super::{Context, Module, RootModuleConfig}; use crate::configs::git_state::GitStateConfig; use crate::formatter::StringFormatter; /// Creates a module with the state of the git repository at the current directory /// /// During a git operation it will show: REBASING, BISECTING, MERGING, etc. /// If the progress information is available (e.g. rebasing 3/10), it will show that too. pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option> { let mut module = context.new_module("git_state"); let config: GitStateConfig = GitStateConfig::try_load(module.config); let repo = context.get_repo().ok()?; let repo_root = repo.root.as_ref()?; let repo_state = repo.state; let state_description = get_state_description(repo_state, repo_root, &config)?; let parsed = StringFormatter::new(config.format).and_then(|formatter| { formatter .map_meta(|variable, _| match variable { "state" => Some(state_description.label), _ => None, }) .map_style(|variable| match variable { "style" => Some(Ok(, _ => None, }) .map(|variable| match variable { "progress_current" => state_description.current.as_ref().map(Ok), "progress_total" =>, _ => None, }) .parse(None) }); module.set_segments(match parsed { Ok(segments) => segments, Err(error) => { log::warn!("Error in module `git_state`:\n{}", error); return None; } }); Some(module) } /// Returns the state of the current repository /// /// During a git operation it will show: REBASING, BISECTING, MERGING, etc. fn get_state_description<'a>( state: RepositoryState, root: &'a Path, config: &GitStateConfig<'a>, ) -> Option> { match state { RepositoryState::Clean => None, RepositoryState::Merge => Some(StateDescription { label: config.merge, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::Revert => Some(StateDescription { label: config.revert, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::RevertSequence => Some(StateDescription { label: config.revert, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::CherryPick => Some(StateDescription { label: config.cherry_pick, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::CherryPickSequence => Some(StateDescription { label: config.cherry_pick, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::Bisect => Some(StateDescription { label: config.bisect, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::ApplyMailbox => Some(StateDescription { label:, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::ApplyMailboxOrRebase => Some(StateDescription { label: config.am_or_rebase, current: None, total: None, }), RepositoryState::Rebase => Some(describe_rebase(root, config.rebase)), RepositoryState::RebaseInteractive => Some(describe_rebase(root, config.rebase)), RepositoryState::RebaseMerge => Some(describe_rebase(root, config.rebase)), } } fn describe_rebase<'a>(root: &'a Path, rebase_config: &'a str) -> StateDescription<'a> { /* * Sadly, libgit2 seems to have some issues with reading the state of * interactive rebases. So, instead, we'll poke a few of the .git files * ourselves. This might be worth re-visiting this in the future... * * The following is based heavily on: */ let dot_git = root.join(".git"); let dot_git = if let Ok(conf) = std::fs::read_to_string(&dot_git) { let gitdir_re = regex::Regex::new(r"(?m)^gitdir: (.*)$").unwrap(); if let Some(caps) = gitdir_re.captures(&conf) { root.join(caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str()) } else { dot_git } } else { dot_git }; let has_path = |relative_path: &str| { let path = dot_git.join(PathBuf::from(relative_path)); path.exists() }; let file_to_usize = |relative_path: &str| { let path = dot_git.join(PathBuf::from(relative_path)); let contents = crate::utils::read_file(path).ok()?; let quantity = contents.trim().parse::().ok()?; Some(quantity) }; let paths_to_progress = |current_path: &str, total_path: &str| { let current = file_to_usize(current_path)?; let total = file_to_usize(total_path)?; Some((current, total)) }; let progress = if has_path("rebase-merge/msgnum") { paths_to_progress("rebase-merge/msgnum", "rebase-merge/end") } else if has_path("rebase-apply") { paths_to_progress("rebase-apply/next", "rebase-apply/last") } else { None }; let (current, total) = if let Some((c, t)) = progress { (Some(format!("{}", c)), Some(format!("{}", t))) } else { (None, None) }; StateDescription { label: rebase_config, current, total, } } struct StateDescription<'a> { label: &'a str, current: Option, total: Option, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ansi_term::Color; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::{self, Error, ErrorKind, Write}; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Stdio; use crate::test::ModuleRenderer; use crate::utils::create_command; #[test] fn show_nothing_on_empty_dir() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_state") .path(repo_dir.path()) .collect(); let expected = None; assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_rebasing() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = create_repo_with_conflict()?; let path = repo_dir.path(); run_git_cmd(&["rebase", "other-branch"], Some(path), false)?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_state").path(path).collect(); let expected = Some(format!("({}) ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("REBASING 1/1"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_merging() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = create_repo_with_conflict()?; let path = repo_dir.path(); run_git_cmd(&["merge", "other-branch"], Some(path), false)?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_state").path(path).collect(); let expected = Some(format!("({}) ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("MERGING"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_cherry_picking() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = create_repo_with_conflict()?; let path = repo_dir.path(); run_git_cmd(&["cherry-pick", "other-branch"], Some(path), false)?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_state").path(path).collect(); let expected = Some(format!( "({}) ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("CHERRY-PICKING") )); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_bisecting() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = create_repo_with_conflict()?; let path = repo_dir.path(); run_git_cmd(&["bisect", "start"], Some(path), false)?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_state").path(path).collect(); let expected = Some(format!("({}) ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("BISECTING"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } #[test] fn shows_reverting() -> io::Result<()> { let repo_dir = create_repo_with_conflict()?; let path = repo_dir.path(); run_git_cmd(&["revert", "--no-commit", "HEAD~1"], Some(path), false)?; let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("git_state").path(path).collect(); let expected = Some(format!("({}) ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("REVERTING"))); assert_eq!(expected, actual); repo_dir.close() } fn run_git_cmd(args: A, dir: Option<&Path>, should_succeed: bool) -> io::Result<()> where A: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let mut command = create_command("git")?; command .args(args) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .stdin(Stdio::null()); if let Some(dir) = dir { command.current_dir(dir); } let status = command.status()?; if should_succeed && !status.success() { Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::Other)) } else { Ok(()) } } fn create_repo_with_conflict() -> io::Result { let repo_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let path = repo_dir.path(); let conflicted_file = repo_dir.path().join("the_file"); let write_file = |text: &str| { let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(&conflicted_file)?; write!(file, "{}", text) }; // Initialize a new git repo run_git_cmd( &[ "init", "--quiet", path.to_str().expect("Path was not UTF-8"), ], None, true, )?; // Set local author info run_git_cmd( &["config", "--local", "", ""], Some(path), true, )?; run_git_cmd( &["config", "--local", "", "starship"], Some(path), true, )?; // Ensure on the expected branch. // If build environment has `init.defaultBranch` global set // it will default to an unknown branch, so need to make & change branch run_git_cmd( &["checkout", "-b", "master"], Some(path), // command expected to fail if already on the expected branch false, )?; // Write a file on master and commit it write_file("Version A")?; run_git_cmd(&["add", "the_file"], Some(path), true)?; run_git_cmd( &["commit", "--message", "Commit A", "--no-gpg-sign"], Some(path), true, )?; // Switch to another branch, and commit a change to the file run_git_cmd(&["checkout", "-b", "other-branch"], Some(path), true)?; write_file("Version B")?; run_git_cmd( &["commit", "--all", "--message", "Commit B", "--no-gpg-sign"], Some(path), true, )?; // Switch back to master, and commit a third change to the file run_git_cmd(&["checkout", "master"], Some(path), true)?; write_file("Version C")?; run_git_cmd( &["commit", "--all", "--message", "Commit C", "--no-gpg-sign"], Some(path), true, )?; Ok(repo_dir) } }