#![warn(clippy::disallowed_method)] use clap::crate_authors; use std::io; use std::time::SystemTime; use clap::{AppSettings, IntoApp, Parser, Subcommand}; use clap_complete::{generate, Shell as CompletionShell}; use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric; use rand::Rng; use starship::context::{Properties, Target}; use starship::module::ALL_MODULES; use starship::*; fn long_version() -> &'static str { let ver = Box::new(crate::shadow::clap_version()); Box::leak(ver).as_str() } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap( author=crate_authors!(), version=shadow::PKG_VERSION, long_version=long_version(), about="The cross-shell prompt for astronauts. ☄🌌️" )] #[clap(setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp))] struct Cli { #[clap(subcommand)] command: Commands, } #[derive(Subcommand, Debug)] enum Commands { /// Create a pre-populated GitHub issue with information about your configuration BugReport, /// Generate starship shell completions for your shell to stdout Completions { #[clap(arg_enum)] shell: CompletionShell, }, /// Edit the starship configuration Config { /// Configuration key to edit #[clap(requires = "value")] name: Option, /// Value to place into that key value: Option, }, /// Explains the currently showing modules Explain(Properties), /// Prints the shell function used to execute starship Init { shell: String, #[clap(long)] print_full_init: bool, }, /// Prints a specific prompt module Module { /// The name of the module to be printed #[clap(required = true, required_unless_present = "list")] name: Option, /// List out all supported modules #[clap(short, long)] list: bool, #[clap(flatten)] properties: Properties, }, /// Prints the computed starship configuration PrintConfig { /// Print the default instead of the computed config #[clap(short, long)] default: bool, /// Configuration keys to print name: Vec, }, /// Prints the full starship prompt Prompt { /// Print the right prompt (instead of the standard left prompt) #[clap(long)] right: bool, /// Print the continuation prompt (instead of the standard left prompt) #[clap(long, conflicts_with = "right")] continuation: bool, #[clap(flatten)] properties: Properties, }, /// Generate random session key Session, /// Prints time in milliseconds #[clap(setting=AppSettings::Hidden)] Time, /// Prints timings of all active modules Timings(Properties), /// Toggle a given starship module Toggle { /// The name of the module to be toggled name: String, /// The key of the config to be toggled #[clap(default_value = "disabled")] value: String, }, } fn main() { // Configure the current terminal on windows to support ANSI escape sequences. #[cfg(windows)] let _ = ansi_term::enable_ansi_support(); logger::init(); let args = Cli::parse(); log::trace!("Parsed arguments: {:#?}", args); match args.command { Commands::Init { shell, print_full_init, } => { if print_full_init { init::init_main(&shell).expect("can't init_main"); } else { init::init_stub(&shell).expect("can't init_stub"); } } Commands::Prompt { properties, right, continuation, } => { let target = match (right, continuation) { (true, _) => Target::Right, (_, true) => Target::Continuation, (_, _) => Target::Main, }; print::prompt(properties, target) } Commands::Module { name, list, properties, } => { if list { println!("Supported modules list"); println!("----------------------"); for modules in ALL_MODULES { println!("{}", modules); } } if let Some(module_name) = name { print::module(&module_name, properties); } } Commands::Config { name, value } => { if let Some(name) = name { if let Some(value) = value { configure::update_configuration(&name, &value) } } else { configure::edit_configuration() } } Commands::PrintConfig { default, name } => configure::print_configuration(default, &name), Commands::Toggle { name, value } => configure::toggle_configuration(&name, &value), Commands::BugReport => bug_report::create(), Commands::Time => { match SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .ok() { Some(time) => println!("{}", time.as_millis()), None => println!("{}", -1), } } Commands::Explain(props) => print::explain(props), Commands::Timings(props) => print::timings(props), Commands::Completions { shell } => generate( shell, &mut Cli::into_app(), "starship", &mut io::stdout().lock(), ), Commands::Session => println!( "{}", rand::thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(16) .map(char::from) .collect::() ), } }