use std::env; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::io::ErrorKind; use std::process; use std::process::Command; use crate::config::RootModuleConfig; use crate::config::StarshipConfig; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use toml::map::Map; use toml::value::Table; use toml::Value; #[cfg(not(windows))] const STD_EDITOR: &str = "vi"; #[cfg(windows)] const STD_EDITOR: &str = "notepad.exe"; pub fn update_configuration(name: &str, value: &str) { let keys: Vec<&str> = name.split('.').collect(); if keys.len() != 2 { log::error!("Please pass in a config key with a '.'"); process::exit(1); } if let Some(table) = get_configuration().as_table_mut() { if !table.contains_key(keys[0]) { table.insert(keys[0].to_string(), Value::Table(Map::new())); } if let Some(values) = table.get(keys[0]).unwrap().as_table() { let mut updated_values = values.clone(); if value.parse::().is_ok() { updated_values.insert( keys[1].to_string(), Value::Boolean(value.parse::().unwrap()), ); } else if value.parse::().is_ok() { updated_values.insert( keys[1].to_string(), Value::Integer(value.parse::().unwrap()), ); } else { updated_values.insert(keys[1].to_string(), Value::String(value.to_string())); } table.insert(keys[0].to_string(), Value::Table(updated_values)); } write_configuration(table); } } pub fn print_configuration(use_default: bool) { let config = if use_default { // Get default config let default_config = crate::configs::FullConfig::default(); // Convert back to Value because toml can't serialize FullConfig directly toml::value::Value::try_from(default_config).unwrap() } else { // Get config as toml::Value let user_config = get_configuration(); // Convert into FullConfig and fill in default values let user_config = crate::configs::FullConfig::try_load(Some(&user_config)); // Convert back to Value because toml can't serialize FullConfig directly toml::value::Value::try_from(user_config).unwrap() }; let string_config = toml::to_string_pretty(&config).unwrap(); println!("# Warning: This config does not include keys that have an unset value"); println!("{}", string_config); } pub fn toggle_configuration(name: &str, key: &str) { if let Some(table) = get_configuration().as_table_mut() { match table.get(name) { Some(v) => { if let Some(values) = v.as_table() { let mut updated_values = values.clone(); let current: bool = match updated_values.get(key) { Some(v) => match v.as_bool() { Some(b) => b, _ => { log::error!( "Given config key '{}' must be in 'boolean' format", key ); process::exit(1); } }, _ => { log::error!("Given config key '{}' must be exist in config file", key); process::exit(1); } }; updated_values.insert(key.to_string(), Value::Boolean(!current)); table.insert(name.to_string(), Value::Table(updated_values)); write_configuration(table); } } _ => { log::error!("Given module '{}' not found in config file", name); process::exit(1); } }; } } pub fn get_configuration() -> Value { let starship_config = StarshipConfig::initialize(); starship_config .config .expect("Failed to load starship config") } pub fn write_configuration(table: &mut Table) { let config_path = get_config_path(); let config_str = toml::to_string_pretty(&table).expect("Failed to serialize the config to string"); File::create(&config_path) .and_then(|mut file| file.write_all(config_str.as_ref())) .expect("Error writing starship config"); } pub fn edit_configuration() { let config_path = get_config_path(); let editor_cmd = shell_words::split(&get_editor()).expect("Unmatched quotes found in $EDITOR."); let editor_path = which::which(&editor_cmd[0]).expect("Unable to locate editor in $PATH."); let command = Command::new(editor_path) .args(&editor_cmd[1..]) .arg(config_path) .status(); match command { Ok(_) => (), Err(error) => match error.kind() { ErrorKind::NotFound => { eprintln!( "Error: editor {:?} was not found. Did you set your $EDITOR or $VISUAL \ environment variables correctly?", editor_cmd ); std::process::exit(1) } other_error => panic!("failed to open file: {:?}", other_error), }, }; } fn get_editor() -> String { get_editor_internal(env::var("VISUAL").ok(), env::var("EDITOR").ok()) } fn get_editor_internal(visual: Option, editor: Option) -> String { let editor_name = visual.unwrap_or_default(); if !editor_name.is_empty() { return editor_name; } let editor_name = editor.unwrap_or_default(); if !editor_name.is_empty() { return editor_name; } STD_EDITOR.into() } fn get_config_path() -> OsString { if let Some(config_path) = env::var_os("STARSHIP_CONFIG") { return config_path; } dirs_next::home_dir() .expect("couldn't find home directory") .join(".config") .join("starship.toml") .into() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; // This is every possible permutation, 3² = 9. #[test] fn visual_set_editor_set() { let actual = get_editor_internal(Some("foo".into()), Some("bar".into())); assert_eq!("foo", actual); } #[test] fn visual_set_editor_empty() { let actual = get_editor_internal(Some("foo".into()), None); assert_eq!("foo", actual); } #[test] fn visual_set_editor_not_set() { let actual = get_editor_internal(Some("foo".into()), None); assert_eq!("foo", actual); } #[test] fn visual_empty_editor_set() { let actual = get_editor_internal(Some("".into()), Some("bar".into())); assert_eq!("bar", actual); } #[test] fn visual_empty_editor_empty() { let actual = get_editor_internal(Some("".into()), Some("".into())); assert_eq!(STD_EDITOR, actual); } #[test] fn visual_empty_editor_not_set() { let actual = get_editor_internal(Some("".into()), None); assert_eq!(STD_EDITOR, actual); } #[test] fn visual_not_set_editor_set() { let actual = get_editor_internal(None, Some("bar".into())); assert_eq!("bar", actual); } #[test] fn visual_not_set_editor_empty() { let actual = get_editor_internal(None, Some("".into())); assert_eq!(STD_EDITOR, actual); } #[test] fn visual_not_set_editor_not_set() { let actual = get_editor_internal(None, None); assert_eq!(STD_EDITOR, actual); } }