.VPHero .container { flex-direction: column; text-align: center !important; gap: 10px; } .VPHero .image { order: 0; margin: 0; } .VPHero .image-container { transform: none; height: auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; } @media (max-width: 640px) { .VPHero .image-container { max-width: 320px; width: auto; } } .VPHero .image img { max-height: 130px; max-width: none; position: static; transform: none; } .VPHero .image img.uwu { max-height: 290px; max-width: 80vw; } .VPHero .container .actions { justify-content: center !important; } .VPHero .main { margin: 0 auto; } .demo-video { max-width: 700px; width: 100%; margin: 50px auto; border-radius: 6px; } .action-button { background-color: #dd0b78 !important; border-bottom: #c6096b !important; } p[align="center"] img { display: inline-block; } p[align="center"] img[height="20"] { height: 20px; } @font-face { font-family: 'Nerd Font'; src: url("/nerd-font.woff2") format("woff2"); font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; unicode-range: U+e000-f8ff, U+f0000-fffff, U+100000-10ffff; } code { overflow-wrap: break-word; } .vp-doc [class*='language-']>button.copy { top: unset; bottom: 12px; } :root { --vp-font-family-mono: 'Nerd Font', source-code-pro, SFMono-Regular, 'SF Mono', Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace; --vp-c-brand-1: #9b0854; --vp-c-brand-2: #f31186; --vp-c-brand-3: #dd0b78; --vp-c-brand-soft: rgba(221, 11, 120, 0.14); /* The following colors were extracted from the dark variant of the default VitePress theme * Styled variables from: https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress/blob/main/src/client/theme-default/styles/vars.css#L319-L362 */ --vp-code-block-bg: #282c34; --vp-code-color: #282c34; --vp-code-block-divider-color: #000; --vp-code-lang-color: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.38); --vp-code-line-highlight-color: rgba(101, 117, 133, 0.16); --vp-code-line-number-color: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.38); --vp-code-copy-code-border-color: #2e2e32; --vp-code-copy-code-bg: #202127; --vp-code-copy-code-hover-border-color: #2e2e32; --vp-code-copy-code-hover-bg: #1b1b1f; --vp-code-copy-code-active-text: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.6); } .dark { --vp-c-brand-1: #ff70cd; --vp-c-brand-2: #ff14ad; --vp-c-brand-3: #ff33b8; --vp-c-brand-soft: rgba(255, 51, 184, 0.14); --vp-code-color: #fff; }