FROM rust # Create /src as root RUN mkdir /src && chmod -R a+w /src # Create non-root user RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash nonroot USER nonroot # Install Node.js ENV NODE_VERSION 12.0.0 ENV NVM_DIR /home/nonroot/.nvm ENV PATH $NVM_DIR/versions/node/v$NODE_VERSION/bin:$PATH RUN curl | bash # Check that Node.js was correctly installed RUN node --version # Install Go ENV GO_VERSION 1.12.1 ENV GOENV_ROOT /home/nonroot/.goenv ENV PATH $GOENV_ROOT/bin:$GOENV_ROOT/shims:$PATH RUN git clone $GOENV_ROOT \ && eval "$(goenv init -)" \ && goenv install $GO_VERSION \ && goenv global $GO_VERSION \ && chmod -R a+x $GOENV_ROOT # Check that Go was correctly installed RUN go version # Install Ruby ENV RUBY_VERSION 2.6.3 ENV RBENV_ROOT /home/nonroot/.rbenv ENV PATH $RBENV_ROOT/bin:$RBENV_ROOT/shims:$PATH RUN curl -fsSL | bash \ && rbenv install $RUBY_VERSION \ && rbenv global $RUBY_VERSION # Check that Ruby was correctly installed RUN ruby --version # Install Python ENV PYTHON_VERSION 3.6.9 ENV PYENV_ROOT /home/nonroot/.pyenv ENV PATH $PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PYENV_ROOT/shims:$PATH RUN curl | bash \ && pyenv install $PYTHON_VERSION \ && pyenv global $PYTHON_VERSION \ && chmod -R a+x $PYENV_ROOT # Check that Python was correctly installed RUN python --version # Install Java. ENV JAVA_HOME /home/nonroot/java ENV PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH ENV JAVA_URL RUN mkdir -p "$JAVA_HOME" RUN set -eux; \ curl -fL -o $JAVA_HOME/openjdk.tgz "$JAVA_URL"; \ tar --extract \ --file $JAVA_HOME/openjdk.tgz \ --directory "$JAVA_HOME" \ --strip-components 1 \ --no-same-owner RUN java -version && javac -version # Create blank project RUN USER=nonroot cargo new --bin /src/starship WORKDIR /src/starship # We want dependencies cached, so copy those first COPY ./Cargo.lock ./Cargo.lock COPY ./Cargo.toml ./Cargo.toml # Cargo.toml will fail to parse without my_benchmark RUN mkdir benches RUN touch benches/ # This is a dummy build to get dependencies cached RUN cargo build --release \ && rm -rf src target/debug/starship* # "-Z unstable-options" is required for "--include-ignored" CMD ["cargo", "test", "--", "-Z", "unstable-options", "--include-ignored"]