Starship – Cross-shell prompt

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Starship is the minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt for any shell!
The prompt shows information you need while you're working, while staying sleek and out of the way.

Starship with iTerm2 and the Snazzy theme

## 🍬 特性 - 当上一个命令以非 0 状态退出时,提示字符会变为红色 - 非当前登录用户的用户名 - 当前 Java 版本(`☕`) - 当前 Node.js 版本(`⬢`) - 当前 Rust 版本 (`🦀`) - 当前 Ruby 版本 (`💎`) - 当前 Python 版本 (`🐍`) - 当前 Go 版本 (`🐹`) - Nix-shell 环境检测 - 显示环境变量 - 当前目录下现在的包版本 (`📦`) - npm (Node.js) - cargo (Rust) - poetry (Python) - 当前电池剩余容量与状态 - 当前 Git 分支与一应俱全的仓库状态 - `=` — conflicting changes - `⇡` — ahead of remote branch - `⇣` — behind of remote branch - `⇕` — diverged changes - `?` — untracked changes - `$` — stashed changes - `!` — modified files - `+` — added files - `»` — renamed files - `✘` — deleted files - 如果超过设定阈值,上一个命令的执行时间 - 后台运行进程数的指示器 (`✦`) - 当前 Kubernetes Cluster 与 Namespace (`☸`) - Current AWS profile (`☁️`) ## 🚀 安装 ### 基础要求 - 安装有一个 [Powerline 字体]( (如 [Fira Code]( 并在您的终端启用 。 ### 入门 1. 安装 **starship** 二进制文件: 如果您不使用下面的平台,你可以**[下载预编译的可执行文件](** #### Homebrew ```sh $ brew install starship ``` #### Rust (v1.38 or higher) ```sh $ cargo install starship ``` #### Arch Linux (AUR) 你可以使用 `starship` 这个名称在 AUR 上找到 Starship。 使用 `yay`或您最喜欢的 AUR helper 安装它。 ```sh $ yay -S starship ``` #### Nix (unstable) ```sh $ nix-env --install starship ``` #### Termux ```sh $ pkg install starship ``` #### Other x86-64 Linux Platforms Download a prebuilt binary and place in /usr/local/bin/ ```sh $ wget -q --show-progress $ tar xvf starship-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz $ sudo mv starship /usr/local/bin/ ``` 1. 将初始化脚本添加到您的 shell 的配置文件: #### Bash 在 `~/.bashhrc` 的最后,添加以下内容: ```sh # ~/.bashrc eval "$(starship init bash)" ``` #### Fish 在 `~/.config/fish/` 的最后,添加以下内容: ```sh # ~/.config/fish/ starship init fish | source ``` #### Zsh 在 `~/.zshrc` 的最后,添加以下内容: ```sh # ~/.zshrc eval "$(starship init zsh)" ``` #### Powershell Add the following to the end of `~\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1` (or `~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1` on -Nix): ```sh # ~\Documents\PowerShell\Profile.ps1 Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell) ``` ## 🔧 配置 For details on how to configure Starship, check out our [documentation]( ## 🤝 贡献 We are always looking for contributors of **all skill levels**! If you're looking to ease your way into the project, try out a [good first issue](🌱%20good%20first%20issue). ### 急需 - 👩‍💼 **项目经理** - 我们有一个GitHub项目,有许多未经整理或没有被置于优先地位的新功能,还有许多想法没有被列入 issues。 我们需要人来为项目发展方向指路! - 👩‍🎨 **设计师** - 想制作吸引人的网站吗? 太棒了! 我们正想要制作一个漂亮的主页,以彰显 Starship 的与众不同。 帮助设计 Starship 的品牌是尝试你新点子的一个巨大机会! - 👩‍💻 **Rust 开发者** - 我们需要符合语言习惯的,高效的代码,需要性能优化与跨平台编译优化……你可以在这里收获_大量_的成果! 我 ([@matchai]( 是一枚 Rust 新手. 快来为我们指点迷津! If you are interested in helping contribute to starship, please take a look at our [Contributing Guide]( Also, feel free to drop into our [Discord server]( and say hi. 👋 ### 贡献者 Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
Matan Kushner
Matan Kushner

💻 🎨 🤔 🚇 🚧 👀 ⚠️
John Letey
John Letey

💻 🤔 👀 ⚠️
Tim Mulqueen
Tim Mulqueen

💻 🤔 👀 ⚠️
Tiffany Le-Nguyen
Tiffany Le-Nguyen

🤔 🚧 👀 📖

🎨 🤔 🚧 👀
Ryan Leckey
Ryan Leckey

Youssef Habri
Youssef Habri

Kevin Song
Kevin Song

🐛 💻 📖 ⚠️
Andrew Dassonville
Andrew Dassonville

🐛 💻

💻 📖 ⚠️
André Zanellato
André Zanellato

💻 📖 ⚠️
Saghm Rossi
Saghm Rossi

💻 📖 ⚠️
Shu Kutsuzawa
Shu Kutsuzawa

💻 📖 ⚠️ 🌍
Saurav Sharma
Saurav Sharma

💻 📖
Thomas O'Donnell
Thomas O'Donnell

💻 ⚠️ 📖 👀
Bruno Bigras
Bruno Bigras

💻 👀
Neil Kistner
Neil Kistner

💻 ⚠️ 👀
Quinn Strahl
Quinn Strahl

💻 ⚠️
Titouan Vervack
Titouan Vervack

💻 ⚠️
Francisco Lopes
Francisco Lopes

Andrew Houts
Andrew Houts

💻 📖 ⚠️
Nick Young
Nick Young

💻 📖 ⚠️ 👀
Gabriel de Perthuis
Gabriel de Perthuis


Yuji Ueki
Yuji Ueki

🖋 🌍

💻 📖 🌍 👀
Kutsuzawa Ryo
Kutsuzawa Ryo

👀 💻 ⚠️ 🌍

Kuba Clark
Kuba Clark

💻 📖 ⚠️

💻 ⚠️ 📖
Tom Hotston
Tom Hotston

💻 📖
Bijan Chokoufe Nejad
Bijan Chokoufe Nejad

💻 ⚠️ 👀

💻 📖 ⚠️

Ryo Yamashita
Ryo Yamashita

Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee


Barnaby Keene
Barnaby Keene

Keith Wade
Keith Wade

💻 ⚠️

Zach Mertes
Zach Mertes

💻 📖 ⚠️
David Knaack
David Knaack

💻 📖 ⚠️
Carl Summers
Carl Summers

This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! ## 💭该项目受以下项目启发 Please check out these previous works that helped inspire the creation of starship. 🙏 - **[denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt](** - A ZSH prompt for astronauts. - **[denysdovhan/robbyrussell-node](** - Cross-shell robbyrussell theme written in JavaScript. - **[reujab/silver](** - A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons.

Starship rocket icon

## 📝 License Copyright © 2019-present, [Starship Contributors](
This project is [ISC]( licensed.