mirror of https://github.com/Llewellynvdm/starship.git synced 2025-02-11 00:18:43 +00:00
Tobias Bieniek 9a1569444b refactor: ModuleConfig: Simplify generated from_config() implementations (#775)
We can use `and_then()` to string `Option` values together so that we only need a single `?` assertion. This makes it generally possible to have e.g. `unwrap_or()` at the end.
2019-12-23 10:12:21 -05:00

77 lines
2.5 KiB

extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};
pub fn derive_module_config(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let dinput = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
fn impl_module_config(dinput: DeriveInput) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let struct_ident = &dinput.ident;
let (_impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = dinput.generics.split_for_impl();
let mut from_config = quote! {};
let mut load_config = quote! {};
if let syn::Data::Struct(data) = dinput.data {
if let syn::Fields::Named(fields_named) = data.fields {
let mut load_tokens = quote! {};
let mut from_tokens = quote! {};
for field in fields_named.named.iter() {
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ty = &field.ty;
let new_load_tokens = quote! {
if let Some(config_str) = config.get(stringify!(#ident)) {
new_module_config.#ident = new_module_config.#ident.load_config(config_str);
let new_from_tokens = quote! {
#ident: config.get(stringify!(#ident)).and_then(<#ty>::from_config)?,
load_tokens = quote! {
from_tokens = quote! {
load_config = quote! {
fn load_config(&self, config: &'a toml::Value) -> Self {
let mut new_module_config = self.clone();
if let toml::Value::Table(config) = config {
from_config = quote! {
fn from_config(config: &'a toml::Value) -> Option<Self> {
let config = config.as_table()?;
Some(#struct_ident {
TokenStream::from(quote! {
impl<'a> ModuleConfig<'a> for #struct_ident #ty_generics #where_clause {