mirror of https://github.com/Llewellynvdm/starship.git synced 2024-05-29 06:30:52 +00:00
Tilmann Meyer 2233683410
feat: add error messaging (#1576)
This creates a custom logger for the log crate which logs everything to a file (/tmp/starship/session_$STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY.log) and it logs everything above Warn to stderr, but only if the log file does not contain the line that should be logged resulting in an error or warning to be only logged at the first starship invocation after opening the shell.
2020-09-28 16:38:50 -04:00

236 lines
6.7 KiB

use super::{Context, Module, RootModuleConfig};
use crate::configs::cmd_duration::CmdDurationConfig;
use crate::formatter::StringFormatter;
/// Outputs the time it took the last command to execute
/// Will only print if last command took more than a certain amount of time to
/// execute. Default is two seconds, but can be set by config option `min_time`.
pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option<Module<'a>> {
let mut module = context.new_module("cmd_duration");
let config: CmdDurationConfig = CmdDurationConfig::try_load(module.config);
if config.min_time < 0 {
"min_time in [cmd_duration] ({}) was less than zero",
return None;
let elapsed = context.get_cmd_duration()?;
let config_min = config.min_time as u128;
if elapsed < config_min {
return None;
let parsed = StringFormatter::new(config.format).and_then(|formatter| {
.map_style(|variable| match variable {
"style" => Some(Ok(config.style)),
_ => None,
.map(|variable| match variable {
"duration" => Some(Ok(render_time(elapsed, config.show_milliseconds))),
_ => None,
module.set_segments(match parsed {
Ok(segments) => segments,
Err(error) => {
log::warn!("Error in module `cmd_duration`: \n{}", error);
return None;
Some(undistract_me(module, &config, elapsed))
// Render the time into a nice human-readable string
fn render_time(raw_millis: u128, show_millis: bool) -> String {
// Calculate a simple breakdown into days/hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds
let (millis, raw_seconds) = (raw_millis % 1000, raw_millis / 1000);
let (seconds, raw_minutes) = (raw_seconds % 60, raw_seconds / 60);
let (minutes, raw_hours) = (raw_minutes % 60, raw_minutes / 60);
let (hours, days) = (raw_hours % 24, raw_hours / 24);
let components = [days, hours, minutes, seconds];
let suffixes = ["d", "h", "m", "s"];
let mut rendered_components: Vec<String> = components
if show_millis || raw_millis < 1000 {
rendered_components.push(render_time_component((&millis, &"ms")));
/// Render a single component of the time string, giving an empty string if component is zero
fn render_time_component((component, suffix): (&u128, &&str)) -> String {
match component {
0 => String::new(),
n => format!("{}{}", n, suffix),
#[cfg(not(feature = "notify-rust"))]
fn undistract_me<'a, 'b>(
module: Module<'a>,
config: &'b CmdDurationConfig,
_elapsed: u128,
) -> Module<'a> {
if config.show_notifications {
log::debug!("This version of starship was built without notification support.");
#[cfg(feature = "notify-rust")]
fn undistract_me<'a, 'b>(
module: Module<'a>,
config: &'b CmdDurationConfig,
elapsed: u128,
) -> Module<'a> {
use ansi_term::{unstyle, ANSIStrings};
use notify_rust::{Notification, Timeout};
if config.show_notifications && config.min_time_to_notify as u128 <= elapsed {
let body = format!(
"Command execution {}",
let mut notification = Notification::new();
.summary("Command finished")
if let Err(err) = notification.show() {
log::trace!("Cannot show notification: {}", err);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::test::ModuleRenderer;
use ansi_term::Color;
use std::io;
fn test_500ms() {
assert_eq!(render_time(500 as u128, true), "500ms")
fn test_10s() {
assert_eq!(render_time(10_000 as u128, true), "10s")
fn test_90s() {
assert_eq!(render_time(90_000 as u128, true), "1m30s")
fn test_10110s() {
assert_eq!(render_time(10_110_000 as u128, true), "2h48m30s")
fn test_1d() {
assert_eq!(render_time(86_400_000 as u128, true), "1d")
fn config_blank_duration_1s() -> io::Result<()> {
let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration")
let expected = None;
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn config_blank_duration_5s() -> io::Result<()> {
let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration")
let expected = Some(format!("took {} ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("5s")));
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn config_5s_duration_3s() -> io::Result<()> {
let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration")
.config(toml::toml! {
min_time = 5000
let expected = None;
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn config_5s_duration_10s() -> io::Result<()> {
let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration")
.config(toml::toml! {
min_time = 5000
let expected = Some(format!("took {} ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("10s")));
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn config_1s_duration_prefix_underwent() -> io::Result<()> {
let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration")
.config(toml::toml! {
format = "underwent [$duration]($style) "
let expected = None;
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn config_5s_duration_prefix_underwent() -> io::Result<()> {
let actual = ModuleRenderer::new("cmd_duration")
.config(toml::toml! {
format = "underwent [$duration]($style) "
let expected = Some(format!("underwent {} ", Color::Yellow.bold().paint("5s")));
assert_eq!(expected, actual);