mirror of https://github.com/Llewellynvdm/starship.git synced 2024-06-04 01:20:51 +00:00
Tilmann Meyer 2233683410
feat: add error messaging (#1576)
This creates a custom logger for the log crate which logs everything to a file (/tmp/starship/session_$STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY.log) and it logs everything above Warn to stderr, but only if the log file does not contain the line that should be logged resulting in an error or warning to be only logged at the first starship invocation after opening the shell.
2020-09-28 16:38:50 -04:00

368 lines
13 KiB

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Result};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;
use crate::context::Shell;
/// Return the string contents of a file
pub fn read_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(file_name: P) -> Result<String> {
let mut file = File::open(file_name)?;
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data)?;
pub struct CommandOutput {
pub stdout: String,
pub stderr: String,
impl PartialEq for CommandOutput {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.stdout == other.stdout && self.stderr == other.stderr
/// Execute a command and return the output on stdout and stderr if successful
pub fn exec_cmd(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Option<CommandOutput> {
internal_exec_cmd(&cmd, &args)
pub fn exec_cmd(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Option<CommandOutput> {
let command = match args.len() {
0 => String::from(cmd),
_ => format!("{} {}", cmd, args.join(" ")),
match command.as_str() {
"crystal --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(
Crystal 0.35.1 (2020-06-19)
LLVM: 10.0.0
Default target: x86_64-apple-macosx\n",
stderr: String::default(),
"dart --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::default(),
stderr: String::from(
"Dart VM version: 2.8.4 (stable) (Wed Jun 3 12:26:04 2020 +0200) on \"macos_x64\"",
"dummy_command" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("stdout ok!\n"),
stderr: String::from("stderr ok!\n"),
"elixir --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Elixir 1.10 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 22)\n",
stderr: String::default(),
"elm --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("0.19.1\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"go version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("go version go1.12.1 linux/amd64\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"helm version --short --client" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("v3.1.1+gafe7058\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
s if s.ends_with("java -Xinternalversion") => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (13.0.2+8) for bsd-amd64 JRE (13.0.2+8), built on Feb 6 2020 02:07:52 by \"brew\" with clang 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)"),
stderr: String::default(),
"julia --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("julia version 1.4.0\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"nim --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(
Nim Compiler Version 1.2.0 [Linux: amd64]
Compiled at 2020-04-03
Copyright (c) 2006-2020 by Andreas Rumpf
git hash: 7e83adff84be5d0c401a213eccb61e321a3fb1ff
active boot switches: -d:release\n",
stderr: String::default(),
"node --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("v12.0.0\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"ocaml -vnum" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("4.10.0\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"esy ocaml -vnum" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("4.08.1\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"perl -e printf q#%vd#,$^V;" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("5.26.1"),
stderr: String::default(),
Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("7.3.8"),
stderr: String::default(),
"purs --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("0.13.5\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"pyenv version-name" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("system\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"python --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::default(),
stderr: String::from("Python 2.7.17\n"),
"python3 --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("Python 3.8.0\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"ruby -v" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux-gnu]\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"swift --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(
Apple Swift version 5.2.2 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.6 clang-1103.0.32.51)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.4.0\n",
stderr: String::default(),
"zig version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("0.6.0\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
"cmake --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(
cmake version 3.17.3
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com/cmake).\n",
stderr: String::default(),
"dotnet --version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("3.1.103"),
stderr: String::default(),
"dotnet --list-sdks" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("3.1.103 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]"),
stderr: String::default(),
"terraform version" => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("Terraform v0.12.14\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
s if s.starts_with("erl -noshell -eval") => Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("22.1.3\n"),
stderr: String::default(),
// If we don't have a mocked command fall back to executing the command
_ => internal_exec_cmd(&cmd, &args),
/// Wraps ANSI color escape sequences in the shell-appropriate wrappers.
pub fn wrap_colorseq_for_shell(ansi: String, shell: Shell) -> String {
const ESCAPE_BEGIN: char = '\u{1b}';
const ESCAPE_END: char = 'm';
wrap_seq_for_shell(ansi, shell, ESCAPE_BEGIN, ESCAPE_END)
/// Many shells cannot deal with raw unprintable characters and miscompute the cursor position,
/// leading to strange visual bugs like duplicated/missing chars. This function wraps a specified
/// sequence in shell-specific escapes to avoid these problems.
pub fn wrap_seq_for_shell(
ansi: String,
shell: Shell,
escape_begin: char,
escape_end: char,
) -> String {
const BASH_BEG: &str = "\u{5c}\u{5b}"; // \[
const BASH_END: &str = "\u{5c}\u{5d}"; // \]
const ZSH_BEG: &str = "\u{25}\u{7b}"; // %{
const ZSH_END: &str = "\u{25}\u{7d}"; // %}
// ANSI escape codes cannot be nested, so we can keep track of whether we're
// in an escape or not with a single boolean variable
let mut escaped = false;
let final_string: String = ansi
.map(|x| {
if x == escape_begin && !escaped {
escaped = true;
match shell {
Shell::Bash => format!("{}{}", BASH_BEG, escape_begin),
Shell::Zsh => format!("{}{}", ZSH_BEG, escape_begin),
_ => x.to_string(),
} else if x == escape_end && escaped {
escaped = false;
match shell {
Shell::Bash => format!("{}{}", escape_end, BASH_END),
Shell::Zsh => format!("{}{}", escape_end, ZSH_END),
_ => x.to_string(),
} else {
fn internal_exec_cmd(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Option<CommandOutput> {
log::trace!("Executing command {:?} with args {:?}", cmd, args);
match Command::new(cmd).args(args).output() {
Ok(output) => {
let stdout_string = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap();
let stderr_string = String::from_utf8(output.stderr).unwrap();
log::trace!("stdout: {:?}", stdout_string);
log::trace!("stderr: {:?}", stderr_string);
log::trace!("exit code: \"{:?}\"", output.status.code());
if !output.status.success() {
return None;
Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: stdout_string,
stderr: stderr_string,
Err(error) => {
log::warn!("Executing command {:?} failed by: {:?}", cmd, error);
#[cfg(not(windows))] // While the exec_cmd should work on Windows these tests assume a Unix-like environment.
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn exec_mocked_command() {
let result = exec_cmd("dummy_command", &[]);
let expected = Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("stdout ok!\n"),
stderr: String::from("stderr ok!\n"),
assert_eq!(result, expected)
fn exec_no_output() {
let result = internal_exec_cmd("true", &[]);
let expected = Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(""),
stderr: String::from(""),
assert_eq!(result, expected)
fn exec_with_output_stdout() {
let result = internal_exec_cmd("/bin/sh", &["-c", "echo hello"]);
let expected = Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("hello\n"),
stderr: String::from(""),
assert_eq!(result, expected)
fn exec_with_output_stderr() {
let result = internal_exec_cmd("/bin/sh", &["-c", "echo hello >&2"]);
let expected = Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from(""),
stderr: String::from("hello\n"),
assert_eq!(result, expected)
fn exec_with_output_both() {
let result = internal_exec_cmd("/bin/sh", &["-c", "echo hello; echo world >&2"]);
let expected = Some(CommandOutput {
stdout: String::from("hello\n"),
stderr: String::from("world\n"),
assert_eq!(result, expected)
fn exec_with_non_zero_exit_code() {
let result = internal_exec_cmd("false", &[]);
let expected = None;
assert_eq!(result, expected)
fn test_color_sequence_wrappers() {
let test0 = "\x1b2mhellomynamekeyes\x1b2m"; // BEGIN: \x1b END: m
let test1 = "\x1b]330;mlol\x1b]0m"; // BEGIN: \x1b END: m
let test2 = "\u{1b}J"; // BEGIN: \x1b END: J
let test3 = "OH NO"; // BEGIN: O END: O
let test4 = "herpaderp";
let test5 = "";
let zresult0 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test0.to_string(), Shell::Zsh, '\x1b', 'm');
let zresult1 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test1.to_string(), Shell::Zsh, '\x1b', 'm');
let zresult2 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test2.to_string(), Shell::Zsh, '\x1b', 'J');
let zresult3 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test3.to_string(), Shell::Zsh, 'O', 'O');
let zresult4 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test4.to_string(), Shell::Zsh, '\x1b', 'm');
let zresult5 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test5.to_string(), Shell::Zsh, '\x1b', 'm');
assert_eq!(&zresult0, "%{\x1b2m%}hellomynamekeyes%{\x1b2m%}");
assert_eq!(&zresult1, "%{\x1b]330;m%}lol%{\x1b]0m%}");
assert_eq!(&zresult2, "%{\x1bJ%}");
assert_eq!(&zresult3, "%{OH NO%}");
assert_eq!(&zresult4, "herpaderp");
assert_eq!(&zresult5, "");
let bresult0 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test0.to_string(), Shell::Bash, '\x1b', 'm');
let bresult1 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test1.to_string(), Shell::Bash, '\x1b', 'm');
let bresult2 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test2.to_string(), Shell::Bash, '\x1b', 'J');
let bresult3 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test3.to_string(), Shell::Bash, 'O', 'O');
let bresult4 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test4.to_string(), Shell::Bash, '\x1b', 'm');
let bresult5 = wrap_seq_for_shell(test5.to_string(), Shell::Bash, '\x1b', 'm');
assert_eq!(&bresult0, "\\[\x1b2m\\]hellomynamekeyes\\[\x1b2m\\]");
assert_eq!(&bresult1, "\\[\x1b]330;m\\]lol\\[\x1b]0m\\]");
assert_eq!(&bresult2, "\\[\x1bJ\\]");
assert_eq!(&bresult3, "\\[OH NO\\]");
assert_eq!(&bresult4, "herpaderp");
assert_eq!(&bresult5, "");