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// Expression
// The expression of the format string.
// Should be started with SOI and ended with EOI, with a format string in it.
expression = _{ SOI ~ value* ~ EOI }
value = _{ text | variable | textgroup | conditional }
// Variable
// A variable is defined as one of the following:
// - A valid variable name followed by a `$` character (`$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`),
// e.g. `$variable`.
// - Some texts wrapped in a curly bracket (`${[^\(\)\[\]\\\${}]+}`),
// e.g. `${env:HOST}`.
variable = { "$" ~ (variable_name | variable_scope) }
variable_name = @{ ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | "_") ~ char* }
char = _{ 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | "_" }
variable_scope = _{ "{" ~ variable_scoped_name ~ "}" }
variable_scoped_name = { scoped_char+ }
scoped_char = _{ !(escaped_char | "{" | "}") ~ ANY }
// Text
// Texts can be one of `string` or `escaped_char`, where string is one or more of
// unescapable chars.
// This is implemented so as to ensure all functional characters are escaped.
text = { (string | escape)+ }
string = @{ text_inner_char+ }
text_inner_char = { !escaped_char ~ ANY }
escape = _{ "\\" ~ escaped_char }
escaped_char = { "[" | "]" | "(" | ")" | "\\" | "$" }
// TextGroup
// A textgroup is a pair of `format` and `style` (`[format](style)`)
// - `format`: A format string, can contain any number of variables, texts or textgroups.
// - `style`: A style string, can contain any number of variables or texts.
textgroup = { "[" ~ format ~ "]" ~ "(" ~ style ~ ")" }
format = { value* }
style = { (variable | string)* }
// Conditional
// A conditional format string that won't render if all the containing variables are empty.
conditional = { "(" ~ format ~ ")" }