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Matan Kushner e29140a3cd
docs(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#1262)
* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (German)

* New translations README.md (French)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations README.md (Russian)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (French)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (German)

* New translations README.md (Russian)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (French)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (German)

* New translations README.md (Russian)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (French)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (German)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations README.md (Russian)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations README.md (Portuguese, Brazilian)

* New translations README.md (French)

* New translations README.md (French)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (Spanish)

* New translations README.md (German)

* New translations README.md (German)

* New translations README.md (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Russian)

* New translations README.md (Russian)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)

* New translations README.md (Japanese)
2020-06-10 21:28:04 -04:00
README.md docs(i18n): new Crowdin translations (#1262) 2020-06-10 21:28:04 -04:00


::: tip

Starship 目前正在开发中。 很多新的配置选项将会在之后的版本中被公开。


您需要创建配置文件 ~/.config/starship.toml 以供 Starship 使用。

$ mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml

Starship 的所有配置都在此 TOML 配置文件中完成:

# 不用在提示符的开始换行
add_newline = false

# 将提示符标志由“❯”换成“➜”
[character]      # 正在配置的组件名称是“character”
symbol = "➜"     # “symbol”字段被设置为 "➜"

# 禁用 package 组件,它不会在提示符中被显示出来
disabled = true

你可以设置环境变量 STARSHIP_CONFIG 来修改 starship 查找配置文件 starship.toml 时查找的位置:

export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/.starship

Equivalently in PowerShell (Windows) would be adding this line to your $PROFILE:



组件Module:提示符的组成部分,通过来自系统的上下文信息向用户显示各种信息。 比如“nodejs”组件会在当前目录是一个 NodeJS 项目时显示您当前安装的 NodeJS 版本。

字段Segment:组成组件的下级单位。 例如“nodejs”组件中的“symbol”字段包含了在版本号之前显示的字符默认为 ⬢)。

以下定义了整个 node 组件的显示格式。 在下面这个例子里“symbol”和“version”是其中的字段。 每一个组件都有一个以终端默认颜色显示的前缀prefix和后缀suffix

[prefix]      [symbol]     [version]    [suffix]
 "via "         "⬢"        "v10.4.1"       ""


Starship 中的大多数组件允许您为其设置显示样式。 显示样式可以通过一个字符串字段(一般是 style)来设置。 以下的例子给出了一些样式字符串并描述了它们的效果。 样式字符串的完整语法请查阅 高级配置指南

  • "fg:green bg:blue" 在蓝色背景上显示绿色文本
  • "bg:blue fg:bright-green" 在蓝色背景上显示亮绿色文本
  • "bold fg:27" 设置粗体字,用 27 号 ANSI 标准色
  • "underline bg:#bf5700" 在深橙色背景上显示带下划线文本
  • "bold italic fg:purple" 设置文本为粗体、意大利体,颜色为紫色
  • "" 显式禁用所有样式

请注意,最终的显示样式将由您的终端模拟器控制。 例如有的终端模拟器对于“bold”属性的文本是加亮颜色而不是加粗文字有的颜色主题对“普通”和“明亮”两种属性的颜色使用相同的颜色值。 此外,要获得意大利体文本(一般设计为斜体),您的终端必须支持意大利体显示。




字段 默认值 描述
add_newline true 在提示符与提示信息间换行。
prompt_order 见下文 配置各组件在提示信息中出现的顺序。
scan_timeout 30 Starship 扫描文件的超时时间(单位:毫秒)。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

# 不用在提示符前换行
add_newline = false
# 使用自定义的组件顺序替换默认组件顺序
# 当 starship 扫描当前目录下的文件和文件夹时,最多使用 10 毫秒
scan_timeout = 10


如果 prompt_order 是空值或未设置,提示信息中组件的显示顺序会设置为 prompt_order 的默认值。 默认设置如下:

prompt_order = [


aws 组件显示当前 AWS 主机所在区域与配置信息。 各组件基于 AWS_REGIONAWS_DEFAULT_REGIONAWS_PROFILE 环境变量与 ~/.aws/config 文件。

When using aws-vault the profile is read from the AWS_VAULT env var.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "☁️ " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 AWS 配置信息之前。
displayed_items all 选择要显示的字段。 可能的值有: [all, profile, region]
region_aliases 地区缩写列表,用来显示在 AWS 主机名之后。
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 AWS 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = "bold blue"
symbol = "🅰 "
displayed_items = "region"
ap-southeast-2 = "au"
us-east-1 = "va"


battery 组件显示电池充电情况和当前充电状态。 这个组件只会在当前电量低于 10% 时显示。


字段 默认值 描述
full_symbol "•" 显示于电池充满时。
charging_symbol "⇡" 显示于正在充电时。
discharging_symbol "⇣" 显示于电池放电时。
display 见下文 电量显示阈值和样式。
disabled false 禁用 battery 组件。
字段 描述
unknown_symbol 显示于电池状态未知时
empty_symbol 显示于电池状态为空时

注意:如果状态为 unknownempty,电池指示器将被隐藏,除非您在配置中指定相关选项。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

full_symbol = "🔋"
charging_symbol = "⚡️"
discharging_symbol = "💀"

Battery 组件的显示

display 选项用于定义电池指示器的显示阈值threshold和显示效果style。 如果 display 没有设置, 默认设置如下:

threshold = 10
style = "bold red"


display 字段的子字段如下:

字段 描述
threshold 当前显示设置的电量上限(见示例)
style 若组件被显示,则使用此样式


[[battery.display]]  # 当电量在 0% 到 10% 时以 "bold red" 样式显示
threshold = 10
style = "bold red"

[[battery.display]]  # 当电量在 10% 到 30% 时以 "bold yellow" 样式显示
threshold = 30
style = "bold yellow"

# 当电量在 30% 时以上时,电池指示器组件将不会显示出来


character 组件用于在您输入终端的文本旁显示一个字符(通常是一个箭头)。

这个字符可以告诉您最后一个命令是否执行成功。 它可以用两种方式完成这一功能:改变字符颜色(红色/绿色)或者改变其形状(❯/✖)。 后者仅在 use_symbol_for_status 设置为 true 时才能实现。


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "" 提示符中在输入文本之前显示的符号。
error_symbol "✖" 如果上一条命令失败,提示符中在输入文本之前显示的符号。
use_symbol_for_status false 指示是否改变显示符号来指出错误状态。
vicmd_symbol "" 如果 shell 处于 vim 的 normal 模式,提示符中在输入文本之前显示的符号。
style_success "bold green" 上次命令成功时使用的样式。
style_failure "bold red" 上次命令失败时使用的样式。
disabled false 禁用 character 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "➜"
error_symbol = "✗"
use_symbol_for_status = true

Command Duration

cmd_duration 组件显示上一个命令执行的时间。 此组件只在命令执行时间长于两秒时显示,或者当其 min_time 字段被设置时,按此值为执行时间的显示下限。

::: warning 不要在 Bash 里捕获 DEBUG 信号

如果您正在 bash 上使用 Starship在运行 eval $(starship) 后,不要捕获 DEBUG 信号,否则此组件将会坏掉。


需要在自动每一条命令前执行某些操作的 Bash 用户可以使用 rcaloras 的 bash_preexec 框架。 只需要在执行 eval $(starship init $0) 前简单地定义 preexec_functionsprecmd_functions 两个列表,就可以照常运行了。


字段 默认值 描述
min_time 2_000 显示此组件所需的最短执行时长(单位:毫秒)。
show_milliseconds false 除了秒数外在执行时长中额外显示毫秒。
prefix took 直接在执行时长前显示的前缀。
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 cmd_duration 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

min_time = 500
prefix = "underwent "


conda 组件在 $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV 被设置时显示当前 conda 环境。

::: tip

此组件没有禁用 conda 自带的提示符修改,您可能需要执行 conda config --set changeps1 False



字段 默认值 描述
truncation_length 1 如果这个 conda 环境是通过 conda create -p [path] 创建的,环境路径的目录深度应该被截断到此数量。 0 表示不用截断。 另请参阅 directory 组件。
symbol "C " 在环境名之前显示的符号。
style "bold green" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 conda 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = "dimmed green"


The crystal module shows the currently installed version of Crystal. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • 当前目录包含一个 shard.yml 文件
  • The current directory contains a .cr file


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🔮 " The symbol used before displaying the version of crystal.
style "bold red" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the crystal module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "✨ "
style = "bold blue"


directory 组件显示当前目录的路径,显示的路径会截断到三个父目录以内。 如果您处于一个 git 仓库中,显示的路径则最多会截断到该仓库的根目录。

当使用 fish 风格的当前目录显示样式时,您会看到基于您的设置的每个上级目录的短名称,而不是隐藏被截断的上级目录。

例如,对于 ~/Dev/Nix/nixpkgs/pkgs,其中 nixpkgs 是 git 仓库根目录fish 风格相关选项设置为 1。 您将会看到 ~/D/N/nixpkgs/pkgs,而在设置 fish 风格之前,当前路径将显示成 nixpkgs/pkgs


字段 默认值 描述
truncation_length 3 当前目录路径被截断后最多保留的父目录数量。
truncate_to_repo true 是否只截断到您当前处于的 git 仓库根目录下。
prefix "in " 直接在显示路径前显示的前缀。
style "bold cyan" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 directory 组件。
字段 默认值 描述
substitutions A table of substitutions to be made to the path.
fish_style_pwd_dir_length 0 The number of characters to use when applying fish shell pwd path logic.
use_logical_path true Displays the logical path provided by the shell (PWD) instead of the path from the OS.

substitutions allows you to define arbitrary replacements for literal strings that occur in the path, for example long network prefixes or development directories (i.e. Java). Note that this will disable the fish style PWD.

"/Volumes/network/path" = "/net"
"src/com/long/java/path" = "mypath"

fish_style_pwd_dir_length interacts with the standard truncation options in a way that can be surprising at first: if it's non-zero, the components of the path that would normally be truncated are instead displayed with that many characters. For example, the path /built/this/city/on/rock/and/roll, which would normally be displayed as as rock/and/roll, would be displayed as /b/t/c/o/rock/and/roll with fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1--the path components that would normally be removed are displayed with a single character. For fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 2, it would be /bu/th/ci/on/rock/and/roll.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

truncation_length = 8

Docker Context

The docker_context module shows the currently active Docker context if it's not set to default.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🐳 " The symbol used before displaying the Docker context .
only_with_files false Only show when there's a docker-compose.yml or Dockerfile in the current directory.
style "bold blue" 此组件的样式。
disabled true Disables the docker_context module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🐋 "


The dotnet module shows the relevant version of the .NET Core SDK for the current directory. If the SDK has been pinned in the current directory, the pinned version is shown. Otherwise the module shows the latest installed version of the SDK.

This module will only be shown in your prompt when one of the following files are present in the current directory: global.json, project.json, *.sln, *.csproj, *.fsproj, *.xproj. You'll also need the .NET Core command-line tools installed in order to use it correctly.

Internally, this module uses its own mechanism for version detection. Typically it is twice as fast as running dotnet --version, but it may show an incorrect version if your .NET project has an unusual directory layout. If accuracy is more important than speed, you can disable the mechanism by setting heuristic = false in the module options.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "•NET " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 .NET 版本之前。
heuristic true 使用更快的版本探测机制以保证 starship 的运行速度。
style "bold blue" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 dotnet 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🥅 "
style = "green"
heuristic = false


The elixir module shows the currently installed version of Elixir and Erlang/OTP. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • 当前目录包含一个 mix.exs 文件.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "💧 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Elixir/Erlang.
style "bold purple" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the elixir module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🔮 "


The elm module shows the currently installed version of Elm. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • 当前目录包含一个 elm.json 文件
  • 当前目录包含 elm-package.json 文件
  • The current directory contains a .elm-version file
  • The current directory contains a elm-stuff folder
  • The current directory contains a *.elm files


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🌳 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Elm.
style "bold cyan" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the elm module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = " "

Environment Variable

The env_var module displays the current value of a selected environment variable. The module will be shown only if any of the following conditions are met:

  • 设置的 variable 是一个已存在的环境变量
  • 未定义 variable,但定义了 default


字段 默认值 描述
symbol 这个字段的内容会显示在环境变量值之前。
variable 要显示的环境变量。
default 所选变量未定义时显示的默认值。
prefix "" 直接在显示环境变量值前显示的前缀。
suffix "" 直接在显示环境变量值后显示的后缀。
style "dimmed bold black" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 env_var 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

variable = "SHELL"
default = "unknown shell"


The erlang module shows the currently installed version of Erlang/OTP. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • 当前目录包含一个 rebar.config 文件.
  • 当前目录包含一个 erlang.mk 文件.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🖧 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Erlang.
style bold red The style for this module.
disabled false Disables the erlang module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "e "

Git Branch

The git_branch module shows the active branch of the repo in your current directory.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol " " 该字段的内容显示于当前仓库活动分支名之前。
truncation_length 2^63 - 1 将显示的分支名截断到该数量的字素graphemes
truncation_symbol "…" 此字段的内容用来表示分支名称被截断。 您可以使用 "" 以不显示任何符号。
style "bold purple" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 git_branch 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🌱 "
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ""

Git Commit

The git_commit module shows the current commit hash of the repo in your current directory.


字段 默认值 描述
commit_hash_length 7 显示的 git 提交哈希值的长度。
prefix "(" 直接在 git 提交哈希值前显示的前缀。
suffix ")" 直接在 git 提交哈希值后显示的后缀。
style "bold green" 此组件的样式。
only_detached true Only show git commit hash when in detached HEAD state
disabled false 禁用 git_commit 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

commit_hash_length = 4

Git State

The git_state module will show in directories which are part of a git repository, and where there is an operation in progress, such as: REBASING, BISECTING, etc. If there is progress information (e.g., REBASING 3/10), that information will be shown too.


字段 默认值 描述
rebase "REBASING" rebase 时显示的文本。
merge "MERGING" merge 时显示的文本。
revert "REVERTING" revert 时显示的文本。
cherry_pick "CHERRY-PICKING" cherry-pick 时显示的文本。
bisect "BISECTING" bisect 时显示的文本。
am "AM" 正在执行 apply-mailboxgit am)时显示的文本。
am_or_rebase "AM/REBASE" 当无法分辨正在执行的是 apply-mailbox 还是 rebase 时显示的文本。
progress_divider "/" 将当前进度与总进度分开的符号或文本。 (例如,设置为 " of " 时效果是 "3 of 10"
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 git_state 模块


# ~/.config/starship.toml

progress_divider = " of "
cherry_pick = "🍒 PICKING"

Git Status

The git_status module shows symbols representing the state of the repo in your current directory.


字段 默认值 描述
conflicted "=" 这个分支有合并冲突。
conflicted_count 见下文 显示冲突数量,设置冲突数量的显示样式。
ahead "⇡" 这个分支领先于正在跟踪的分支。
behind "⇣" 这个分支落后于正在跟踪的分支。
diverged "⇕" 这个分支与正在跟踪的分支有分歧。
untracked "?" 工作目录中有未跟踪的文件。
untracked_count 见下文 显示未跟踪文件的数量,设置该数量的显示样式。
stashed "$" 本地 git 仓库中存在一个 stash 快照。
stashed_count 见下文 显示 stash 快照数量,设置快照数量的显示样式。
modified "!" 工作目录中有文件修改。
modified_count 见下文 显示修改文件的数量,设置该数量的显示样式。
staged "+" 一个新文件被添加到了暂存区staging area
staged_count 见下文 显示暂存区中文件数量,设置该数量的显示样式。
renamed "»" 一个重命名的文件被添加到了暂存区。
renamed_count 见下文 显示重命名文件的数量,设置该数量的显示样式。
deleted "✘" 一个文件的删除记录被添加到了暂存区。
deleted_count 见下文 显示文件删除记录的数量,设置该数量的显示样式。
show_sync_count false 显示领先/落后正在跟踪的分支的提交数。
prefix [ 直接在 git 状态前显示的前缀。
suffix ] 直接在 git 状态后显示的后缀。
style "bold red" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 git_status 组件。

Git Status 中的计数值

字段 默认值 描述
enabled false 显示相应的文件数量
style 可选字段,使计数值的显示风格不同于 git_status 组件


# ~/.config/starship.toml

conflicted = "🏳"
ahead = "🏎💨"
behind = "😰"
diverged = "😵"
untracked = "🤷‍"
stashed = "📦"
modified = "📝"
staged.value = "++"
staged.style = "green"
staged_count.enabled = true
staged_count.style = "green"
renamed = "👅"
deleted = "🗑"


The golang module shows the currently installed version of Golang. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • 当前目录包含 go.mod 文件
  • 当前目录包含 go.sum 文件
  • 当前目录包含 glide.yaml 文件
  • 当前目录包含 Gopkg.yml 文件
  • 当前目录包含 Gopkg.lock 文件
  • The current directory contains a .go-version file
  • 当前目录包含 Godeps 目录
  • 当前目录包含一个使用 .go 扩展名的文件


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🐹 " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 Golang 版本之前。
style "bold cyan" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 golang 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🏎💨 "


The haskell module shows the currently installed version of Haskell Stack version. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • 当前目录包含 stack.yaml 文件


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "λ " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 Haskell 版本之前。
style "bold red" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 haskell 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = " "


The hostname module shows the system hostname.


字段 默认值 描述
ssh_only true 仅在连接到 SSH 会话时显示主机名。
prefix "" 直接在主机名前显示的前缀。
suffix "" 直接在主机名后显示的后缀。
trim_at "." 当主机名过长被截断时,会截断成第一次匹配该字符串之前的主机名。 "." 会让主机名截断到第一个点处。 "" 会禁用任何截断。
style "bold dimmed green" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 hostname 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

ssh_only = false
prefix = "⟪"
suffix = "⟫"
trim_at = ".companyname.com"
disabled = false


The java module shows the currently installed version of Java. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a pom.xml, build.gradle.kts, build.sbt or .java-version file
  • 当前目录包含一个扩展名为 .java.class.gradle.jar 的文件


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "☕ " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前 Java 版本之前。
style "dimmed red" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 java 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🌟 "


The jobs module shows the current number of jobs running. The module will be shown only if there are background jobs running. The module will show the number of jobs running if there is more than 1 job, or more than the threshold config value, if it exists.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "✦" 这个字段的内容会显示在当前作业数量之前。
threshold 1 如果超过此字段的值,显示任务数量。
style "bold blue" 此组件的样式。
disabled false 禁用 jobs 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "+ "
threshold = 4


The julia module shows the currently installed version of Julia. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a Project.toml file
  • The current directory contains a Manifest.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .jl extension


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "ஃ " The symbol used before displaying the version of Julia.
style "bold purple" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the julia module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "∴ "


Displays the current Kubernetes context name and, if set, the namespace from the kubeconfig file. The namespace needs to be set in the kubeconfig file, this can be done via kubectl config set-context starship-cluster --namespace astronaut. If the $KUBECONFIG env var is set the module will use that if not it will use the ~/.kube/config.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.



字段 默认值 描述
symbol "☸ " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前集群信息之前。
context_aliases Table of context aliases to display
style "bold blue" 此组件的样式。
disabled true 禁用 kubernetes 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "⛵ "
style = "dimmed green"
disabled = false
"dev.local.cluster.k8s" = "dev"

Line Break

The line_break module separates the prompt into two lines.


字段 默认值 描述
disabled false 禁用 line_break 组件,使提示成为单行。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true

Memory Usage

The memory_usage module shows current system memory and swap usage.

By default the swap usage is displayed if the total system swap is non-zero.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.



字段 默认值 描述
show_percentage false 用可用内存的百分比来显示内存使用情况。
show_swap true 如果总交换区使用量为非零,则显示交换区使用情况。
threshold 75 隐藏内存使用情况,除非它超过这个百分比。
symbol "🐏 " 这个字段的内容会显示在当前内存使用情况之前。
separator `" "`
style "bold dimmed white" 此组件的样式。
disabled true 禁用 memory_usage 模块


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
show_percentage = true
show_swap = true
threshold = -1
symbol = " "
separator = "/"
style = "bold dimmed green"

Mercurial Branch

The hg_branch module shows the active branch of the repo in your current directory.


字段 默认值 描述
symbol " " 该字段的内容显示于当前仓库的 hg 书签或活动分支名之前。
truncation_length 2^63 - 1 将显示的 hg 分支名截断到该数量的字素graphemes
truncation_symbol "…" 此字段的内容用来表示分支名称被截断。
style "bold purple" 此组件的样式。
disabled true 禁用 hg_branch 组件。


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🌱 "
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ""


The nim module shows the currently installed version of Nim. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a nim.cfg file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nim extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nims extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nimble extension


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "👑 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Nim.
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the nim module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = "yellow"
symbol = "🎣 "


The nix_shell module shows the nix-shell environment. The module will be shown when inside a nix-shell environment.


字段 默认值 描述
use_name false Display the name of the nix-shell.
impure_msg "impure" Customize the "impure" msg.
pure_msg "pure" Customize the "pure" msg.
symbol "❄️ " The symbol used before displaying the shell name.
style "bold blue" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the nix_shell module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true
use_name = true
impure_msg = "impure shell"
pure_msg = "pure shell"
symbol = "☃️  "


The nodejs module shows the currently installed version of NodeJS. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a package.json file
  • The current directory contains a .node-version file
  • The current directory contains a node_modules directory
  • The current directory contains a file with the .js extension


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "⬢ " The symbol used before displaying the version of NodeJS.
style "bold green" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the nodejs module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🤖 "

Package Version

The package module is shown when the current directory is the repository for a package, and shows its current version. The module currently supports npm, cargo, poetry, composer, gradle, julia and mix packages.

  • npm The npm package version is extracted from the package.json present in the current directory
  • cargo The cargo package version is extracted from the Cargo.toml present in the current directory
  • poetry The poetry package version is extracted from the pyproject.toml present in the current directory
  • composer The composer package version is extracted from the composer.json present in the current directory
  • gradle The gradle package version is extracted from the build.gradle present
  • julia - The package version is extracted from the Project.toml present
  • mix - The mix package version is extracted from the mix.exs present

⚠ 此组件显示的是源代码在当前目录中的软件包的版本,而不是包管理器的版本。


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "📦 " The symbol used before displaying the version the package.
style "bold 208" 此组件的样式。
display_private false Enable displaying version for packages marked as private.
disabled false Disables the package module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🎁 "


The ocaml module shows the currently installed version of OCaml. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a file with .opam extension or _opam directory
  • The current directory contains a esy.lock directory
  • The current directory contains a dune or dune-project file
  • The current directory contains a jbuild or jbuild-ignore file
  • The current directory contains a .merlin file
  • The current directory contains a file with .ml, .mli, .re or .rei extension


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🐫 " The symbol used before displaying the version of OCaml.
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the ocaml module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🐪 "


The php module shows the currently installed version of PHP. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a composer.json file
  • The current directory contains a .php-version file
  • The current directory contains a .php file


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🐘 " The symbol used before displaying the version of PHP.
style "bold 147" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the php module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🔹 "


The python module shows the currently installed version of Python and the current Python virtual environment if one is activated.

If pyenv_version_name is set to true, it will display the pyenv version name. Otherwise, it will display the version number from python --version.


  • The current directory contains a .python-version file
  • The current directory contains a requirements.txt file
  • The current directory contains a pyproject.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .py extension (and scan_for_pyfiles is true)
  • The current directory contains a Pipfile file
  • The current directory contains a tox.ini file
  • The current directory contains a setup.py file
  • The current directory contains a __init__.py file
  • A virtual environment is currently activated


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🐍 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Python.
pyenv_version_name false Use pyenv to get Python version
pyenv_prefix "pyenv " Prefix before pyenv version display (default display is pyenv MY_VERSION)
scan_for_pyfiles true If false, Python files in the current directory will not show this module.
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the python module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "👾 "
pyenv_version_name = true
pyenv_prefix = "foo "


The ruby module shows the currently installed version of Ruby. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a Gemfile file
  • The current directory contains a .ruby-version file
  • The current directory contains a .rb file


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "💎 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Ruby.
style "bold red" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the ruby module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🔺 "


The rust module shows the currently installed version of Rust. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a Cargo.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .rs extension


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "🦀 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Rust.
style "bold red" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the rust module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "⚙️ "


The singularity module shows the current singularity image, if inside a container and $SINGULARITY_NAME is set.


字段 默认值 描述
label "" Prefix before the image name display.
prefix "[" Prefix to display immediately before image name.
suffix "]" Suffix to display immediately after image name.
symbol "" The symbol used before the image name.
style "bold dimmed blue" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the singularity module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "📦 "


The terraform module shows the currently selected terraform workspace and version. By default the terraform version is not shown, since this is slow on current versions of terraform when a lot of plugins are in use. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a .terraform folder
  • Current directory contains a file with the .tf extension


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "💠 " The symbol used before displaying the terraform workspace.
show_version false Shows the terraform version. Very slow on large workspaces.
style "bold 105" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the terraform module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🏎💨 "


The time module shows the current local time. The format configuration value is used by the chrono crate to control how the time is displayed. Take a look at the chrono strftime docs to see what options are available.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.



字段 默认值 描述
use_12hr false Enables 12 hour formatting.
format see below The chrono format string used to format the time.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module time.
utc_time_offset "local" Sets the UTC offset to use. Range from -24 < x < 24. Allows floats to accommodate 30/45 minute timezone offsets.
disabled true Disables the time module.
time_range "-" Sets the time range during which the module will be shown. Times must be specified in 24-hours format

If use_12hr is true, then format defaults to "%r". Otherwise, it defaults to "%T". Manually setting format will override the use_12hr setting.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = "🕙[ %T ]"
utc_time_offset = "-5"
time_range = "10:00:00-14:00:00"


The username module shows active user's username. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current user is root
  • The current user isn't the same as the one that is logged in
  • The user is currently connected as an SSH session
  • The variable show_always is set to true


字段 默认值 描述
style_root "bold red" The style used when the user is root.
style_user "bold yellow" The style used for non-root users.
show_always false Always shows the username module.
disabled false Disables the username module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true


The zig module shows the currently installed version of Zig. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a .zig file


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "↯ " The symbol used before displaying the version of Zig.
style "bold yellow" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the zig module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "⚡️ "

Custom commands

The custom modules show the output of some arbitrary commands.

These modules will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file whose name is in files
  • The current directory contains a directory whose name is in directories
  • The current directory contains a file whose extension is in extensions
  • The when command returns 0

::: tip

Multiple custom modules can be defined by using a ..


::: tip

The order in which custom modules are shown can be individually set by setting custom.foo in prompt_order. By default, the custom module will simply show all custom modules in the order they were defined.



字段 默认值 描述
command The command whose output should be printed.
when A shell command used as a condition to show the module. The module will be shown if the command returns a 0 status code.
shell See below
description "<custom module>" The description of the module that is shown when running starship explain.
files [] The files that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
directories [] The directories that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
extensions [] The extensions that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
symbol "" The symbol used before displaying the command output.
style "bold green" 此组件的样式。
prefix "" Prefix to display immediately before the command output.
suffix "" Suffix to display immediately after the command output.
disabled false Disables this custom module.

Custom command shell

shell accepts a non-empty list of strings, where:

  • The first string is the path to the shell to use to execute the command.
  • Other following arguments are passed to the shell.

If unset, it will fallback to STARSHIP_SHELL and then to "sh" on Linux, and "cmd /C" on Windows.

If shell is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects PowerShell will be used, the following arguments will automatically be added: -NoProfile -Command -. This behavior can be avoided by explicitly passing arguments to the shell, e.g.

shell = ["pwsh", "-Command", "-"]

::: warning Make sure your custom shell configuration exits gracefully

If you set a custom command, make sure that the default Shell used by starship will properly execute the command with a graceful exit (via the shell option).

For example, PowerShell requires the -Command parameter to execute a one liner. Omitting this parameter might throw starship into a recursive loop where the shell might try to load a full profile environment with starship itself again and hence re-execute the custom command, getting into a never ending loop.

Parameters similar to -NoProfile in PowerShell are recommended for other shells as well to avoid extra loading time of a custom profile on every starship invocation.

Automatic detection of shells and proper parameters addition are currently implemented, but it's possible that not all shells are covered. Please open an issue with shell details and starship configuration if you hit such scenario.



# ~/.config/starship.toml

command = "echo foo"  # shows output of command
files = ["foo"]       # can specify filters
when = """ test "$HOME" == "$PWD" """
prefix = " transcending "

command = "time /T"
files = ["*.pst"]
prefix = "transcending "
shell = ["pwsh.exe", "-NoProfile", "-Command", "-"]


The purescript module shows the currently installed version of PureScript version. 此组件将在符合以下任意条件之一时显示:

  • The current directory contains a spago.dhall file
  • The current directory contains a *.purs files


字段 默认值 描述
symbol "<=> " The symbol used before displaying the version of PureScript.
style "bold white" 此组件的样式。
disabled false Disables the purescript module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "<=> "