{%- let SECTION = "# =============================================================================\n#" -%} {%- let NOT_CONFIGURED = "# -- not configured --" -%} {{ SECTION }} # Utility functions for zoxide. # # Remove definitions. # pwd based on the value of _ZO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS. function __zoxide_pwd {%- if resolve_symlinks %} builtin pwd -P {%- else %} builtin pwd -L {%- endif %} end # cd + custom logic based on the value of _ZO_ECHO. function __zoxide_cd builtin cd $argv {%- if echo %} and __zoxide_pwd {%- endif %} and builtin commandline -f repaint end {{ SECTION }} # Hook configuration for zoxide. # # Initialize hook to add new entries to the database. if test "$__zoxide_hooked" != '1' set __zoxide_hooked '1' {%- match hook %} {%- when Hook::None %} function __zoxide_hook {%- when Hook::Prompt %} function __zoxide_hook --on-event fish_prompt {%- when Hook::Pwd %} function __zoxide_hook --on-variable PWD {%- endmatch %} command zoxide add (__zoxide_pwd) end end {{ SECTION }} # When using zoxide with --no-aliases, alias these internal functions as # desired. # # Jump to a directory using only keywords. function __zoxide_z set argc (count $argv) if test $argc -eq 0 __zoxide_cd $HOME else if begin; test $argc -eq 1; and test $argv[1] = '-'; end __zoxide_cd - else if begin; test $argc -eq 1; and test -d $argv[1]; end __zoxide_cd $argv[1] else set -l __zoxide_result (command zoxide query -- $argv) and __zoxide_cd $__zoxide_result end end # Jump to a directory using interactive search. function __zoxide_zi set -l __zoxide_result (command zoxide query -i -- $argv) and __zoxide_cd $__zoxide_result end {{ SECTION }} # Convenient aliases for zoxide. Disable these using --no-aliases. # {%- match cmd %} {%- when Some with (cmd) %} # Remove definitions. function __zoxide_unset set --erase $argv > /dev/null 2>&1 abbr --erase $argv > /dev/null 2>&1 builtin functions --erase $argv > /dev/null 2>&1 end __zoxide_unset '{{cmd}}' function {{cmd}} __zoxide_z $argv end __zoxide_unset '{{cmd}}i' function {{cmd}}i __zoxide_zi $argv end {%- when None %} {{ NOT_CONFIGURED }} {%- endmatch %} {{ SECTION }} # To initialize zoxide with fish, add the following line to your fish # configuration file (usually ~/.config/fish/config.fish): # # zoxide init fish | source