{%- let section = "# =============================================================================\n#" -%} {%- let not_configured = "# -- not configured --" -%} {{ section }} # Utility functions for zoxide. # # pwd based on the value of _ZO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS. function __zoxide_pwd() { {%- if resolve_symlinks %} \builtin pwd -P {%- else %} \builtin pwd -L {%- endif %} } # cd + custom logic based on the value of _ZO_ECHO. function __zoxide_cd() { # shellcheck disable=SC2164 \builtin cd "$@" {%- if echo %} && __zoxide_pwd {%- endif %} } {{ section }} # Hook configuration for zoxide. # {% if hook == InitHook::None -%} {{ not_configured }} {%- else -%} # Hook to add new entries to the database. {%- if hook == InitHook::Prompt %} function __zoxide_hook() { \builtin local -r retval="$?" zoxide add -- "$(__zoxide_pwd)" return "${retval}" } {%- else if hook == InitHook::Pwd %} function __zoxide_hook() { \builtin local -r retval="$?" \builtin local -r pwd_tmp="$(__zoxide_pwd)" if [ -z "${__zoxide_oldpwd}" ]; then __zoxide_oldpwd="${pwd_tmp}" elif [ "${__zoxide_oldpwd}" != "${pwd_tmp}" ]; then __zoxide_oldpwd="${pwd_tmp}" zoxide add -- "${__zoxide_oldpwd}" fi return "${retval}" } {%- endif %} # Initialize hook. if [ -z "${PROMPT_COMMAND}" ]; then PROMPT_COMMAND='__zoxide_hook' elif [[ ${PROMPT_COMMAND} != *'__zoxide_hook'* ]]; then PROMPT_COMMAND="__zoxide_hook;${PROMPT_COMMAND#;}" fi {% endif -%} {{ section }} # When using zoxide with --no-aliases, alias these internal functions as # desired. # # Jump to a directory using only keywords. function __zoxide_z() { if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then __zoxide_cd ~ elif [ "$#" -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" = '-' ]; then __zoxide_cd "${OLDPWD}" elif [ "$#" -eq 1 ] && [ -d "$1" ]; then __zoxide_cd "$1" else \builtin local result result="$(zoxide query --exclude "$(__zoxide_pwd)" -- "$@")" && __zoxide_cd "${result}" fi } # Jump to a directory using interactive search. function __zoxide_zi() { \builtin local result result="$(zoxide query -i -- "$@")" && __zoxide_cd "${result}" } {{ section }} # Convenient aliases for zoxide. Disable these using --no-aliases. # {%- match cmd %} {%- when Some with (cmd) %} # Remove definitions. function __zoxide_unset() { \builtin unset -f "$@" &>/dev/null \builtin unset -v "$@" &>/dev/null \builtin unalias "$@" &>/dev/null || \builtin : } __zoxide_unset {{cmd}} function {{cmd}}() { __zoxide_z "$@" } __zoxide_unset {{cmd}}i function {{cmd}}i() { __zoxide_zi "$@" } # Load completions. {# This requires line editing. Since Bash supports only two modes of line # editing (`vim` and `emacs`), we check if one of them is enabled. -#} if [[ :"${SHELLOPTS}": =~ :(vi|emacs): ]] && [ "${TERM}" != 'dumb' ]; then {# Use `printf '\e[5n'` to redraw line after fzf closes. -#} \builtin bind '"\e[0n": redraw-current-line' &>/dev/null function _{{cmd}}() { [[ {{ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" }} -eq 2 && ${COMP_POINT} -eq {{ "${#COMP_LINE}" }} ]] || return \builtin local -r trigger='**' \builtin local query="${COMP_WORDS[1]}" if [[ ${query} == *"${trigger}" ]]; then query="${query:0:$(({{ "${#query} - ${#trigger}" }}))}" COMPREPLY=("$(_ZO_FZF_OPTS="\ --bind=ctrl-z:ignore \ --exit-0 \ --height=35% \ --inline-info \ --no-sort \ --reverse \ --select-1 \ " zoxide query -i -- "${query}")") [[ $? -eq 130 ]] && COMPREPLY=("${query}") \builtin printf '\e[5n' else \builtin mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -A directory -S / -- "${query}") fi } \builtin complete -F _{{cmd}} -o nospace -- {{cmd}} fi {%- when None %} {{ not_configured }} {%- endmatch %} {{ section }} # To initialize zoxide, add this to your configuration (usually ~/.bashrc): # # eval "$(zoxide init bash)"