{%- let section = "# =============================================================================\n#" -%} {%- let not_configured = "# -- not configured --" -%} use builtin use path {{ section }} # Utility functions for zoxide. # # cd + custom logic based on the value of _ZO_ECHO. fn __zoxide_cd [path]{ builtin:cd $path {%- if echo %} builtin:echo $pwd {%- endif %} } {{ section }} # Hook configuration for zoxide. # # Initialize hook to track previous directory. var oldpwd = $builtin:pwd set builtin:before-chdir = [$@builtin:before-chdir [_]{ edit:add-var oldpwd $builtin:pwd }] # Initialize hook to add directories to zoxide. {%- if hook == InitHook::None %} {{ not_configured }} {%- else %} if (builtin:not (builtin:eq $E:__zoxide_shlvl $E:SHLVL)) { set E:__zoxide_shlvl = $E:SHLVL {%- if hook == InitHook::Prompt %} set edit:before-readline = [$@edit:before-readline []{ zoxide add -- $pwd }] {%- else if hook == InitHook::Pwd %} set builtin:after-chdir = [$@builtin:after-chdir [_]{ zoxide add -- $pwd }] {%- endif %} } {%- endif %} {{ section }} # When using zoxide with --no-aliases, alias these internal functions as # desired. # # Jump to a directory using only keywords. fn __zoxide_z [@rest]{ if (builtin:eq [] $rest) { __zoxide_cd ~ } elif (builtin:eq [-] $rest) { __zoxide_cd $oldpwd } elif (and ('builtin:==' (builtin:count $rest) 1) (path:is-dir &follow-symlink=$true $rest[0])) { __zoxide_cd $rest[0] } else { var path try { set path = (zoxide query --exclude $pwd -- $@rest) } except { } else { __zoxide_cd $path } } } edit:add-var __zoxide_z~ $__zoxide_z~ # Jump to a directory using interactive search. fn __zoxide_zi [@rest]{ var path try { set path = (zoxide query -i -- $@rest) } except { } else { __zoxide_cd $path } } edit:add-var __zoxide_zi~ $__zoxide_zi~ {{ section }} # Convenient aliases for zoxide. Disable these using --no-aliases. # {%- match cmd %} {%- when Some with (cmd) %} edit:add-var {{cmd}}~ $__zoxide_z~ edit:add-var {{cmd}}i~ $__zoxide_zi~ # Load completions. {# zoxide-based completions are currently not possible, because Elvish only # prints a completion if the current token is a prefix of it. -#} fn __zoxide_z_complete [@rest]{ if (!= (builtin:count $rest) 2) { builtin:return } edit:complete-filename $rest[1] | builtin:each [completion]{ var dir = $completion[stem] if (path:is-dir $dir) { builtin:put $dir } } } set edit:completion:arg-completer[{{cmd}}] = $__zoxide_z_complete~ {%- when None %} {{ not_configured }} {%- endmatch %} {{ section }} # To initialize zoxide, add this to your configuration (usually # ~/.elvish/rc.elv): # # eval (zoxide init elvish | slurp) # # Note: zoxide only supports elvish v0.16.0 and above.