use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::{self, File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Child, Command, Stdio}; use std::time::SystemTime; use std::{env, mem}; #[cfg(windows)] use anyhow::anyhow; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use crate::db::{Dir, Epoch}; use crate::error::SilentExit; pub const SECOND: Epoch = 1; pub const MINUTE: Epoch = 60 * SECOND; pub const HOUR: Epoch = 60 * MINUTE; pub const DAY: Epoch = 24 * HOUR; pub const WEEK: Epoch = 7 * DAY; pub const MONTH: Epoch = 30 * DAY; pub struct Fzf(Command); impl Fzf { const ERR_FZF_NOT_FOUND: &'static str = "could not find fzf, is it installed?"; pub fn new() -> Result { // On Windows, CreateProcess implicitly searches the current working // directory for the executable, which is a potential security issue. // Instead, we resolve the path to the executable and then pass it to // CreateProcess. #[cfg(windows)] let program = which::which("fzf.exe").map_err(|_| anyhow!(Self::ERR_FZF_NOT_FOUND))?; #[cfg(not(windows))] let program = "fzf"; // TODO: check version of fzf here. let mut cmd = Command::new(program); cmd.args([ // Search mode "--delimiter=\t", "--nth=2", // Scripting "--read0", ]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()); Ok(Fzf(cmd)) } pub fn enable_preview(&mut self) -> &mut Self { // Previews are only supported on UNIX. if !cfg!(unix) { return self; } self.args([ // Non-POSIX args are only available on certain operating systems. if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { r"--preview=\command -p ls -Cp --color=always --group-directories-first {2..}" } else { r"--preview=\command -p ls -Cp {2..}" }, // Rounded edges don't display correctly on some terminals. "--preview-window=down,30%,sharp", ]) .envs([ // Enables colorized `ls` output on macOS / FreeBSD. ("CLICOLOR", "1"), // Forces colorized `ls` output when the output is not a // TTY (like in fzf's preview window) on macOS / // FreeBSD. ("CLICOLOR_FORCE", "1"), // Ensures that the preview command is run in a // POSIX-compliant shell, regardless of what shell the // user has selected. ("SHELL", "sh"), ]) } pub fn args(&mut self, args: I) -> &mut Self where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { self.0.args(args); self } pub fn env(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> &mut Self where K: AsRef, V: AsRef, { self.0.env(key, val); self } pub fn envs(&mut self, vars: I) -> &mut Self where I: IntoIterator, K: AsRef, V: AsRef, { self.0.envs(vars); self } pub fn spawn(&mut self) -> Result { match self.0.spawn() { Ok(child) => Ok(FzfChild(child)), Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => bail!(Self::ERR_FZF_NOT_FOUND), Err(e) => Err(e).context("could not launch fzf"), } } } pub struct FzfChild(Child); impl FzfChild { pub fn write(&mut self, dir: &Dir, now: Epoch) -> Result> { let handle = self.0.stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); match write!(handle, "{}\0", dir.display().with_score(now).with_separator('\t')) { Ok(()) => Ok(None), Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => self.wait().map(Some), Err(e) => Err(e).context("could not write to fzf"), } } pub fn wait(&mut self) -> Result { // Drop stdin to prevent deadlock. mem::drop(self.0.stdin.take()); let mut stdout = self.0.stdout.take().unwrap(); let mut output = String::default(); stdout.read_to_string(&mut output).context("failed to read from fzf")?; let status = self.0.wait().context("wait failed on fzf")?; match status.code() { Some(0) => Ok(output), Some(1) => bail!("no match found"), Some(2) => bail!("fzf returned an error"), Some(130) => bail!(SilentExit { code: 130 }), Some(128..=254) | None => bail!("fzf was terminated"), _ => bail!("fzf returned an unknown error"), } } } /// Similar to [`fs::write`], but atomic (best effort on Windows). pub fn write(path: impl AsRef, contents: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<()> { let path = path.as_ref(); let contents = contents.as_ref(); let dir = path.parent().unwrap(); // Create a tmpfile. let (mut tmp_file, tmp_path) = tmpfile(dir)?; let result = (|| { // Write to the tmpfile. _ = tmp_file.set_len(contents.len() as u64); tmp_file .write_all(contents) .with_context(|| format!("could not write to file: {}", tmp_path.display()))?; // Set the owner of the tmpfile (UNIX only). #[cfg(unix)] if let Ok(metadata) = path.metadata() { use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; use nix::unistd::{self, Gid, Uid}; let uid = Uid::from_raw(metadata.uid()); let gid = Gid::from_raw(metadata.gid()); _ = unistd::fchown(tmp_file.as_raw_fd(), Some(uid), Some(gid)); } // Close and rename the tmpfile. mem::drop(tmp_file); rename(&tmp_path, path) })(); // In case of an error, delete the tmpfile. if result.is_err() { _ = fs::remove_file(&tmp_path); } result } /// Atomically create a tmpfile in the given directory. fn tmpfile(dir: impl AsRef) -> Result<(File, PathBuf)> { const MAX_ATTEMPTS: usize = 5; const TMP_NAME_LEN: usize = 16; let dir = dir.as_ref(); let mut attempts = 0; loop { attempts += 1; // Generate a random name for the tmpfile. let mut name = String::with_capacity(TMP_NAME_LEN); name.push_str("tmp_"); while name.len() < TMP_NAME_LEN { name.push(fastrand::alphanumeric()); } let path = dir.join(name); // Atomically create the tmpfile. match OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&path) { Ok(file) => break Ok((file, path)), Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists && attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS => {} Err(e) => { break Err(e).with_context(|| format!("could not create file: {}", path.display())); } } } } /// Similar to [`fs::rename`], but with retries on Windows. fn rename(from: impl AsRef, to: impl AsRef) -> Result<()> { let from = from.as_ref(); let to = to.as_ref(); const MAX_ATTEMPTS: usize = if cfg!(windows) { 5 } else { 1 }; let mut attempts = 0; loop { match fs::rename(from, to) { Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied && attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS => { attempts += 1 } result => { break result.with_context(|| { format!("could not rename file: {} -> {}", from.display(), to.display()) }); } } } } pub fn canonicalize(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { dunce::canonicalize(&path) .with_context(|| format!("could not resolve path: {}", path.as_ref().display())) } pub fn current_dir() -> Result { env::current_dir().context("could not get current directory") } pub fn current_time() -> Result { let current_time = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .context("system clock set to invalid time")? .as_secs(); Ok(current_time) } pub fn path_to_str(path: &impl AsRef) -> Result<&str> { let path = path.as_ref(); path.to_str().with_context(|| format!("invalid unicode in path: {}", path.display())) } /// Returns the absolute version of a path. Like /// [`std::path::Path::canonicalize`], but doesn't resolve symlinks. pub fn resolve_path(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { let path = path.as_ref(); let base_path; let mut components = path.components().peekable(); let mut stack = Vec::new(); // initialize root if cfg!(windows) { use std::path::Prefix; fn get_drive_letter(path: impl AsRef) -> Option { let path = path.as_ref(); let mut components = path.components(); match { Some(Component::Prefix(prefix)) => match prefix.kind() { Prefix::Disk(drive_letter) | Prefix::VerbatimDisk(drive_letter) => { Some(drive_letter) } _ => None, }, _ => None, } } fn get_drive_path(drive_letter: u8) -> PathBuf { format!(r"{}:\", drive_letter as char).into() } fn get_drive_relative(drive_letter: u8) -> Result { let path = current_dir()?; if Some(drive_letter) == get_drive_letter(&path) { return Ok(path); } if let Some(path) = env::var_os(format!("={}:", drive_letter as char)) { return Ok(path.into()); } let path = get_drive_path(drive_letter); Ok(path) } match components.peek() { Some(Component::Prefix(prefix)) => match prefix.kind() { Prefix::Disk(drive_letter) => { let disk =; if components.peek() == Some(&Component::RootDir) { let root =; stack.push(disk); stack.push(root); } else { base_path = get_drive_relative(drive_letter)?; stack.extend(base_path.components()); } } Prefix::VerbatimDisk(drive_letter) => {; if components.peek() == Some(&Component::RootDir) {; } base_path = get_drive_path(drive_letter); stack.extend(base_path.components()); } _ => bail!("invalid path: {}", path.display()), }, Some(Component::RootDir) => {; let current_dir = env::current_dir()?; let drive_letter = get_drive_letter(¤t_dir).with_context(|| { format!("could not get drive letter: {}", current_dir.display()) })?; base_path = get_drive_path(drive_letter); stack.extend(base_path.components()); } _ => { base_path = current_dir()?; stack.extend(base_path.components()); } } } else if components.peek() == Some(&Component::RootDir) { let root =; stack.push(root); } else { base_path = current_dir()?; stack.extend(base_path.components()); } for component in components { match component { Component::Normal(_) => stack.push(component), Component::CurDir => {} Component::ParentDir => { if stack.last() != Some(&Component::RootDir) { stack.pop(); } } Component::Prefix(_) | Component::RootDir => unreachable!(), } } Ok(stack.iter().collect()) } /// Convert a string to lowercase, with a fast path for ASCII strings. pub fn to_lowercase(s: impl AsRef) -> String { let s = s.as_ref(); if s.is_ascii() { s.to_ascii_lowercase() } else { s.to_lowercase() } }