# zoxide [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/zoxide)](https://crates.io/crates/zoxide) ![.github/workflows/release.yml](https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/workflows/.github/workflows/release.yml/badge.svg) A cd command that learns your habits ## Table of contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Examples](#examples) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Installing `zoxide`](#installing-zoxide) - [Adding `zoxide` to your shell](#adding-zoxide-to-your-shell) - [zsh](#zsh) - [bash](#bash) - [fish](#fish) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Environment variables](#environment-variables) ## Introduction `zoxide` is a new `cd` alternative inspired by [`z`](https://github.com/rupa/z) and [`z.lua`](https://github.com/skywind3000/z.lua). It keeps track of the directories you use most frequently, and uses a ranking algorithm to navigate to the best match. On my system, compiled with the `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` target, `hyperfine` reports that `zoxide` runs 10-20x faster than `z.lua`, which, in turn, runs 3x faster than `z`. This is pretty significant, since this command runs once at every shell prompt, and any slowdown there will result in an increased loading time for every prompt. ## Examples ```sh z foo # cd to highest ranked directory matching foo z foo bar # cd to highest ranked directory matching foo and bar z foo/ # can also cd into actual directories zi foo # cd with interactive selection using fzf zq foo # echo the best match, don't cd za /foo # add /foo to the database zr /foo # remove /foo from the database ``` ## Getting started ### Step 1: Installing `zoxide` If you have Rust, this should be as simple as: ```sh cargo install zoxide ``` Otherwise, try the install script: ```sh curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/master/install.sh | sh ``` If you want the interactive fuzzy selection feature, you will also need to install [`fzf`](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git). ### Step 2: Adding `zoxide` to your shell By default, `zoxide` defines the `z`, `zi`, `za`, `zq`, and `zr` aliases. If you'd like to go with just the barebones `z`, pass the `--no-define-aliases` flag to `zoxide init`. #### zsh Add the following line to your `~/.zshrc`: ```sh eval "$(zoxide init zsh)" ``` #### bash Add the following line to your `~/.bashrc`: ```sh eval "$(zoxide init bash)" ``` #### fish Add the following line to your `~/.config/fish/config.fish`: ```sh zoxide init fish | source ``` ## Configuration ### Environment variables - `$_ZO_DATA`: sets the location of the database (default: `~/.zo`) - `$_ZO_MAXAGE`: sets the maximum total rank after which entries start getting deleted