.TH "zoxide-add" "1" "2021-04-12" "zoxide" "zoxide" .SH NAME zoxide-add - add a new directory or increment its rank .SH SYNOPSIS .B zoxide add \fIPATH\fR .SH DESCRIPTION If the directory is not already in the database, this command creates a new entry for it with a default score of \fI1\fR, otherwise, it increments the existing score by \fI1\fR. It then sets the last updated field of the entry to the current time. After this, it runs the \fBAGING\fR algorithm on the database. See \fBzoxide\fR(1) for more about the algorithm. .sp If you'd like to prevent a directory from being added to the database, see the \fB_ZO_EXCLUDE_DIRS\fR environment variable in \fBzoxide\fR(1). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -h, --help Prints help information .SH REPORTING BUGS For any issues, feature requests, or questions, please visit: .sp \fIhttps://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/issues\fR .SH AUTHOR Ajeet D'Souza <\fI98ajeet@gmail.com\fR>