Ajeet D'Souza 3022cf3686 Fix CI
2023-11-21 02:48:58 +05:30

178 lines
4.7 KiB

{%- let section = "# =============================================================================\n#" -%}
{%- let not_configured = "# -- not configured --" -%}
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
import builtins # pylint: disable=unused-import
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
import typing
import xonsh.dirstack # type: ignore # pylint: disable=import-error
import xonsh.environ # type: ignore # pylint: disable=import-error
{{ section }}
# Utility functions for zoxide.
def __zoxide_bin() -> str:
"""Finds and returns the location of the zoxide binary."""
zoxide = typing.cast(str, xonsh.environ.locate_binary("zoxide"))
if zoxide is None:
zoxide = "zoxide"
return zoxide
def __zoxide_env() -> typing.Dict[str, str]:
"""Returns the current environment."""
return builtins.__xonsh__.env.detype() # type: ignore # pylint:disable=no-member
def __zoxide_pwd() -> str:
"""pwd based on the value of _ZO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS."""
{%- if resolve_symlinks %}
pwd = os.getcwd()
{%- else %}
pwd = __zoxide_env().get("PWD")
if pwd is None:
raise RuntimeError("$PWD not found")
{%- endif %}
return pwd
def __zoxide_cd(path: typing.Optional[typing.AnyStr] = None) -> None:
"""cd + custom logic based on the value of _ZO_ECHO."""
if path is None:
args = []
elif isinstance(path, bytes):
args = [path.decode("utf-8")]
elif isinstance(path, str):
args = [path]
_, exc, _ = xonsh.dirstack.cd(args)
if exc is not None:
raise RuntimeError(exc)
{%- if echo %}
{%- endif %}
class ZoxideSilentException(Exception):
"""Exit without complaining."""
def __zoxide_errhandler(
func: typing.Callable[[typing.List[str]], None]
) -> typing.Callable[[typing.List[str]], int]:
"""Print exception and exit with error code 1."""
def wrapper(args: typing.List[str]) -> int:
return 0
except ZoxideSilentException:
return 1
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
print(f"zoxide: {exc}", file=sys.stderr)
return 1
return wrapper
{{ section }}
# Hook configuration for zoxide.
{% if hook == InitHook::None -%}
{{ not_configured }}
{%- else -%}
# Initialize hook to add new entries to the database.
if "__zoxide_hook" not in globals():
{% if hook == InitHook::Prompt %}
@builtins.events.on_post_prompt # type: ignore # pylint:disable=no-member
{%- else if hook == InitHook::Pwd %}
@builtins.events.on_chdir # type: ignore # pylint:disable=no-member
{%- endif %}
def __zoxide_hook(**_kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
"""Hook to add new entries to the database."""
pwd = __zoxide_pwd()
zoxide = __zoxide_bin()
[zoxide, "add", "--", pwd],
{% endif %}
{{ section }}
# When using zoxide with --no-cmd, alias these internal functions as desired.
def __zoxide_z(args: typing.List[str]) -> None:
"""Jump to a directory using only keywords."""
if args == []:
elif args == ["-"]:
elif len(args) == 1 and os.path.isdir(args[0]):
zoxide = __zoxide_bin()
cmd = subprocess.run(
[zoxide, "query", "--exclude", __zoxide_pwd(), "--"] + args,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
raise ZoxideSilentException() from exc
result = cmd.stdout[:-1]
def __zoxide_zi(args: typing.List[str]) -> None:
"""Jump to a directory using interactive search."""
zoxide = __zoxide_bin()
cmd = subprocess.run(
[zoxide, "query", "-i", "--"] + args,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
raise ZoxideSilentException() from exc
result = cmd.stdout[:-1]
{{ section }}
# Commands for zoxide. Disable these using --no-cmd.
{%- match cmd %}
{%- when Some with (cmd) %}
builtins.aliases["{{cmd}}"] = __zoxide_z # type: ignore # pylint:disable=no-member
builtins.aliases["{{cmd}}i"] = __zoxide_zi # type: ignore # pylint:disable=no-member
{%- when None %}
{{ not_configured }}
{%- endmatch %}
{{ section }}
# To initialize zoxide, add this to your configuration (usually ~/.xonshrc):
# execx($(zoxide init xonsh), 'exec', __xonsh__.ctx, filename='zoxide')