2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www.vdm.io |------/
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@package Component Builder
@subpackage componentbuilder.php
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <https://www.vdm.io/joomla-component-builder>
@my wife Roline van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io/>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Builds Complex Joomla Components
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// import the Joomla modellist library
* ###Component### Model
class ###Component###Model###Component### extends JModelList
public function getIcons()
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
// load user for access menus
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// reset icon array
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$icons = array();
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
// view groups array
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$viewGroups = array(
'main' => array(###DASHBOARDICONS###)
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
// loop over the $views
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
foreach($viewGroups as $group => $views)
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
$i = 0;
if (###Component###Helper::checkArray($views))
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
foreach($views as $view)
$add = false;
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
// external views (links)
if (strpos($view,'||') !== false)
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2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$dwd = explode('||', $view);
if (count($dwd) == 3)
list($type, $name, $url) = $dwd;
$viewName = $name;
$alt = $name;
$url = $url;
$image = $name.'.'.$type;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_'.###Component###Helper::safeString($name,'U');
// internal views
elseif (strpos($view,'.') !== false)
$dwd = explode('.', $view);
if (count($dwd) == 3)
list($type, $name, $action) = $dwd;
elseif (count($dwd) == 2)
list($type, $name) = $dwd;
$action = false;
if ($action)
$viewName = $name;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
case 'add':
$url = 'index.php?option=com_###component###&view='.$name.'&layout=edit';
$image = $name.'_'.$action.'.'.$type;
$alt = $name.' '.$action;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_'.###Component###Helper::safeString($name,'U').'_ADD';
$add = true;
$url = 'index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=com_###component###.'.$name;
$image = $name.'_'.$action.'.'.$type;
$alt = $name.' '.$action;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_'.###Component###Helper::safeString($name,'U').'_'.###Component###Helper::safeString($action,'U');
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$viewName = $name;
$alt = $name;
$url = 'index.php?option=com_###component###&view='.$name;
$image = $name.'.'.$type;
$name = 'COM_###COMPONENT###_DASHBOARD_'.###Component###Helper::safeString($name,'U');
$hover = false;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$viewName = $view;
$alt = $view;
$url = 'index.php?option=com_###component###&view='.$view;
$image = $view.'.png';
$name = ucwords($view).'<br /><br />';
$hover = false;
// first make sure the view access is set
if (###Component###Helper::checkArray($viewAccess))
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// setup some defaults
$dashboard_add = false;
$dashboard_list = false;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$accessTo = '';
$accessAdd = '';
// acces checking start
$accessCreate = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.create'])) ? ###Component###Helper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.create']):false;
$accessAccess = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.access'])) ? ###Component###Helper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.access']):false;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// set main controllers
$accessDashboard_add = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add'])) ? ###Component###Helper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add']):false;
$accessDashboard_list = (isset($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list'])) ? ###Component###Helper::checkString($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list']):false;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
// check for adding access
if ($add && $accessCreate)
$accessAdd = $viewAccess[$viewName.'.create'];
elseif ($add)
$accessAdd = 'core.create';
// check if acces to view is set
if ($accessAccess)
$accessTo = $viewAccess[$viewName.'.access'];
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
// set main access controllers
if ($accessDashboard_add)
$dashboard_add = $user->authorise($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_add'], 'com_###component###');
if ($accessDashboard_list)
$dashboard_list = $user->authorise($viewAccess[$viewName.'.dashboard_list'], 'com_###component###');
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
if (###Component###Helper::checkString($accessAdd) && ###Component###Helper::checkString($accessTo))
// check access
if($user->authorise($accessAdd, 'com_###component###') && $user->authorise($accessTo, 'com_###component###') && $dashboard_add)
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
elseif (###Component###Helper::checkString($accessTo))
// check access
if($user->authorise($accessTo, 'com_###component###') && $dashboard_list)
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
elseif (###Component###Helper::checkString($accessAdd))
// check access
if($user->authorise($accessAdd, 'com_###component###') && $dashboard_add)
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
2018-03-05 02:13:42 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i] = new StdClass;
2017-12-15 03:10:10 +02:00
$icons[$group][$i]->url = $url;
$icons[$group][$i]->name = $name;
$icons[$group][$i]->image = $image;
$icons[$group][$i]->alt = $alt;
$icons[$group][$i] = false;
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00
return $icons;
2016-02-19 11:21:44 +02:00
2016-01-30 22:28:43 +02:00