2017-02-09 18:11:10 +02:00
/ *
* FooTable v3 - FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome .
* @ version 3.1 . 4
* @ link http : //fooplugins.com
* @ copyright Steven Usher & Brad Vincent 2015
* @ license Released under the GPLv3 license .
* /
( function ( $ , F ) {
// add in console we use in case it's missing
window . console = window . console || { log : function ( ) { } , error : function ( ) { } } ;
/ * *
* The jQuery plugin initializer .
* @ function jQuery . fn . footable
* @ param { ( object | FooTable . Defaults ) } [ options ] - The options to initialize the plugin with .
* @ param { function } [ ready ] - A callback function to execute for each initialized plugin .
* @ returns { jQuery }
* /
$ . fn . footable = function ( options , ready ) {
options = options || { } ;
// make sure we only work with tables
return this . filter ( 'table' ) . each ( function ( i , tbl ) {
F . init ( tbl , options , ready ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var debug _defaults = {
events : [ ]
} ;
F . _ _debug _ _ = JSON . parse ( localStorage . getItem ( 'footable_debug' ) ) || false ;
F . _ _debug _options _ _ = JSON . parse ( localStorage . getItem ( 'footable_debug_options' ) ) || debug _defaults ;
/ * *
* Gets or sets the internal debug variable which enables some additional logging to the console .
* When enabled this value is stored in the localStorage so it can persist across page reloads .
* @ param { boolean } value - Whether or not to enable additional logging .
* @ param { object } [ options ] - Any debug specific options .
* @ returns { ( boolean | undefined ) }
* /
F . debug = function ( value , options ) {
if ( ! F . is . boolean ( value ) ) return F . _ _debug _ _ ;
F . _ _debug _ _ = value ;
if ( F . _ _debug _ _ ) {
localStorage . setItem ( 'footable_debug' , JSON . stringify ( F . _ _debug _ _ ) ) ;
F . _ _debug _options _ _ = $ . extend ( true , { } , debug _defaults , options || { } ) ;
if ( F . is . hash ( options ) ) {
localStorage . setItem ( 'footable_debug_options' , JSON . stringify ( F . _ _debug _options _ _ ) ) ;
} else {
localStorage . removeItem ( 'footable_debug' ) ;
localStorage . removeItem ( 'footable_debug_options' ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Gets the FooTable instance of the supplied table if one exists .
* @ param { ( jQuery | jQuery . selector | HTMLTableElement ) } table - The jQuery table object , selector or the HTMLTableElement to retrieve FooTable from .
* @ returns { ( FooTable . Table | undefined ) }
* /
F . get = function ( table ) {
return $ ( table ) . first ( ) . data ( '__FooTable__' ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Initializes a new instance of FooTable on the supplied table .
* @ param { ( jQuery | jQuery . selector | HTMLTableElement ) } table - The jQuery table object , selector or the HTMLTableElement to initialize FooTable on .
* @ param { object } options - The options to initialize FooTable with .
* @ param { function } [ ready ] - A callback function to execute once the plugin is initialized .
* @ returns { FooTable . Table }
* /
F . init = function ( table , options , ready ) {
var ft = F . get ( table ) ;
if ( ft instanceof F . Table ) ft . destroy ( ) ;
return new F . Table ( table , options , ready ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Gets the FooTable . Row instance for the supplied element .
* @ param { ( jQuery | jQuery . selector | HTMLTableElement ) } element - A jQuery object , selector or the HTMLElement of an element to retrieve the FooTable . Row for .
* @ returns { FooTable . Row }
* /
F . getRow = function ( element ) {
// to get the FooTable.Row object simply walk up the DOM, find the TR and grab the __FooTableRow__ data value
var $row = $ ( element ) . closest ( 'tr' ) ;
// if this is a detail row get the previous row in the table to get the main TR element
if ( $row . hasClass ( 'footable-detail-row' ) ) {
$row = $row . prev ( ) ;
// grab the row object
return $row . data ( '__FooTableRow__' ) ;
} ;
// The below are external type definitions mainly used as pointers to jQuery docs for important information
/ * *
* jQuery is a fast , small , and feature - rich JavaScript library . It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation , event handling , animation , and Ajax much simpler with an easy - to - use API
* that works across a multitude of browsers . With a combination of versatility and extensibility , jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript .
* @ name jQuery
* @ constructor
* @ returns { jQuery }
* @ see { @ link http : //api.jquery.com/}
* /
/ * *
* This object provides a subset of the methods of the Deferred object ( then , done , fail , always , pipe , and state ) to prevent users from changing the state of the Deferred .
* @ typedef { object } jQuery . Promise
* @ see { @ link http : //api.jquery.com/Types/#Promise}
* /
/ * *
* As of jQuery 1.5 , the Deferred object provides a way to register multiple callbacks into self - managed callback queues , invoke callback queues as appropriate ,
* and relay the success or failure state of any synchronous or asynchronous function .
* @ typedef { object } jQuery . Deferred
* @ see { @ link http : //api.jquery.com/Types/#Deferred}
* /
/ * *
* jQuery ' s event system normalizes the event object according to W3C standards . The event object is guaranteed to be passed to the event handler . Most properties from
* the original event are copied over and normalized to the new event object .
* @ typedef { object } jQuery . Event
* @ see { @ link http : //api.jquery.com/category/events/event-object/}
* /
/ * *
* Provides a way to execute callback functions based on one or more objects , usually Deferred objects that represent asynchronous events .
* @ memberof jQuery
* @ function when
* @ param { ... jQuery . Deferred } deferreds - Any number of deferred objects to wait for .
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* @ see { @ link http : //api.jquery.com/jQuery.when/}
* /
/ * *
* The jQuery . fn namespace used to register plugins with jQuery .
* @ memberof jQuery
* @ namespace fn
* @ see { @ link http : //learn.jquery.com/plugins/basic-plugin-creation/}
* /
} ) (
jQuery ,
/ * *
* The core FooTable namespace containing all the plugin code .
* @ namespace
* /
FooTable = window . FooTable || { }
) ;
( function ( F ) {
var returnTrue = function ( ) { return true ; } ;
/ * *
* This namespace contains commonly used array utility methods .
* @ namespace { object } FooTable . arr
* /
F . arr = { } ;
/ * *
* Iterates over each item in the supplied array and performs the supplied function passing in the current item as the first argument .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function each
* @ param { Array } array - The array to iterate
* @ param { function } func - The function to execute for each item . The first argument supplied to this function is the current item and the second is the current index .
* /
F . arr . each = function ( array , func ) {
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) || ! F . is . fn ( func ) ) return ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( func ( array [ i ] , i ) === false ) break ;
} ;
/ * *
* Get all items in the supplied array that optionally matches the supplied where function . If no items are found an empty array is returned .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function get
* @ param { Array } array - The array to get items from .
* @ param { function } where - This function must return a boolean value , true includes the item in the result array .
* @ returns { Array }
* /
F . arr . get = function ( array , where ) {
var result = [ ] ;
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) ) return result ;
if ( ! F . is . fn ( where ) ) return array ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( where ( array [ i ] , i ) ) result . push ( array [ i ] ) ;
return result ;
} ;
/ * *
* Get a boolean value indicating if any item exists in the supplied array that optionally matches the supplied where function .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function any
* @ param { Array } array - The array to check .
* @ param { function } [ where ] - [ Optional ] This function must return a boolean value , true indicates that the current item is a valid match .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . arr . any = function ( array , where ) {
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) ) return false ;
where = F . is . fn ( where ) ? where : returnTrue ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( where ( array [ i ] , i ) ) return true ;
return false ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied value exists in the array .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function contains
* @ param { Array } array - The array to check .
* @ param { * } value - The value to check for .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . arr . contains = function ( array , value ) {
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) || F . is . undef ( value ) ) return false ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( array [ i ] == value ) return true ;
return false ;
} ;
/ * *
* Get the first item in the supplied array that optionally matches the supplied where function . If no item is found null is returned .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function first
* @ param { Array } array - The array to get the item from .
* @ param { function } [ where ] - [ Optional ] This function must return a boolean value , true indicates that the current item can be returned .
* @ returns { ( * | null ) }
* /
F . arr . first = function ( array , where ) {
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) ) return null ;
where = F . is . fn ( where ) ? where : returnTrue ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( where ( array [ i ] , i ) ) return array [ i ] ;
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Creates a new array from the results of the supplied getter function . If no items are found an empty array is returned , to exclude an item from the results return null .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function map
* @ param { Array } array - The array to iterate .
* @ param { function } getter - This function must return either a new value or null .
* The first argument is the result being returned at this point in the iteration . The second argument is the current item being iterated .
* @ returns { ( * | null ) }
* /
F . arr . map = function ( array , getter ) {
var result = [ ] , returned = null ;
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) || ! F . is . fn ( getter ) ) return result ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( ( returned = getter ( array [ i ] , i ) ) != null ) result . push ( returned ) ;
return result ;
} ;
/ * *
* Removes items from the array matching the supplied where function . All removed items are returned in a new array .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function remove
* @ param { Array } array - The array to iterate and remove items from .
* @ param { function } where - This function must return a boolean value , true includes the item in the result array .
* @ returns { * }
* /
F . arr . remove = function ( array , where ) {
var remove = [ ] , removed = [ ] ;
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) || ! F . is . fn ( where ) ) return removed ;
var i = 0 , len = array . length ;
for ( ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( where ( array [ i ] , i , removed ) ) {
remove . push ( i ) ;
removed . push ( array [ i ] ) ;
// sort the indexes to be removed from largest to smallest
remove . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return b - a ; } ) ;
i = 0 ; len = remove . length ;
for ( ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
var index = remove [ i ] - i ;
array . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
return removed ;
} ;
/ * *
* Deletes a single item from the array . The item if removed is returned .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function delete
* @ param { Array } array - The array to iterate and delete the item from .
* @ param { * } item - The item to find and delete .
* @ returns { ( * | null ) }
* /
F . arr . delete = function ( array , item ) {
var remove = - 1 , removed = null ;
if ( ! F . is . array ( array ) || F . is . undef ( item ) ) return removed ;
var i = 0 , len = array . length ;
for ( ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( array [ i ] == item ) {
remove = i ;
removed = array [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( remove != - 1 ) array . splice ( remove , 1 ) ;
return removed ;
} ;
/ * *
* Replaces a single item in the array with a new one .
* @ memberof FooTable . arr
* @ function replace
* @ param { Array } array - The array to iterate and replace the item in .
* @ param { * } oldItem - The item to be replaced .
* @ param { * } newItem - The item to be inserted .
* /
F . arr . replace = function ( array , oldItem , newItem ) {
var index = array . indexOf ( oldItem ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) array [ index ] = newItem ;
} ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* This namespace contains commonly used 'is' type methods that return boolean values .
* @ namespace FooTable . is
* /
F . is = { } ;
/ * *
* Checks if the type of the value is the same as that supplied .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function type
* @ param { * } value - The value to check the type of .
* @ param { string } type - The type to check for .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . type = function ( value , type ) {
return typeof value === type ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is defined .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function defined
* @ param { * } value - The value to check is defined .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . defined = function ( value ) {
return typeof value !== 'undefined' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is undefined .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function undef
* @ param { * } value - The value to check is undefined .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . undef = function ( value ) {
return typeof value === 'undefined' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is an array .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function array
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . array = function ( value ) {
return '[object Array]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is a date .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function date
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . date = function ( value ) {
return '[object Date]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) && ! isNaN ( value . getTime ( ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is a boolean .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function boolean
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . boolean = function ( value ) {
return '[object Boolean]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is a string .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function string
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . string = function ( value ) {
return '[object String]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is a number .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function number
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . number = function ( value ) {
return '[object Number]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) && ! isNaN ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is a function .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function fn
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . fn = function ( value ) {
return ( F . is . defined ( window ) && value === window . alert ) || '[object Function]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is an error .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function error
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . error = function ( value ) {
return '[object Error]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is an object .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function object
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . object = function ( value ) {
return '[object Object]' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( value ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the value is a hash .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function hash
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . hash = function ( value ) {
return F . is . object ( value ) && value . constructor === Object && ! value . nodeType && ! value . setInterval ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied object is an HTMLElement
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function element
* @ param { object } obj - The object to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . element = function ( obj ) {
return typeof HTMLElement === 'object'
? obj instanceof HTMLElement
: obj && typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj . nodeType === 1 && typeof obj . nodeName === 'string' ;
} ;
/ * *
* This is a simple check to determine if an object is a jQuery promise object . It simply checks the object has a "then" and " promise " function defined .
* The promise object is created as an object literal inside of jQuery . Deferred .
* It has no prototype , nor any other truly unique properties that could be used to distinguish it .
* This method should be a little more accurate than the internal jQuery one that simply checks for a "promise" method .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function promise
* @ param { object } obj - The object to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . promise = function ( obj ) {
return F . is . object ( obj ) && F . is . fn ( obj . then ) && F . is . fn ( obj . promise ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied object is an instance of a jQuery object .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function jq
* @ param { object } obj - The object to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . jq = function ( obj ) {
return F . is . defined ( window . jQuery ) && obj instanceof jQuery && obj . length > 0 ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied object is a moment . js date object .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function moment
* @ param { object } obj - The object to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . moment = function ( obj ) {
return F . is . defined ( window . moment ) && F . is . object ( obj ) && F . is . boolean ( obj . _isAMomentObject )
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied value is an object and if it is empty .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function emptyObject
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . emptyObject = function ( value ) {
if ( ! F . is . hash ( value ) ) return false ;
for ( var prop in value ) {
if ( value . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) )
return false ;
return true ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied value is an array and if it is empty .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function emptyArray
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . emptyArray = function ( value ) {
return F . is . array ( value ) ? value . length === 0 : true ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied value is a string and if it is empty .
* @ memberof FooTable . is
* @ function emptyString
* @ param { * } value - The value to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . is . emptyString = function ( value ) {
return F . is . string ( value ) ? value . length === 0 : true ;
} ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* This namespace contains commonly used string utility methods .
* @ namespace FooTable . str
* /
F . str = { } ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied string contains the given substring .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function contains
* @ param { string } str - The string to check .
* @ param { string } contains - The string to check for .
* @ param { boolean } [ ignoreCase = false ] - Whether or not to ignore casing when performing the check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . str . contains = function ( str , contains , ignoreCase ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) || F . is . emptyString ( contains ) ) return false ;
return contains . length <= str . length
&& ( ignoreCase ? str . toUpperCase ( ) . indexOf ( contains . toUpperCase ( ) ) : str . indexOf ( contains ) ) !== - 1 ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied string contains the exact given substring .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function contains
* @ param { string } str - The string to check .
* @ param { string } contains - The string to check for .
* @ param { boolean } [ ignoreCase = false ] - Whether or not to ignore casing when performing the check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . str . containsExact = function ( str , contains , ignoreCase ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) || F . is . emptyString ( contains ) || contains . length > str . length ) return false ;
return new RegExp ( '\\b' + F . str . escapeRegExp ( contains ) + '\\b' , ignoreCase ? 'i' : '' ) . test ( str ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if the supplied string contains the given word .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function containsWord
* @ param { string } str - The string to check .
* @ param { string } word - The word to check for .
* @ param { boolean } [ ignoreCase = false ] - Whether or not to ignore casing when performing the check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . str . containsWord = function ( str , word , ignoreCase ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) || F . is . emptyString ( word ) || str . length < word . length )
return false ;
var parts = str . split ( /\W/ ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = parts . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( ignoreCase ? parts [ i ] . toUpperCase ( ) == word . toUpperCase ( ) : parts [ i ] == word ) return true ;
return false ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns the remainder of a string split on the first index of the given substring .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function from
* @ param { string } str - The string to split .
* @ param { string } from - The substring to split on .
* @ returns { string }
* /
F . str . from = function ( str , from ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) ) return str ;
return F . str . contains ( str , from ) ? str . substring ( str . indexOf ( from ) + 1 ) : str ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if a string starts with the supplied prefix .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function startsWith
* @ param { string } str - The string to check .
* @ param { string } prefix - The prefix to check for .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
F . str . startsWith = function ( str , prefix ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) ) return str == prefix ;
return str . slice ( 0 , prefix . length ) == prefix ;
} ;
/ * *
* Takes the supplied string and converts it to camel case .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function toCamelCase
* @ param { string } str - The string to camel case .
* @ returns { string }
* /
F . str . toCamelCase = function ( str ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) ) return str ;
if ( str . toUpperCase ( ) === str ) return str . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return str . replace ( /^([A-Z])|[-\s_](\w)/g , function ( match , p1 , p2 ) {
if ( F . is . string ( p2 ) ) return p2 . toUpperCase ( ) ;
return p1 . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Generates a random string 9 characters long using the optional prefix if supplied .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function random
* @ param { string } [ prefix ] - The prefix to append to the 9 random characters .
* @ returns { string }
* /
F . str . random = function ( prefix ) {
prefix = F . is . emptyString ( prefix ) ? '' : prefix ;
return prefix + Math . random ( ) . toString ( 36 ) . substr ( 2 , 9 ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Escapes a string for use in a regular expression .
* @ memberof FooTable . str
* @ function escapeRegExp
* @ param { string } str - The string to escape .
* @ returns { string }
* /
F . str . escapeRegExp = function ( str ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( str ) ) return str ;
return str . replace ( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g , "\\$&" ) ;
} ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( ! Object . create ) {
Object . create = ( function ( ) {
var Object = function ( ) { } ;
return function ( prototype ) {
if ( arguments . length > 1 )
throw Error ( 'Second argument not supported' ) ;
if ( ! F . is . object ( prototype ) )
throw TypeError ( 'Argument must be an object' ) ;
Object . prototype = prototype ;
var result = new Object ( ) ;
Object . prototype = null ;
return result ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
/ * *
* This base implementation does nothing except provide access to the { @ link FooTable . Class # extend } method .
* @ constructs FooTable . Class
* @ classdesc This class is based off of John Resig ' s [ Simple JavaScript Inheritance ] { @ link http : //ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance} but it has been updated to be ES 5.1
* compatible by implementing an [ Object . create polyfill ] { @ link https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/create#Polyfill}
* for older browsers .
* @ see { @ link http : //ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance}
* @ see { @ link https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/create#Polyfill}
* @ returns { FooTable . Class }
* /
function Class ( ) { }
var _ _extendable _ _ = /xyz/ . test ( function ( ) { xyz ; } ) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/ ;
// this._super() within the context of the new function is a pointer to the original function
// except if the hook param is specified then the this._super variable is the result of the original function
Class . _ _extend _ _ = function ( proto , name , func , original ) {
// to all who venture here, here be dragons!
proto [ name ] = F . is . fn ( original ) && _ _extendable _ _ . test ( func ) ?
( function ( name , fn ) {
return function ( ) {
var tmp , ret ;
tmp = this . _super ;
this . _super = original ;
ret = fn . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
this . _super = tmp ;
return ret ;
} ;
} ) ( name , func ) : func ;
} ;
/ * *
* Creates a new class that inherits from this class which in turn allows itself to be extended or if a name and function is supplied extends only that specific function on the class .
* @ param { ( object | string ) } arg1 - An object containing any new methods / members to implement or the name of the method to extend .
* @ param { function } arg2 - If the first argument is a method name then this is the new function to replace it with .
* @ returns { FooTable . Class } A new class that inherits from the base class .
* @ example < caption > The below shows an example of how to implement inheritance using this method . < / c a p t i o n >
* var Person = FooTable . Class . extend ( {
* construct : function ( isDancing ) {
* this . dancing = isDancing ;
* } ,
* dance : function ( ) {
* return this . dancing ;
* }
* } ) ;
* var Ninja = Person . extend ( {
* construct : function ( ) {
* this . _super ( false ) ;
* } ,
* dance : function ( ) {
* // Call the inherited version of dance()
* return this . _super ( ) ;
* } ,
* swingSword : function ( ) {
* return true ;
* }
* } ) ;
* var p = new Person ( true ) ;
* p . dance ( ) ; // => true
* var n = new Ninja ( ) ;
* n . dance ( ) ; // => false
* n . swingSword ( ) ; // => true
* // Should all be true
* p instanceof Person && p instanceof FooTable . Class &&
* n instanceof Ninja && n instanceof Person && n instanceof FooTable . Class
* /
Class . extend = function ( arg1 , arg2 ) {
var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) ;
arg1 = args . shift ( ) ;
arg2 = args . shift ( ) ;
function _ _extend _ _ ( proto , name , func , original ) {
// to all who venture here, here be dragons!
proto [ name ] = F . is . fn ( original ) && _ _extendable _ _ . test ( func ) ?
( function ( name , fn , ofn ) {
return function ( ) {
var tmp , ret ;
tmp = this . _super ;
this . _super = ofn ;
ret = fn . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
this . _super = tmp ;
return ret ;
} ;
} ) ( name , func , original ) : func ;
if ( F . is . hash ( arg1 ) ) {
var proto = Object . create ( this . prototype ) ,
_super = this . prototype ;
for ( var name in arg1 ) {
if ( name === '__ctor__' ) continue ;
_ _extend _ _ ( proto , name , arg1 [ name ] , _super [ name ] ) ;
var obj = F . is . fn ( proto . _ _ctor _ _ ) ? proto . _ _ctor _ _ : function ( ) {
if ( ! F . is . fn ( this . construct ) )
throw new SyntaxError ( 'FooTable class objects must be constructed with the "new" keyword.' ) ;
this . construct . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ;
proto . construct = F . is . fn ( proto . construct ) ? proto . construct : function ( ) { } ;
obj . prototype = proto ;
proto . constructor = obj ;
obj . extend = Class . extend ;
return obj ;
} else if ( F . is . string ( arg1 ) && F . is . fn ( arg2 ) ) {
_ _extend _ _ ( this . prototype , arg1 , arg2 , this . prototype [ arg1 ] ) ;
} ;
F . Class = Class ;
F . ClassFactory = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.ClassFactory */ {
/ * *
* This is a simple factory for { @ link FooTable . Class } objects allowing them to be registered using a friendly name
* and then new instances can be created using this friendly name .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ returns { FooTable . ClassFactory }
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
construct : function ( ) {
/ * *
* An object containing all registered classes .
* @ type { { } }
* /
this . registered = { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Checks if the factory contains a class registered using the supplied name .
* @ instance
* @ param { string } name - The name of the class to check .
* @ returns { boolean }
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
contains : function ( name ) {
return F . is . defined ( this . registered [ name ] ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Gets an array of all registered names .
* @ instance
* @ returns { Array . < string > }
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
names : function ( ) {
var names = [ ] , name ;
for ( name in this . registered ) {
if ( ! this . registered . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) continue ;
names . push ( name ) ;
return names ;
} ,
/ * *
* Registers a class object using the supplied friendly name and priority . The priority is only taken into account when loading all registered classes
* using the { @ link FooTable . ClassFactory # load } method .
* @ instance
* @ param { string } name - The friendly name of the class .
* @ param { function } klass - The class to register .
* @ param { number } priority - This determines the order that the class is created when using the { @ link FooTable . ClassFactory # load } method , higher values are loaded first .
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
register : function ( name , klass , priority ) {
if ( ! F . is . string ( name ) || ! F . is . fn ( klass ) ) return ;
var current = this . registered [ name ] ;
this . registered [ name ] = {
name : name ,
klass : klass ,
priority : F . is . number ( priority ) ? priority : ( F . is . defined ( current ) ? current . priority : 0 )
} ;
} ,
/ * *
* Creates new instances of all registered classes using there priority and the supplied arguments to return them in an array .
* @ instance
* @ param { object } subs - An object containing classes to substitute on load .
* @ param { * } arg1 - The first argument to supply when creating new instances of all registered classes .
* @ param { * } [ argN ... ] - Any number of additional arguments to supply when creating new instances of all registered classes .
* @ returns { Array . < FooTable . Class > }
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
load : function ( subs , arg1 , argN ) {
var self = this , args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) , reg = [ ] , loaded = [ ] , name , klass ;
subs = args . shift ( ) || { } ;
for ( name in self . registered ) {
if ( ! self . registered . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) continue ;
var component = self . registered [ name ] ;
if ( subs . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) {
klass = subs [ name ] ;
if ( F . is . string ( klass ) ) klass = F . getFnPointer ( subs [ name ] ) ;
if ( F . is . fn ( klass ) ) {
component = { name : name , klass : klass , priority : self . registered [ name ] . priority } ;
reg . push ( component ) ;
for ( name in subs ) {
if ( ! subs . hasOwnProperty ( name ) || self . registered . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) continue ;
klass = subs [ name ] ;
if ( F . is . string ( klass ) ) klass = F . getFnPointer ( subs [ name ] ) ;
if ( F . is . fn ( klass ) ) {
reg . push ( { name : name , klass : klass , priority : 0 } ) ;
reg . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return b . priority - a . priority ; } ) ;
F . arr . each ( reg , function ( r ) {
if ( F . is . fn ( r . klass ) ) {
loaded . push ( self . _make ( r . klass , args ) ) ;
} ) ;
return loaded ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create a new instance of a single class using the supplied name and arguments .
* @ instance
* @ param { string } name - The name of the class to create .
* @ param { * } arg1 - The first argument to supply to the new instance .
* @ param { * } [ argN ... ] - Any number of additional arguments to supply to the new instance .
* @ returns { FooTable . Class }
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
make : function ( name , arg1 , argN ) {
var self = this , args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) , reg ;
name = args . shift ( ) ;
reg = self . registered [ name ] ;
if ( F . is . fn ( reg . klass ) ) {
return self . _make ( reg . klass , args ) ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* This in effect lets us use the "apply" method on a function using the "new" keyword .
* @ instance
* @ private
* @ param { function } klass
* @ param args
* @ returns { FooTable . Class }
* @ this FooTable . ClassFactory
* /
_make : function ( klass , args ) {
function Class ( ) {
return klass . apply ( this , args ) ;
Class . prototype = klass . prototype ;
return new Class ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
/ * *
* Converts the supplied cssText string into JSON object .
* @ param { string } cssText - The cssText to convert to a JSON object .
* @ returns { object }
* /
F . css2json = function ( cssText ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( cssText ) ) return { } ;
var json = { } , props = cssText . split ( ';' ) , pair , key , value ;
for ( var i = 0 , i _len = props . length ; i < i _len ; i ++ ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( props [ i ] ) ) continue ;
pair = props [ i ] . split ( ':' ) ;
if ( F . is . emptyString ( pair [ 0 ] ) || F . is . emptyString ( pair [ 1 ] ) ) continue ;
key = F . str . toCamelCase ( $ . trim ( pair [ 0 ] ) ) ;
value = $ . trim ( pair [ 1 ] ) ;
json [ key ] = value ;
return json ;
} ;
/ * *
* Attempts to retrieve a function pointer using the given name .
* @ param { string } functionName - The name of the function to fetch a pointer to .
* @ returns { ( function | object | null ) }
* /
F . getFnPointer = function ( functionName ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( functionName ) ) return null ;
var pointer = window ,
parts = functionName . split ( '.' ) ;
F . arr . each ( parts , function ( part ) {
if ( pointer [ part ] ) pointer = pointer [ part ] ;
} ) ;
return F . is . fn ( pointer ) ? pointer : null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Checks the value for function properties such as the { @ link FooTable . Column # formatter } option which could also be specified using just the name
* and attempts to return the correct function pointer or null if none was found matching the value .
* @ param { FooTable . Class } self - The class to use as the 'this' keyword within the context of the function .
* @ param { ( function | string ) } value - The actual function or the name of the function for the property .
* @ param { function } [ def ] - A default function to return if none is found .
* @ returns { ( function | null ) }
* /
F . checkFnValue = function ( self , value , def ) {
def = F . is . fn ( def ) ? def : null ;
function wrap ( t , fn , d ) {
if ( ! F . is . fn ( fn ) ) return d ;
return function ( ) {
return fn . apply ( t , arguments ) ;
} ;
return F . is . fn ( value ) ? wrap ( self , value , def ) : ( F . is . type ( value , 'string' ) ? wrap ( self , F . getFnPointer ( value ) , def ) : def ) ;
} ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Cell = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Cell */ {
/ * *
* The cell class containing all the properties for cells .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ param { FooTable . Table } table - The root { @ link FooTable . Table } this cell belongs to .
* @ param { FooTable . Row } row - The parent { @ link FooTable . Row } this cell belongs to .
* @ param { FooTable . Column } column - The { @ link FooTable . Column } this cell falls under .
* @ param { ( * | HTMLElement | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - Either the value or the element for the cell .
* @ returns { FooTable . Cell }
* @ this FooTable . Cell
* /
construct : function ( table , row , column , valueOrElement ) {
/ * *
* The root { @ link FooTable . Table } for the cell .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { FooTable . Table }
* /
this . ft = table ;
/ * *
* The parent { @ link FooTable . Row } for the cell .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { FooTable . Row }
* /
this . row = row ;
/ * *
* The { @ link FooTable . Column } this cell falls under .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { FooTable . Column }
* /
this . column = column ;
this . created = false ;
this . define ( valueOrElement ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the value or the cell element / jQuery object if it exists .
* If supplied the element we need set the $el property and parse the value from it .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { ( * | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - The value or element to define the cell .
* @ this FooTable . Cell
* /
define : function ( valueOrElement ) {
/ * *
* The jQuery table cell object this instance wraps .
* @ instance
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $el = F . is . element ( valueOrElement ) || F . is . jq ( valueOrElement ) ? $ ( valueOrElement ) : null ;
/ * *
* The jQuery row object that represents this cell in the details table .
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $detail = null ;
var hasOptions = F . is . hash ( valueOrElement ) && F . is . hash ( valueOrElement . options ) && F . is . defined ( valueOrElement . value ) ;
/ * *
* The value of the cell .
* @ instance
* @ type { * }
* /
this . value = this . column . parser . call ( this . column , F . is . jq ( this . $el ) ? this . $el : ( hasOptions ? valueOrElement . value : valueOrElement ) , this . ft . o ) ;
/ * *
* Contains any options for the cell . These are the options supplied through the plugin constructor as part of the row object itself .
* @ type { object }
* /
this . o = $ . extend ( true , {
classes : null ,
style : null
} , hasOptions ? valueOrElement . options : { } ) ;
/ * *
* An array of CSS classes for the cell .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { Array . < string > }
* /
this . classes = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) && this . $el . attr ( 'class' ) ? this . $el . attr ( 'class' ) . match ( /\S+/g ) : ( F . is . array ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes : ( F . is . string ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes . match ( /\S+/g ) : [ ] ) ) ;
/ * *
* The inline styles for the cell .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { object }
* /
this . style = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) && this . $el . attr ( 'style' ) ? F . css2json ( this . $el . attr ( 'style' ) ) : ( F . is . hash ( this . o . style ) ? this . o . style : ( F . is . string ( this . o . style ) ? F . css2json ( this . o . style ) : { } ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* After the cell has been defined this ensures that the $el and # detail properties are jQuery objects by either creating or updating them .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ this FooTable . Cell
* /
$create : function ( ) {
if ( this . created ) return ;
( this . $el = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) ? this . $el : $ ( '<td/>' ) )
. data ( 'value' , this . value )
. contents ( ) . detach ( ) . end ( )
. append ( this . format ( this . value ) ) ;
this . _setClasses ( this . $el ) ;
this . _setStyle ( this . $el ) ;
this . $detail = $ ( '<tr/>' ) . addClass ( this . row . classes . join ( ' ' ) )
. data ( '__FooTableCell__' , this )
. append ( $ ( '<th/>' ) )
. append ( $ ( '<td/>' ) ) ;
this . created = true ;
} ,
/ * *
* Collapses this cell and displays it in the details row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* /
collapse : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . created ) return ;
this . $detail . children ( 'th' ) . html ( this . column . title ) ;
this . $el . clone ( )
. attr ( 'id' , this . $el . attr ( 'id' ) ? this . $el . attr ( 'id' ) + '-detail' : undefined )
. css ( 'display' , 'table-cell' )
. html ( '' )
. append ( this . $el . contents ( ) . detach ( ) )
. replaceAll ( this . $detail . children ( 'td' ) . first ( ) ) ;
if ( ! F . is . jq ( this . $detail . parent ( ) ) )
this . $detail . appendTo ( this . row . $details . find ( '.footable-details > tbody' ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Restores this cell from a detail row back into the normal row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* /
restore : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . created ) return ;
if ( F . is . jq ( this . $detail . parent ( ) ) ) {
var $cell = this . $detail . children ( 'td' ) . first ( ) ;
this . $el
. attr ( 'class' , $cell . attr ( 'class' ) )
. attr ( 'style' , $cell . attr ( 'style' ) )
. css ( 'display' , ( this . column . hidden || ! this . column . visible ) ? 'none' : 'table-cell' )
. append ( $cell . contents ( ) . detach ( ) ) ;
this . $detail . detach ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Helper method to call this cell ' s column parser function supplying the required parameters .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ returns { * }
* @ see FooTable . Column # parser
* @ this FooTable . Cell
* /
parse : function ( ) {
return this . column . parser . call ( this . column , this . $el , this . ft . o ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Helper method to call this cell ' s column formatter function using the supplied value and any additional required parameters .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { * } value - The value to format .
* @ returns { ( string | HTMLElement | jQuery ) }
* @ see FooTable . Column # formatter
* @ this FooTable . Cell
* /
format : function ( value ) {
return this . column . formatter . call ( this . column , value , this . ft . o ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Allows easy access to getting or setting the cell ' s value . If the value is set all associated properties are also updated along with the actual element .
* Using this method also allows us to supply an object containing options and the value for the cell .
* @ instance
* @ param { * } [ value ] - The value to set for the cell . If not supplied the current value of the cell is returned .
* @ param { boolean } [ redraw = true ] - Whether or not to redraw the row once the value has been set .
* @ returns { ( * | undefined ) }
* @ this FooTable . Cell
* /
val : function ( value , redraw ) {
if ( F . is . undef ( value ) ) {
// get
return this . value ;
// set
var self = this , hasOptions = F . is . hash ( value ) && F . is . hash ( value . options ) && F . is . defined ( value . value ) ;
this . o = $ . extend ( true , {
classes : self . classes ,
style : self . style
} , hasOptions ? value . options : { } ) ;
this . value = hasOptions ? value . value : value ;
this . classes = F . is . array ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes : ( F . is . string ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes . match ( /\S+/g ) : [ ] ) ;
this . style = F . is . hash ( this . o . style ) ? this . o . style : ( F . is . string ( this . o . style ) ? F . css2json ( this . o . style ) : { } ) ;
if ( this . created ) {
this . $el . data ( 'value' , this . value ) . empty ( ) ;
var $detail = this . $detail . children ( 'td' ) . first ( ) . empty ( ) ,
$target = F . is . jq ( this . $detail . parent ( ) ) ? $detail : this . $el ;
$target . append ( this . format ( this . value ) ) ;
this . _setClasses ( $target ) ;
this . _setStyle ( $target ) ;
if ( F . is . boolean ( redraw ) ? redraw : true ) this . row . draw ( ) ;
} ,
_setClasses : function ( $el ) {
var hasColClasses = ! F . is . emptyArray ( this . column . classes ) ,
hasClasses = ! F . is . emptyArray ( this . classes ) ,
classes = null ;
$el . removeAttr ( 'class' ) ;
if ( ! hasColClasses && ! hasClasses ) return ;
if ( hasColClasses && hasClasses ) {
classes = this . classes . concat ( this . column . classes ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
} else if ( hasColClasses ) {
classes = this . column . classes . join ( ' ' ) ;
} else if ( hasClasses ) {
classes = this . classes . join ( ' ' ) ;
if ( ! F . is . emptyString ( classes ) ) {
$el . addClass ( classes ) ;
} ,
_setStyle : function ( $el ) {
var hasColStyle = ! F . is . emptyObject ( this . column . style ) ,
hasStyle = ! F . is . emptyObject ( this . style ) ,
style = null ;
$el . removeAttr ( 'style' ) ;
if ( ! hasColStyle && ! hasStyle ) return ;
if ( hasColStyle && hasStyle ) {
style = $ . extend ( { } , this . column . style , this . style ) ;
} else if ( hasColStyle ) {
style = this . column . style ;
} else if ( hasStyle ) {
style = this . style ;
if ( F . is . hash ( style ) ) {
$el . css ( style ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Column = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Column */ {
/ * *
* The column class containing all the properties for columns . All members marked as "readonly" should not be used when defining { @ link FooTable . Defaults # columns } .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this component belongs to .
* @ param { object } definition - An object containing all the properties to set for the column .
* @ param { string } [ type ] - The type of column , "text" by default .
* @ returns { FooTable . Column }
* @ this FooTable . Column
* /
construct : function ( instance , definition , type ) {
/ * *
* The root { @ link FooTable . Table } for the column .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { FooTable . Table }
* /
this . ft = instance ;
/ * *
* The type of data displayed by the column .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { string }
* /
this . type = F . is . emptyString ( type ) ? 'text' : type ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the column was parsed from a standard table row containing data instead of from an actual header row .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . virtual = F . is . boolean ( definition . virtual ) ? definition . virtual : false ;
/ * *
* The jQuery cell object for the column header .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $el = F . is . jq ( definition . $el ) ? definition . $el : null ;
/ * *
* The index of the column in the table . This is set by the plugin during initialization .
* @ instance
* @ readonly
* @ type { number }
* @ default - 1
* /
this . index = F . is . number ( definition . index ) ? definition . index : - 1 ;
this . define ( definition ) ;
this . $create ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied the column definition in the form of a simple object created by merging options supplied via the plugin constructor with those parsed from the DOM .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { object } definition - The object containing the column definition .
* @ this FooTable . Column
* /
define : function ( definition ) {
/ * *
* Whether or not this column is hidden from view and appears in the details row .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default false
* /
this . hidden = F . is . boolean ( definition . hidden ) ? definition . hidden : false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not this column is completely hidden from view and will not appear in the details row .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default true
* /
this . visible = F . is . boolean ( definition . visible ) ? definition . visible : true ;
/ * *
* The name of the column . This name must correspond to the property name of the JSON row data .
* @ type { string }
* @ default null
* /
this . name = F . is . string ( definition . name ) ? definition . name : null ;
if ( this . name == null ) this . name = 'col' + ( definition . index + 1 ) ;
/ * *
* The title to display in the column header , this can be HTML .
* @ type { string }
* @ default null
* /
this . title = F . is . string ( definition . title ) ? definition . title : null ;
if ( ! this . virtual && this . title == null && F . is . jq ( this . $el ) ) this . title = this . $el . html ( ) ;
if ( this . title == null ) this . title = 'Column ' + ( definition . index + 1 ) ;
/ * *
* The styles to apply to all cells in this column .
* @ type { object }
* /
this . style = F . is . hash ( definition . style ) ? definition . style : ( F . is . string ( definition . style ) ? F . css2json ( definition . style ) : { } ) ;
/ * *
* The classes to apply to all cells in this column .
* @ type { Array . < string > }
* /
this . classes = F . is . array ( definition . classes ) ? definition . classes : ( F . is . string ( definition . classes ) ? definition . classes . match ( /\S+/g ) : [ ] ) ;
// override any default functions ensuring when they are executed "this" within the context of the function points to the instance of this object.
this . parser = F . checkFnValue ( this , definition . parser , this . parser ) ;
this . formatter = F . checkFnValue ( this , definition . formatter , this . formatter ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* After the column has been defined this ensures that the $el property is a jQuery object by either creating or updating the current value .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ this FooTable . Column
* /
$create : function ( ) {
( this . $el = ! this . virtual && F . is . jq ( this . $el ) ? this . $el : $ ( '<th/>' ) ) . html ( this . title ) . addClass ( this . classes . join ( ' ' ) ) . css ( this . style ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse . Any value can be returned from this method and will be provided to the { @ link FooTable . Column # format } function
* to generate the cell contents .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { ( * | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object .
* @ returns { string }
* @ this FooTable . Column
* /
parser : function ( valueOrElement ) {
if ( F . is . element ( valueOrElement ) || F . is . jq ( valueOrElement ) ) { // use jQuery to get the value
var data = $ ( valueOrElement ) . data ( 'value' ) ;
return F . is . defined ( data ) ? data : $ ( valueOrElement ) . html ( ) ;
if ( F . is . defined ( valueOrElement ) && valueOrElement != null ) return valueOrElement + '' ; // use the native toString of the value
return null ; // otherwise we have no value so return null
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied the value retrieved from the { @ link FooTable . Column # parse } function and must return a string , HTMLElement or jQuery object .
* The return value from this function is what is displayed in the cell in the table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { string } value - The value to format .
* @ returns { ( string | HTMLElement | jQuery ) }
* @ this FooTable . Column
* /
formatter : function ( value ) {
return value == null ? '' : value ;
} ,
/ * *
* Creates a cell for this column from the supplied { @ link FooTable . Row } object . This allows different column types to return different types of cells .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { FooTable . Row } row - The row to create the cell from .
* @ returns { FooTable . Cell }
* @ this FooTable . Column
* /
createCell : function ( row ) {
var element = F . is . jq ( row . $el ) ? row . $el . children ( 'td,th' ) . get ( this . index ) : null ,
data = F . is . hash ( row . value ) ? row . value [ this . name ] : null ;
return new F . Cell ( this . ft , row , this , element || data ) ;
} ) ;
F . columns = new F . ClassFactory ( ) ;
F . columns . register ( 'text' , F . Column ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Component = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Component */ {
/ * *
* The base class for all FooTable components .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } object for the component .
* @ param { boolean } enabled - Whether or not the component is enabled .
* @ throws { TypeError } The instance parameter must be an instance of { @ link FooTable . Table } .
* @ returns { FooTable . Component }
* /
construct : function ( instance , enabled ) {
if ( ! ( instance instanceof F . Table ) )
throw new TypeError ( 'The instance parameter must be an instance of FooTable.Table.' ) ;
/ * *
* The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } for the component .
* @ type { FooTable . Table }
* /
this . ft = instance ;
/ * *
* Whether or not this component is enabled . Disabled components only have there preinit method called allowing for this value to be overridden .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . enabled = F . is . boolean ( enabled ) ? enabled : false ;
} ,
/ * *
* The preinit method is called during the parent { @ link FooTable . Table } constructor call .
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery . data ( ) object of the root table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ function
* /
preinit : function ( data ) { } ,
/ * *
* The init method is called during the parent { @ link FooTable . Table } constructor call .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ function
* /
init : function ( ) { } ,
/ * *
* This method is called from the { @ link FooTable . Table # destroy } method .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ function
* /
destroy : function ( ) { } ,
/ * *
* This method is called from the { @ link FooTable . Table # draw } method .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ function
* /
predraw : function ( ) { } ,
/ * *
* This method is called from the { @ link FooTable . Table # draw } method .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ function
* /
draw : function ( ) { } ,
/ * *
* This method is called from the { @ link FooTable . Table # draw } method .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ function
* /
postdraw : function ( ) { }
} ) ;
F . components = new F . ClassFactory ( ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
/ * *
* Contains all the available options for the FooTable plugin .
* @ name FooTable . Defaults
* @ function
* @ constructor
* @ returns { FooTable . Defaults }
* /
F . Defaults = function ( ) {
/ * *
* Whether or not events raised using the { @ link FooTable . Table # raise } method are propagated up the DOM . By default this is set to false and all events bubble up the DOM as per usual
* however the reason for this option is if we have nested tables . If false the parent table would receive all the events raised by it ' s children and any handlers bound to both the
* parent and child would be triggered which is not the desired behavior .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default false
* /
this . stopPropagation = false ;
/ * *
* An object in which the string keys represent one or more space - separated event types and optional namespaces , and the values represent a handler function to be called for the event ( s ) .
* @ type { object . < string , function > }
* @ default NULL
* @ example < caption > This example shows how to pass an object containing the events and handlers . < / c a p t i o n >
* "on" : {
* "click" : function ( e ) {
* // bind a custom click event to do something whenever the table is clicked
* } ,
* "init.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
* // bind to the FooTable initialize event to do something
* }
* }
* /
this . on = null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Contains all the default options for the plugin .
* @ type { FooTable . Defaults }
* /
F . defaults = new F . Defaults ( ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Row = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Row */ {
/ * *
* The row class containing all the properties for a row and its ' cells .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ param { FooTable . Table } table - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this component belongs to .
* @ param { Array . < FooTable . Column > } columns - The array of { @ link FooTable . Column } for this row .
* @ param { ( * | HTMLElement | jQuery ) } dataOrElement - Either the data for the row ( create ) or the element ( parse ) for the row .
* @ returns { FooTable . Row }
* /
construct : function ( table , columns , dataOrElement ) {
/ * *
* The { @ link FooTable . Table } for the row .
* @ type { FooTable . Table }
* /
this . ft = table ;
/ * *
* The array of { @ link FooTable . Column } for this row .
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Column > }
* /
this . columns = columns ;
this . created = false ;
this . define ( dataOrElement ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the object containing the values for the row or the row element / jQuery object if it exists .
* If supplied the element we need to set the $el property and parse the cells from it using the column index .
* If we have an object we parse the cells from it using the column name .
* @ param { ( object | jQuery ) } dataOrElement - The row object or element to define the row .
* /
define : function ( dataOrElement ) {
/ * *
* The jQuery table row object this instance wraps .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $el = F . is . element ( dataOrElement ) || F . is . jq ( dataOrElement ) ? $ ( dataOrElement ) : null ;
/ * *
* The jQuery toggle element for the row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $toggle = $ ( '<span/>' , { 'class' : 'footable-toggle fooicon fooicon-plus' } ) ;
var isObj = F . is . hash ( dataOrElement ) ,
hasOptions = isObj && F . is . hash ( dataOrElement . options ) && F . is . hash ( dataOrElement . value ) ;
/ * *
* The value of the row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { Object }
* /
this . value = isObj ? ( hasOptions ? dataOrElement . value : dataOrElement ) : null ;
/ * *
* Contains any options for the row .
* @ type { object }
* /
this . o = $ . extend ( true , {
expanded : false ,
classes : null ,
style : null
} , hasOptions ? dataOrElement . options : { } ) ;
/ * *
* Whether or not this row is expanded and will display it ' s detail row when there are any hidden columns .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . expanded = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) ? ( this . $el . data ( 'expanded' ) || this . o . expanded ) : this . o . expanded ;
/ * *
* An array of CSS classes for the row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { Array . < string > }
* /
this . classes = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) && this . $el . attr ( 'class' ) ? this . $el . attr ( 'class' ) . match ( /\S+/g ) : ( F . is . array ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes : ( F . is . string ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes . match ( /\S+/g ) : [ ] ) ) ;
/ * *
* The inline styles for the row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { object }
* /
this . style = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) && this . $el . attr ( 'style' ) ? F . css2json ( this . $el . attr ( 'style' ) ) : ( F . is . hash ( this . o . style ) ? this . o . style : ( F . is . string ( this . o . style ) ? F . css2json ( this . o . style ) : { } ) ) ;
/ * *
* The cells array . This is populated before the call to the { @ link FooTable . Row # $create } method .
* @ instance
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Cell > }
* /
this . cells = this . createCells ( ) ;
// this ensures the value contains the parsed cell values and not the supplied values
var self = this ;
self . value = { } ;
F . arr . each ( self . cells , function ( cell ) {
self . value [ cell . column . name ] = cell . val ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* After the row has been defined this ensures that the $el property is a jQuery object by either creating or updating the current value .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ this FooTable . Row
* /
$create : function ( ) {
if ( this . created ) return ;
( this . $el = F . is . jq ( this . $el ) ? this . $el : $ ( '<tr/>' ) )
. data ( '__FooTableRow__' , this ) ;
this . _setClasses ( this . $el ) ;
this . _setStyle ( this . $el ) ;
if ( this . ft . rows . toggleColumn == 'last' ) this . $toggle . addClass ( 'last-column' ) ;
this . $details = $ ( '<tr/>' , { 'class' : 'footable-detail-row' } )
. append ( $ ( '<td/>' , { colspan : this . ft . columns . visibleColspan } )
. append ( $ ( '<table/>' , { 'class' : 'footable-details ' + this . ft . classes . join ( ' ' ) } )
. append ( '<tbody/>' ) ) ) ;
var self = this ;
F . arr . each ( self . cells , function ( cell ) {
if ( ! cell . created ) cell . $create ( ) ;
self . $el . append ( cell . $el ) ;
} ) ;
self . $el . off ( 'click.ft.row' ) . on ( 'click.ft.row' , { self : self } , self . _onToggle ) ;
this . created = true ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is called during the construct method and uses the current column definitions to create an array of { @ link FooTable . Cell } objects for the row .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ returns { Array . < FooTable . Cell > }
* @ this FooTable . Row
* /
createCells : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
return F . arr . map ( self . columns , function ( col ) {
return col . createCell ( self ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Allows easy access to getting or setting the row ' s data . If the data is set all associated properties are also updated along with the actual element .
* Using this method also allows us to supply an object containing options and the data for the row at the same time .
* @ instance
* @ param { object } [ data ] - The data to set for the row . If not supplied the current value of the row is returned .
* @ param { boolean } [ redraw = true ] - Whether or not to redraw the row once the value has been set .
* @ returns { ( * | undefined ) }
* /
val : function ( data , redraw ) {
var self = this ;
if ( ! F . is . hash ( data ) ) {
// get - check the value property and build it from the cells if required.
if ( ! F . is . hash ( this . value ) || F . is . emptyObject ( this . value ) ) {
this . value = { } ;
F . arr . each ( this . cells , function ( cell ) {
self . value [ cell . column . name ] = cell . val ( ) ;
} ) ;
return this . value ;
// set
this . collapse ( false ) ;
var isObj = F . is . hash ( data ) ,
hasOptions = isObj && F . is . hash ( data . options ) && F . is . hash ( data . value ) ;
this . o = $ . extend ( true , {
expanded : self . expanded ,
classes : self . classes ,
style : self . style
} , hasOptions ? data . options : { } ) ;
this . expanded = this . o . expanded ;
this . classes = F . is . array ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes : ( F . is . string ( this . o . classes ) ? this . o . classes . match ( /\S+/g ) : [ ] ) ;
this . style = F . is . hash ( this . o . style ) ? this . o . style : ( F . is . string ( this . o . style ) ? F . css2json ( this . o . style ) : { } ) ;
if ( isObj ) {
if ( hasOptions ) data = data . value ;
if ( F . is . hash ( this . value ) ) {
for ( var prop in data ) {
if ( ! data . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) continue ;
this . value [ prop ] = data [ prop ] ;
} else {
this . value = data ;
} else {
this . value = null ;
F . arr . each ( this . cells , function ( cell ) {
if ( F . is . defined ( self . value [ cell . column . name ] ) ) cell . val ( self . value [ cell . column . name ] , false ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . created ) {
this . _setClasses ( this . $el ) ;
this . _setStyle ( this . $el ) ;
if ( F . is . boolean ( redraw ) ? redraw : true ) this . draw ( ) ;
} ,
_setClasses : function ( $el ) {
var hasClasses = ! F . is . emptyArray ( this . classes ) ,
classes = null ;
$el . removeAttr ( 'class' ) ;
if ( ! hasClasses ) return ;
else classes = this . classes . join ( ' ' ) ;
if ( ! F . is . emptyString ( classes ) ) {
$el . addClass ( classes ) ;
} ,
_setStyle : function ( $el ) {
var hasStyle = ! F . is . emptyObject ( this . style ) ,
style = null ;
$el . removeAttr ( 'style' ) ;
if ( ! hasStyle ) return ;
else style = this . style ;
if ( F . is . hash ( style ) ) {
$el . css ( style ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Sets the current row to an expanded state displaying any hidden columns in a detail row just below it .
* @ instance
* @ fires FooTable . Row # "expand.ft.row"
* /
expand : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . created ) return ;
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The expand . ft . row event is raised before the the row is expanded .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will stop the row being expanded .
* @ event FooTable . Row # "expand.ft.row"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Row } row - The row about to be expanded .
* /
self . ft . raise ( 'expand.ft.row' , [ self ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . _ _hidden _ _ = F . arr . map ( self . cells , function ( cell ) {
return cell . column . hidden && cell . column . visible ? cell : null ;
} ) ;
if ( self . _ _hidden _ _ . length > 0 ) {
self . $details . insertAfter ( self . $el )
. children ( 'td' ) . first ( )
. attr ( 'colspan' , self . ft . columns . visibleColspan ) ;
F . arr . each ( self . _ _hidden _ _ , function ( cell ) {
cell . collapse ( ) ;
} ) ;
self . $el . attr ( 'data-expanded' , true ) ;
self . $toggle . removeClass ( 'fooicon-plus' ) . addClass ( 'fooicon-minus' ) ;
self . expanded = true ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Sets the current row to a collapsed state removing the detail row if it exists .
* @ instance
* @ param { boolean } [ setExpanded ] - Whether or not to set the { @ link FooTable . Row # expanded } property to false .
* @ fires FooTable . Row # "collapse.ft.row"
* /
collapse : function ( setExpanded ) {
if ( ! this . created ) return ;
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The collapse . ft . row event is raised before the the row is collapsed .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will stop the row being collapsed .
* @ event FooTable . Row # "collapse.ft.row"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Row } row - The row about to be expanded .
* /
self . ft . raise ( 'collapse.ft.row' , [ self ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
F . arr . each ( self . _ _hidden _ _ , function ( cell ) {
cell . restore ( ) ;
} ) ;
self . $details . detach ( ) ;
self . $el . removeAttr ( 'data-expanded' ) ;
self . $toggle . removeClass ( 'fooicon-minus' ) . addClass ( 'fooicon-plus' ) ;
if ( F . is . boolean ( setExpanded ) ? setExpanded : true ) self . expanded = false ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Prior to drawing this moves the details contents back to there original cells and detaches the toggle element from the row .
* @ instance
* @ param { boolean } [ detach ] - Whether or not to detach the row .
* @ this FooTable . Row
* /
predraw : function ( detach ) {
if ( this . created ) {
if ( this . expanded ) {
this . collapse ( false ) ;
this . $toggle . detach ( ) ;
detach = F . is . boolean ( detach ) ? detach : true ;
if ( detach ) this . $el . detach ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Draws the current row and cells .
* @ instance
* @ this FooTable . Row
* /
draw : function ( $parent ) {
if ( ! this . created ) this . $create ( ) ;
if ( F . is . jq ( $parent ) ) $parent . append ( this . $el ) ;
var self = this ;
F . arr . each ( self . cells , function ( cell ) {
cell . $el . css ( 'display' , ( cell . column . hidden || ! cell . column . visible ? 'none' : 'table-cell' ) ) ;
if ( self . ft . rows . showToggle && self . ft . columns . hasHidden ) {
if ( ( self . ft . rows . toggleColumn == 'first' && cell . column . index == self . ft . columns . firstVisibleIndex )
|| ( self . ft . rows . toggleColumn == 'last' && cell . column . index == self . ft . columns . lastVisibleIndex ) ) {
cell . $el . prepend ( self . $toggle ) ;
cell . $el . add ( cell . column . $el ) . removeClass ( 'footable-first-visible footable-last-visible' ) ;
if ( cell . column . index == self . ft . columns . firstVisibleIndex ) {
cell . $el . add ( cell . column . $el ) . addClass ( 'footable-first-visible' ) ;
if ( cell . column . index == self . ft . columns . lastVisibleIndex ) {
cell . $el . add ( cell . column . $el ) . addClass ( 'footable-last-visible' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . expanded ) {
this . expand ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Toggles the row between it ' s expanded and collapsed state if there are hidden columns .
* @ instance
* @ this FooTable . Row
* /
toggle : function ( ) {
if ( this . created && this . ft . columns . hasHidden ) {
if ( this . expanded ) this . collapse ( ) ;
else this . expand ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Handles the toggle click event for rows .
* @ instance
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the click event .
* @ private
* @ this jQuery
* /
_onToggle : function ( e ) {
var self = e . data . self ;
// only execute the toggle if the event.target is one of the approved initiators
if ( $ ( e . target ) . is ( self . ft . rows . toggleSelector ) ) {
self . toggle ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
/ * *
* An array of all currently loaded instances of the plugin .
* @ protected
* @ readonly
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Table > }
* /
F . instances = [ ] ;
F . Table = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Table */ {
/ * *
* This class is the core of the plugin and drives the logic of all components .
* @ constructs
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ param { ( HTMLTableElement | jQuery ) } element - The element or jQuery table object to bind the plugin to .
* @ param { object } options - The options to initialize the plugin with .
* @ param { function } [ ready ] - A callback function to execute once the plugin is initialized .
* @ returns { FooTable . Table }
* /
construct : function ( element , options , ready ) {
/ * *
* The timeout ID for the resize event .
* @ instance
* @ private
* @ type { ? number }
* /
this . _resizeTimeout = null ;
/ * *
* The ID of the FooTable instance .
* @ instance
* @ type { number }
* /
this . id = F . instances . push ( this ) ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the plugin and all components and add - ons are fully initialized .
* @ instance
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . initialized = false ;
/ * *
* The jQuery table object the plugin is bound to .
* @ instance
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $el = ( F . is . jq ( element ) ? element : $ ( element ) ) . first ( ) ; // ensure one table, one instance
/ * *
* A loader jQuery instance
* @ instance
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $loader = $ ( '<div/>' , { 'class' : 'footable-loader' } ) . append ( $ ( '<span/>' , { 'class' : 'fooicon fooicon-loader' } ) ) ;
/ * *
* The options for the plugin . This is a merge of user defined options and the default options .
* @ instance
* @ type { object }
* /
this . o = $ . extend ( true , { } , F . defaults , options ) ;
/ * *
* The jQuery data object for the table at initialization .
* @ instance
* @ type { object }
* /
this . data = this . $el . data ( ) || { } ;
/ * *
* An array of all CSS classes on the table that do not start with "footable" .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { Array . < string > }
* /
this . classes = [ ] ;
/ * *
* All components for this instance of the plugin . These are executed in the order they appear in the array for the initialize phase and in reverse order for the destroy phase of the plugin .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { object }
* @ prop { Array . < FooTable . Component > } internal - The internal components for the plugin . These are executed either before all other components in the initialize phase or after them in the destroy phase of the plugin .
* @ prop { Array . < FooTable . Component > } core - The core components for the plugin . These are executed either after the internal components in the initialize phase or before them in the destroy phase of the plugin .
* @ prop { Array . < FooTable . Component > } custom - The custom components for the plugin . These are executed either after the core components in the initialize phase or before them in the destroy phase of the plugin .
* /
this . components = F . components . load ( ( F . is . hash ( this . data . components ) ? this . data . components : this . o . components ) , this ) ;
/ * *
* The breakpoints component for this instance of the plugin .
* @ instance
* @ type { FooTable . Breakpoints }
* /
this . breakpoints = this . use ( FooTable . Breakpoints ) ;
/ * *
* The columns component for this instance of the plugin .
* @ instance
* @ type { FooTable . Columns }
* /
this . columns = this . use ( FooTable . Columns ) ;
/ * *
* The rows component for this instance of the plugin .
* @ instance
* @ type { FooTable . Rows }
* /
this . rows = this . use ( FooTable . Rows ) ;
this . _construct ( ready ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Once all properties are set this performs the actual initialization of the plugin calling the { @ link FooTable . Table # _preinit } and
* { @ link FooTable . Table # _init } methods as well as raising the { @ link FooTable . Table # "ready.ft.table" } event .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ param { function } [ ready ] - A callback function to execute once the plugin is initialized .
* @ private
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "ready.ft.table"
* /
_construct : function ( ready ) {
var self = this ;
this . _preinit ( ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . _init ( ) ;
} ) . always ( function ( arg ) {
self . $el . show ( ) ;
if ( F . is . error ( arg ) ) {
console . error ( 'FooTable: unhandled error thrown during initialization.' , arg ) ;
} else {
/ * *
* The postinit . ft . table event is raised after the plugin has been initialized and the table drawn .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will stop the ready callback being executed .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "postinit.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'ready.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
if ( F . is . fn ( ready ) ) ready . call ( self , self ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* The preinit method is called prior to the plugins actual initialization and provides itself and it ' s components an opportunity to parse any additional option values .
* @ instance
* @ private
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "preinit.ft.table"
* /
_preinit : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The preinit . ft . table event is raised before any components .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "preinit.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object from the root table element .
* /
return this . raise ( 'preinit.ft.table' , [ self . data ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
var classes = ( self . $el . attr ( 'class' ) || '' ) . match ( /\S+/g ) || [ ] ;
self . o . ajax = F . checkFnValue ( self , self . data . ajax , self . o . ajax ) ;
self . o . stopPropagation = F . is . boolean ( self . data . stopPropagation )
? self . data . stopPropagation
: self . o . stopPropagation ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = classes . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! F . str . startsWith ( classes [ i ] , 'footable' ) ) self . classes . push ( classes [ i ] ) ;
self . $el . hide ( ) . after ( self . $loader ) ;
return self . execute ( false , false , 'preinit' , self . data ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Initializes this instance of the plugin and calls the callback function if one is supplied once complete .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ private
* @ return { jQuery . Promise }
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "init.ft.table"
* /
_init : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The init . ft . table event is raised before any components are initialized .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "init.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'init.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
var $thead = self . $el . children ( 'thead' ) ,
$tbody = self . $el . children ( 'tbody' ) ,
$tfoot = self . $el . children ( 'tfoot' ) ;
self . $el . addClass ( 'footable footable-' + self . id ) ;
if ( F . is . hash ( self . o . on ) ) self . $el . on ( self . o . on ) ;
if ( $tfoot . length == 0 ) self . $el . append ( $tfoot = $ ( '<tfoot/>' ) ) ;
if ( $tbody . length == 0 ) self . $el . append ( '<tbody/>' ) ;
if ( $thead . length == 0 ) self . $el . prepend ( $thead = $ ( '<thead/>' ) ) ;
return self . execute ( false , true , 'init' ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . $el . data ( '__FooTable__' , self ) ;
if ( $tfoot . children ( 'tr' ) . length == 0 ) $tfoot . remove ( ) ;
if ( $thead . children ( 'tr' ) . length == 0 ) $thead . remove ( ) ;
/ * *
* The postinit . ft . table event is raised after any components are initialized but before the table is
* drawn for the first time .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the initial drawing of the table .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "postinit.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'postinit.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . draw ( ) ;
} ) . always ( function ( ) {
$ ( window ) . off ( 'resize.ft' + self . id , self . _onWindowResize )
. on ( 'resize.ft' + self . id , { self : self } , self . _onWindowResize ) ;
self . initialized = true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Destroys this plugin removing it from the table .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "destroy.ft.table"
* /
destroy : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The destroy . ft . table event is called before all core components .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the entire plugin from being destroyed .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "destroy.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'destroy.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . execute ( true , true , 'destroy' ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . $el . removeData ( '__FooTable__' ) . removeClass ( 'footable-' + self . id ) ;
if ( F . is . hash ( self . o . on ) ) self . $el . off ( self . o . on ) ;
$ ( window ) . off ( 'resize.ft' + self . id , self . _onWindowResize ) ;
self . initialized = false ;
} ) ;
} ) . fail ( function ( err ) {
if ( F . is . error ( err ) ) {
console . error ( 'FooTable: unhandled error thrown while destroying the plugin.' , err ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Raises an event on this instance supplying the args array as additional parameters to the handlers .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ param { string } eventName - The name of the event to raise , this can include namespaces .
* @ param { Array } [ args ] - An array containing additional parameters to be passed to any bound handlers .
* @ returns { jQuery . Event }
* /
raise : function ( eventName , args ) {
var self = this ,
debug = F . _ _debug _ _ && ( F . is . emptyArray ( F . _ _debug _options _ _ . events ) || F . arr . any ( F . _ _debug _options _ _ . events , function ( name ) { return F . str . contains ( eventName , name ) ; } ) ) ;
args = args || [ ] ;
args . unshift ( this ) ;
return $ . Deferred ( function ( d ) {
var evt = $ . Event ( eventName ) ;
if ( self . o . stopPropagation == true ) {
self . $el . one ( eventName , function ( e ) { e . stopPropagation ( ) ; } ) ;
if ( debug ) console . log ( 'FooTable:' + eventName + ': ' , args ) ;
self . $el . trigger ( evt , args ) ;
if ( evt . isDefaultPrevented ( ) ) {
if ( debug ) console . log ( 'FooTable: default prevented for the "' + eventName + '" event.' ) ;
d . reject ( evt ) ;
} else d . resolve ( evt ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Attempts to retrieve the instance of the supplied component type for this instance .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ param { object } type - The content type to retrieve for this instance .
* @ returns { ( * | null ) }
* /
use : function ( type ) {
for ( var i = 0 , len = this . components . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . components [ i ] instanceof type ) return this . components [ i ] ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* Performs the drawing of the table .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "predraw.ft.table"
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "draw.ft.table"
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "postdraw.ft.table"
* /
draw : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
// Clone the current table and insert it into the original's place
var $elCopy = self . $el . clone ( ) . insertBefore ( self . $el ) ;
// Detach `self.$el` from the DOM, retaining its event handlers
self . $el . detach ( ) ;
// when drawing the order that the components are executed is important so chain the methods but use promises to retain async safety.
return self . execute ( false , true , 'predraw' ) . then ( function ( ) {
/ * *
* The predraw . ft . table event is raised after all core components and add - ons have executed there predraw functions but before they execute there draw functions .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "predraw.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'predraw.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . execute ( false , true , 'draw' ) . then ( function ( ) {
/ * *
* The draw . ft . table event is raised after all core components and add - ons have executed there draw functions .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "draw.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'draw.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . execute ( false , true , 'postdraw' ) . then ( function ( ) {
/ * *
* The postdraw . ft . table event is raised after all core components and add - ons have executed there postdraw functions .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "postdraw.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return self . raise ( 'postdraw.ft.table' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . fail ( function ( err ) {
if ( F . is . error ( err ) ) {
console . error ( 'FooTable: unhandled error thrown during a draw operation.' , err ) ;
} ) . always ( function ( ) {
// Replace the copy that we added above with the modified `self.$el`
$elCopy . replaceWith ( self . $el ) ;
self . $loader . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Executes the specified method with the optional number of parameters on all components and waits for the promise from each to be resolved before executing the next .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { boolean } reverse - Whether or not to execute the component methods in the reverse order to what they were registered in .
* @ param { boolean } enabled - Whether or not to execute the method on enabled components only .
* @ param { string } methodName - The name of the method to execute .
* @ param { * } [ param1 ] - The first parameter for the method .
* @ param { ... * } [ paramN ] - Any number of additional parameters for the method .
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* /
execute : function ( reverse , enabled , methodName , param1 , paramN ) {
var self = this , args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) ;
reverse = args . shift ( ) ;
enabled = args . shift ( ) ;
var components = enabled ? F . arr . get ( self . components , function ( c ) { return c . enabled ; } ) : self . components . slice ( 0 ) ;
args . unshift ( reverse ? components . reverse ( ) : components ) ;
return self . _execute . apply ( self , args ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Executes the specified method with the optional number of parameters on all supplied components waiting for the result of each before executing the next .
* @ this FooTable . Table
* @ instance
* @ private
* @ param { Array . < FooTable . Component > } components - The components to call the method on .
* @ param { string } methodName - The name of the method to execute
* @ param { * } [ param1 ] - The first parameter for the method .
* @ param { ... * } [ paramN ] - Any additional parameters for the method .
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* /
_execute : function ( components , methodName , param1 , paramN ) {
if ( ! components || ! components . length ) return $ . when ( ) ;
var self = this , args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) ,
component ;
components = args . shift ( ) ;
methodName = args . shift ( ) ;
component = components . shift ( ) ;
if ( ! F . is . fn ( component [ methodName ] ) )
return self . _execute . apply ( self , [ components , methodName ] . concat ( args ) ) ;
return $ . Deferred ( function ( d ) {
try {
var result = component [ methodName ] . apply ( component , args ) ;
if ( F . is . promise ( result ) ) {
return result . then ( d . resolve , d . reject ) ;
} else {
d . resolve ( result ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
d . reject ( err ) ;
} ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . _execute . apply ( self , [ components , methodName ] . concat ( args ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Listens to the window resize event and performs a check to see if the breakpoint has changed .
* @ this window
* @ instance
* @ private
* @ fires FooTable . Table # "resize.ft.table"
* /
_onWindowResize : function ( e ) {
var self = e . data . self ;
if ( self . _resizeTimeout != null ) { clearTimeout ( self . _resizeTimeout ) ; }
self . _resizeTimeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
self . _resizeTimeout = null ;
/ * *
* The resize event is raised a short time after window resize operations cease .
* @ event FooTable . Table # "resize.ft.table"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
self . raise ( 'resize.ft.table' ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . breakpoints . check ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , 300 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
if ( F . is . undef ( window . moment ) ) {
// The DateColumn requires moment.js to parse and format date values. Goto http://momentjs.com/ to get it.
return ;
F . DateColumn = F . Column . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.DateColumn */ {
/ * *
* The date column class is used to handle date values . This column is dependent on [ moment . js ] { @ link http : //momentjs.com/} to provide date parsing and formatting functionality.
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Column
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this column belongs to .
* @ param { object } definition - An object containing all the properties to set for the column .
* @ returns { FooTable . DateColumn }
* /
construct : function ( instance , definition ) {
this . _super ( instance , definition , 'date' ) ;
/ * *
* The format string to use when parsing and formatting dates .
* @ instance
* @ type { string }
* /
this . formatString = F . is . string ( definition . formatString ) ? definition . formatString : 'MM-DD-YYYY' ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse . Any value can be returned from this method and will be provided to the { @ link FooTable . DateColumn # format } function
* to generate the cell contents .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { ( * | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object .
* @ returns { ( moment | null ) }
* @ this FooTable . DateColumn
* /
parser : function ( valueOrElement ) {
if ( F . is . element ( valueOrElement ) || F . is . jq ( valueOrElement ) ) {
var data = $ ( valueOrElement ) . data ( 'value' ) ;
valueOrElement = F . is . defined ( data ) ? data : $ ( valueOrElement ) . text ( ) ;
if ( F . is . string ( valueOrElement ) ) valueOrElement = isNaN ( valueOrElement ) ? valueOrElement : + valueOrElement ;
if ( F . is . date ( valueOrElement ) ) return moment ( valueOrElement ) ;
if ( F . is . object ( valueOrElement ) && F . is . boolean ( valueOrElement . _isAMomentObject ) ) return valueOrElement ;
if ( F . is . string ( valueOrElement ) ) {
// if it looks like a number convert it and do nothing else otherwise create a new moment using the string value and formatString
if ( isNaN ( valueOrElement ) ) {
return moment ( valueOrElement , this . formatString ) ;
} else {
valueOrElement = + valueOrElement ;
if ( F . is . number ( valueOrElement ) ) {
return moment ( valueOrElement ) ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied the value retrieved from the { @ link FooTable . DateColumn # parser } function and must return a string , HTMLElement or jQuery object .
* The return value from this function is what is displayed in the cell in the table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { * } value - The value to format .
* @ returns { ( string | HTMLElement | jQuery ) }
* @ this FooTable . DateColumn
* /
formatter : function ( value ) {
return F . is . object ( value ) && F . is . boolean ( value . _isAMomentObject ) && value . isValid ( ) ? value . format ( this . formatString ) : '' ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse . A string value must be returned from this method and will be used during filtering operations .
* @ param { ( * | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object .
* @ returns { string }
* @ this FooTable . DateColumn
* /
filterValue : function ( valueOrElement ) {
// if we have an element or a jQuery object use jQuery to get the value
if ( F . is . element ( valueOrElement ) || F . is . jq ( valueOrElement ) ) valueOrElement = $ ( valueOrElement ) . data ( 'filterValue' ) || $ ( valueOrElement ) . text ( ) ;
// if options are supplied with the value
if ( F . is . hash ( valueOrElement ) && F . is . hash ( valueOrElement . options ) ) {
if ( F . is . string ( valueOrElement . options . filterValue ) ) valueOrElement = valueOrElement . options . filterValue ;
if ( F . is . defined ( valueOrElement . value ) ) valueOrElement = valueOrElement . value ;
// if the value is a moment object just return the formatted value
if ( F . is . object ( valueOrElement ) && F . is . boolean ( valueOrElement . _isAMomentObject ) ) return valueOrElement . format ( this . formatString ) ;
// if its a string
if ( F . is . string ( valueOrElement ) ) {
// if its not a number return it
if ( isNaN ( valueOrElement ) ) {
return valueOrElement ;
} else { // otherwise convert it and carry on
valueOrElement = + valueOrElement ;
// if the value is a number or date convert to a moment object and return the formatted result.
if ( F . is . number ( valueOrElement ) || F . is . date ( valueOrElement ) ) {
return moment ( valueOrElement ) . format ( this . formatString ) ;
// try use the native toString of the value if its not undefined or null
if ( F . is . defined ( valueOrElement ) && valueOrElement != null ) return valueOrElement + '' ;
return '' ; // otherwise we have no value so return an empty string
} ) ;
F . columns . register ( 'date' , F . DateColumn ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . HTMLColumn = F . Column . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.HTMLColumn */ {
/ * *
* The HTML column class is used to handle any raw HTML columns .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Column
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this column belongs to .
* @ param { object } definition - An object containing all the properties to set for the column .
* @ returns { FooTable . HTMLColumn }
* /
construct : function ( instance , definition ) {
this . _super ( instance , definition , 'html' ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse . Any value can be returned from this method and will be provided to the { @ link FooTable . HTMLColumn # format } function
* to generate the cell contents .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { ( * | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object .
* @ returns { ( jQuery | null ) }
* @ this FooTable . HTMLColumn
* /
parser : function ( valueOrElement ) {
if ( F . is . string ( valueOrElement ) ) valueOrElement = $ ( $ . trim ( valueOrElement ) ) ;
if ( F . is . element ( valueOrElement ) ) valueOrElement = $ ( valueOrElement ) ;
if ( F . is . jq ( valueOrElement ) ) {
var tagName = valueOrElement . prop ( 'tagName' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( tagName == 'td' || tagName == 'th' ) {
var data = valueOrElement . data ( 'value' ) ;
return F . is . defined ( data ) ? data : valueOrElement . contents ( ) ;
return valueOrElement ;
return null ;
} ) ;
F . columns . register ( 'html' , F . HTMLColumn ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . NumberColumn = F . Column . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.NumberColumn */ {
/ * *
* The number column class is used to handle simple number columns .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Column
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this column belongs to .
* @ param { object } definition - An object containing all the properties to set for the column .
* @ returns { FooTable . NumberColumn }
* /
construct : function ( instance , definition ) {
this . _super ( instance , definition , 'number' ) ;
this . decimalSeparator = F . is . string ( definition . decimalSeparator ) ? definition . decimalSeparator : '.' ;
this . thousandSeparator = F . is . string ( definition . thousandSeparator ) ? definition . thousandSeparator : ',' ;
this . decimalSeparatorRegex = new RegExp ( F . str . escapeRegExp ( this . decimalSeparator ) , 'g' ) ;
this . thousandSeparatorRegex = new RegExp ( F . str . escapeRegExp ( this . thousandSeparator ) , 'g' ) ;
this . cleanRegex = new RegExp ( '[^0-9' + F . str . escapeRegExp ( this . decimalSeparator ) + ']' , 'g' ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse . Any value can be returned from this method and will be provided to the { @ link FooTable . Column # formatter } function
* to generate the cell contents .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { ( * | jQuery ) } valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object .
* @ returns { ( number | null ) }
* @ this FooTable . NumberColumn
* /
parser : function ( valueOrElement ) {
if ( F . is . element ( valueOrElement ) || F . is . jq ( valueOrElement ) ) {
var data = $ ( valueOrElement ) . data ( 'value' ) ;
valueOrElement = F . is . defined ( data ) ? data : $ ( valueOrElement ) . text ( ) . replace ( this . cleanRegex , '' ) ;
if ( F . is . string ( valueOrElement ) ) {
valueOrElement = valueOrElement . replace ( this . thousandSeparatorRegex , '' ) . replace ( this . decimalSeparatorRegex , '.' ) ;
valueOrElement = parseFloat ( valueOrElement ) ;
if ( F . is . number ( valueOrElement ) ) return valueOrElement ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is supplied the value retrieved from the { @ link FooTable . NumberColumn # parse } function and must return a string , HTMLElement or jQuery object .
* The return value from this function is what is displayed in the cell in the table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { number } value - The value to format .
* @ returns { ( string | HTMLElement | jQuery ) }
* @ this FooTable . NumberColumn
* /
formatter : function ( value ) {
if ( value == null ) return '' ;
var s = ( value + '' ) . split ( '.' ) ;
if ( s . length == 2 && s [ 0 ] . length > 3 ) {
s [ 0 ] = s [ 0 ] . replace ( /\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g , this . thousandSeparator ) ;
return s . join ( this . decimalSeparator ) ;
} ) ;
F . columns . register ( 'number' , F . NumberColumn ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Breakpoint = F . Class . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Breakpoint */ {
/ * *
* The breakpoint class containing the name and maximum width for the breakpoint .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Class
* @ param { string } name - The name of the breakpoint . Must contain no spaces or special characters .
* @ param { number } width - The width of the breakpoint in pixels .
* @ returns { FooTable . Breakpoint }
* /
construct : function ( name , width ) {
/ * *
* The name of the breakpoint .
* @ type { string }
* /
this . name = name ;
/ * *
* The maximum width of the breakpoint in pixels .
* @ type { number }
* /
this . width = width ;
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Breakpoints = F . Component . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Breakpoints */ {
/ * *
* Contains the logic to calculate and apply breakpoints for the plugin .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Component
* @ param { FooTable . Table } table - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this component belongs to .
* @ returns { FooTable . Breakpoints }
* /
construct : function ( table ) {
// call the base class constructor
this . _super ( table , true ) ;
/ * *
* This provides a shortcut to the { @ link FooTable . Table # options } object .
* @ protected
* @ type { FooTable . Table # options }
* /
this . o = table . o ;
/* PUBLIC */
/ * *
* The current breakpoint .
* @ type { FooTable . Breakpoint }
* /
this . current = null ;
/ * *
* An array of { @ link FooTable . Breakpoint } objects created from parsing the options .
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Breakpoint > }
* /
this . array = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Whether or not breakpoints cascade . When set to true all breakpoints larger than the current will be hidden along with it .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . cascade = this . o . cascade ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to calculate breakpoints on the width of the parent element rather than the viewport .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . useParentWidth = this . o . useParentWidth ;
/ * *
* This value is updated each time the current breakpoint changes and contains a space delimited string of the names of the current breakpoint and all those smaller than it .
* @ type { string }
* /
this . hidden = null ;
/ * *
* This value is set once when the { @ link FooTable . Breakpoints # array } is generated and contains a space delimited string of all the breakpoint class names .
* @ type { string }
* @ private
* /
this . _classNames = '' ;
// check if a function was supplied to override the default getWidth
this . getWidth = F . checkFnValue ( this , this . o . getWidth , this . getWidth ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Checks the supplied data and options for the breakpoints component .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object from the parent table .
* @ fires FooTable . Breakpoints # "preinit.ft.breakpoints"
* /
preinit : function ( data ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The preinit . ft . breakpoints event is raised before any UI is created and provides the tables jQuery data object for additional options parsing .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Breakpoints # "preinit.ft.breakpoints"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object of the table raising the event .
* /
return this . ft . raise ( 'preinit.ft.breakpoints' , [ data ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . cascade = F . is . boolean ( data . cascade ) ? data . cascade : self . cascade ;
self . o . breakpoints = F . is . hash ( data . breakpoints ) ? data . breakpoints : self . o . breakpoints ;
self . getWidth = F . checkFnValue ( self , data . getWidth , self . getWidth ) ;
if ( self . o . breakpoints == null ) self . o . breakpoints = { "xs" : 480 , "sm" : 768 , "md" : 992 , "lg" : 1200 } ;
// Create a nice friendly array to work with out of the breakpoints object.
for ( var name in self . o . breakpoints ) {
if ( ! self . o . breakpoints . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) continue ;
self . array . push ( new F . Breakpoint ( name , self . o . breakpoints [ name ] ) ) ;
self . _classNames += 'breakpoint-' + name + ' ' ;
// Sort the breakpoints so the largest is checked first
self . array . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return b . width - a . width ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Initializes the class parsing the options into a sorted array of { @ link FooTable . Breakpoint } objects .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ fires FooTable . Breakpoints # "init.ft.breakpoints"
* /
init : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The init . ft . breakpoints event is raised before any UI is generated .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Breakpoints # "init.ft.breakpoints"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
return this . ft . raise ( 'init.ft.breakpoints' ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . current = self . get ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Whenever the table is drawn this ensures the correct breakpoint class is applied to the table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* /
draw : function ( ) {
this . ft . $el . removeClass ( this . _classNames ) . addClass ( 'breakpoint-' + this . current . name ) ;
} ,
/* PUBLIC */
/ * *
* Calculates the current breakpoint from the { @ link FooTable . Breakpoints # array } and sets the { @ link FooTable . Breakpoints # current } property .
* @ instance
* @ returns { FooTable . Breakpoint }
* /
calculate : function ( ) {
var self = this , current = null , hidden = [ ] , breakpoint , prev = null , width = self . getWidth ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = self . array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
breakpoint = self . array [ i ] ;
// if the width is smaller than the smallest breakpoint set the smallest as the current.
// if the width is larger than the largest breakpoint set the largest as the current.
// otherwise if the width is somewhere in between check all breakpoints testing if the width
// is greater than the current but smaller than the previous.
if ( ( ! current && i == len - 1 )
|| ( width >= breakpoint . width && ( prev instanceof F . Breakpoint ? width < prev . width : true ) ) ) {
current = breakpoint ;
if ( ! current ) hidden . push ( breakpoint . name ) ;
prev = breakpoint ;
hidden . push ( current . name ) ;
self . hidden = hidden . join ( ' ' ) ;
return current ;
} ,
/ * *
* Supplied a columns breakpoints this returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the column is visible .
* @ param { string } breakpoints - A space separated string of breakpoint names .
* @ returns { boolean }
* /
visible : function ( breakpoints ) {
if ( F . is . emptyString ( breakpoints ) ) return true ;
if ( breakpoints === 'all' ) return false ;
var parts = breakpoints . split ( ' ' ) , i = 0 , len = parts . length ;
for ( ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . cascade ? F . str . containsWord ( this . hidden , parts [ i ] ) : parts [ i ] == this . current . name ) return false ;
return true ;
} ,
/ * *
* Performs a check between the current breakpoint and the previous breakpoint and performs a redraw if they differ .
* @ instance
* @ fires FooTable . Breakpoints # "before.ft.breakpoints"
* @ fires FooTable . Breakpoints # "after.ft.breakpoints"
* /
check : function ( ) {
var self = this , bp = self . get ( ) ;
if ( ! ( bp instanceof F . Breakpoint )
|| bp == self . current )
return ;
/ * *
* The before . ft . breakpoints event is raised if the breakpoint has changed but before the UI is redrawn and is supplied both the current breakpoint
* and the next "new" one that is about to be applied .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the next breakpoint from being applied .
* @ event FooTable . Breakpoints # "before.ft.breakpoints"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Breakpoint } current - The current breakpoint .
* @ param { FooTable . Breakpoint } next - The breakpoint that is about to be applied .
* /
self . ft . raise ( 'before.ft.breakpoints' , [ self . current , bp ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
var previous = self . current ;
self . current = bp ;
return self . ft . draw ( ) . then ( function ( ) {
/ * *
* The after . ft . breakpoints event is raised after the breakpoint has changed and the UI is redrawn and is supplied both the "new" current breakpoint
* and the previous one that was replaced .
* @ event FooTable . Breakpoints # "after.ft.breakpoints"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Breakpoint } current - The current breakpoint .
* @ param { FooTable . Breakpoint } previous - The breakpoint that was just replaced .
* /
self . ft . raise ( 'after.ft.breakpoints' , [ self . current , previous ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Attempts to return a { @ link FooTable . Breakpoint } instance when passed a { @ link FooTable . Breakpoint } ,
* the { @ link FooTable . Breakpoint # name } string or if nothing is supplied the current breakpoint .
* @ instance
* @ param { ( FooTable . Breakpoint | string | number ) } [ breakpoint ] - The breakpoint to retrieve .
* @ returns { FooTable . Breakpoint }
* /
get : function ( breakpoint ) {
if ( F . is . undef ( breakpoint ) ) return this . calculate ( ) ;
if ( breakpoint instanceof F . Breakpoint ) return breakpoint ;
if ( F . is . string ( breakpoint ) ) return F . arr . first ( this . array , function ( bp ) { return bp . name == breakpoint ; } ) ;
if ( F . is . number ( breakpoint ) ) return breakpoint >= 0 && breakpoint < this . array . length ? this . array [ breakpoint ] : null ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* Gets the width used to determine breakpoints whether it be from the viewport , parent or a custom function .
* @ instance
* @ returns { number }
* /
getWidth : function ( ) {
if ( F . is . fn ( this . o . getWidth ) ) return this . o . getWidth ( this . ft ) ;
if ( this . useParentWidth == true ) return this . getParentWidth ( ) ;
return this . getViewportWidth ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Gets the tables direct parents width .
* @ instance
* @ returns { number }
* /
getParentWidth : function ( ) {
return this . ft . $el . parent ( ) . width ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Gets the current viewport width .
* @ instance
* @ returns { number }
* /
getViewportWidth : function ( ) {
return Math . max ( document . documentElement . clientWidth , window . innerWidth , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
F . components . register ( 'breakpoints' , F . Breakpoints , 1000 ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* A space delimited string of breakpoint names that specify when the column will be hidden . You can also specify "all" to make a column permanently display in an expandable detail row .
* @ type { string }
* @ default null
* @ example < caption > The below shows how this value would be set < / c a p t i o n >
* breakpoints : "md"
* /
F . Column . prototype . breakpoints = null ;
F . Column . prototype . _ _breakpoints _define _ _ = function ( definition ) {
this . breakpoints = F . is . emptyString ( definition . breakpoints ) ? null : definition . breakpoints ;
} ;
F . Column . extend ( 'define' , function ( definition ) {
this . _super ( definition ) ;
this . _ _breakpoints _define _ _ ( definition ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* An object containing the breakpoints for the plugin .
* @ type { object . < string , number > }
* @ default { "xs" : 480 , "sm" : 768 , "md" : 992 , "lg" : 1200 }
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . breakpoints = null ;
/ * *
* Whether or not breakpoints cascade . When set to true all breakpoints larger than the current will also be hidden along with it .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default false
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . cascade = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to calculate breakpoints on the width of the parent element rather than the viewport .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default false
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . useParentWidth = false ;
/ * *
* A function used to override the default getWidth function with a custom one .
* @ type { function }
* @ default null
* @ example < caption > The below shows what the default getWidth function would look like . < / c a p t i o n >
* getWidth : function ( instance ) {
* if ( instance . o . useParentWidth == true ) return instance . $el . parent ( ) . width ( ) ;
* return instance . breakpoints . getViewportWidth ( ) ;
* }
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . getWidth = null ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Columns = F . Component . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Columns */ {
/ * *
* The columns class contains all the logic for handling columns .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Component
* @ param { FooTable . Table } table - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this component belongs to .
* @ returns { FooTable . Columns }
* /
construct : function ( table ) {
// call the base class constructor
this . _super ( table , true ) ;
/ * *
* This provides a shortcut to the { @ link FooTable . Table # options } object .
* @ protected
* @ type { FooTable . Table # options }
* /
this . o = table . o ;
/* PUBLIC */
/ * *
* An array of { @ link FooTable . Column } objects created from parsing the options and / or DOM .
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Column > }
* /
this . array = [ ] ;
/ * *
* The jQuery header row object .
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $header = null ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to display the header row .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . showHeader = table . o . showHeader ;
this . _fromHTML = F . is . emptyArray ( table . o . columns ) && ! F . is . promise ( table . o . columns ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This parses the columns from either the tables rows or the supplied options .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { object } data - The tables jQuery data object .
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* @ this FooTable . Columns
* /
parse : function ( data ) {
var self = this ;
return $ . Deferred ( function ( d ) {
function merge ( cols1 , cols2 ) {
var merged = [ ] ;
// check if either of the arrays is empty as it can save us having to merge them by index.
if ( cols1 . length == 0 || cols2 . length == 0 ) {
merged = cols1 . concat ( cols2 ) ;
} else {
// at this point we have two arrays of column definitions, we now need to merge them based on there index properties
// first figure out the highest column index provided so we can loop that many times to merge all columns and provide
// defaults where nothing was specified (fill in the gaps in the array as it were).
var highest = 0 ;
F . arr . each ( cols1 . concat ( cols2 ) , function ( c ) {
if ( c . index > highest ) highest = c . index ;
} ) ;
highest ++ ;
for ( var i = 0 , cols1 _c , cols2 _c ; i < highest ; i ++ ) {
cols1 _c = { } ;
F . arr . each ( cols1 , function ( c ) {
if ( c . index == i ) {
cols1 _c = c ;
return false ;
} ) ;
cols2 _c = { } ;
F . arr . each ( cols2 , function ( c ) {
if ( c . index == i ) {
cols2 _c = c ;
return false ;
} ) ;
merged . push ( $ . extend ( true , { } , cols1 _c , cols2 _c ) ) ;
return merged ;
var json = [ ] , html = [ ] ;
// get the column options from the content
var $header = self . ft . $el . find ( 'tr.footable-header, thead > tr:last:has([data-breakpoints]), tbody > tr:first:has([data-breakpoints]), thead > tr:last, tbody > tr:first' ) . first ( ) , $cell , cdata ;
if ( $header . length > 0 ) {
var virtual = $header . parent ( ) . is ( 'tbody' ) && $header . children ( ) . length == $header . children ( 'td' ) . length ;
if ( ! virtual ) self . $header = $header . addClass ( 'footable-header' ) ;
$header . children ( 'td,th' ) . each ( function ( i , cell ) {
$cell = $ ( cell ) ;
cdata = $cell . data ( ) ;
cdata . index = i ;
cdata . $el = $cell ;
cdata . virtual = virtual ;
html . push ( cdata ) ;
} ) ;
if ( virtual ) self . showHeader = false ;
// get the supplied column options
if ( F . is . array ( self . o . columns ) && ! F . is . emptyArray ( self . o . columns ) ) {
F . arr . each ( self . o . columns , function ( c , i ) {
c . index = i ;
json . push ( c ) ;
} ) ;
self . parseFinalize ( d , merge ( json , html ) ) ;
} else if ( F . is . promise ( self . o . columns ) ) {
self . o . columns . then ( function ( cols ) {
F . arr . each ( cols , function ( c , i ) {
c . index = i ;
json . push ( c ) ;
} ) ;
self . parseFinalize ( d , merge ( json , html ) ) ;
} , function ( xhr ) {
d . reject ( Error ( 'Columns ajax request error: ' + xhr . status + ' (' + xhr . statusText + ')' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
self . parseFinalize ( d , merge ( json , html ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Used to finalize the parsing of columns it is supplied the parse deferred object which must be resolved with an array of { @ link FooTable . Column } objects
* or rejected with an error .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { jQuery . Deferred } deferred - The deferred object used for parsing .
* @ param { Array . < object > } cols - An array of all merged column definitions .
* /
parseFinalize : function ( deferred , cols ) {
// we now have a merged array of all column definitions supplied to the plugin, time to make the objects.
var self = this , columns = [ ] , column ;
F . arr . each ( cols , function ( def ) {
// if we have a column registered using the definition type then create an instance of that column otherwise just create a default text column.
if ( column = F . columns . contains ( def . type ) ? F . columns . make ( def . type , self . ft , def ) : new F . Column ( self . ft , def ) )
columns . push ( column ) ;
} ) ;
if ( F . is . emptyArray ( columns ) ) {
deferred . reject ( Error ( "No columns supplied." ) ) ;
} else {
// make sure to sort by the column index as the merge process may have mixed them up
columns . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return a . index - b . index ; } ) ;
deferred . resolve ( columns ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* The columns preinit method is used to parse and check the column options supplied from both static content and through the constructor .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object from the root table element .
* @ this FooTable . Columns
* /
preinit : function ( data ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The preinit . ft . columns event is raised before any UI is created and provides the tables jQuery data object for additional options parsing .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Columns # "preinit.ft.columns"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object of the table raising the event .
* /
return self . ft . raise ( 'preinit.ft.columns' , [ data ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . parse ( data ) . then ( function ( columns ) {
self . array = columns ;
self . showHeader = F . is . boolean ( data . showHeader ) ? data . showHeader : self . showHeader ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Initializes the columns creating the table header if required .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ fires FooTable . Columns # "init.ft.columns"
* @ this FooTable . Columns
* /
init : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The init . ft . columns event is raised after the header row is created / parsed for column data .
* @ event FooTable . Columns # "init.ft.columns"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { Array . < FooTable . Column > } columns - The array of { @ link FooTable . Column } objects parsed from the options and / or DOM .
* /
return this . ft . raise ( 'init.ft.columns' , [ self . array ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . $create ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Destroys the columns component removing any UI generated from the table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ fires FooTable . Columns # "destroy.ft.columns"
* /
destroy : function ( ) {
/ * *
* The destroy . ft . columns event is raised before its UI is removed .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the component from being destroyed .
* @ event FooTable . Columns # "destroy.ft.columns"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
var self = this ;
this . ft . raise ( 'destroy.ft.columns' ) . then ( function ( ) {
if ( ! self . _fromHTML ) self . $header . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* The predraw method called from within the { @ link FooTable . Table # draw } method .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ this FooTable . Columns
* /
predraw : function ( ) {
var self = this , first = true ;
self . visibleColspan = 0 ;
self . firstVisibleIndex = 0 ;
self . lastVisibleIndex = 0 ;
self . hasHidden = false ;
F . arr . each ( self . array , function ( col ) {
col . hidden = ! self . ft . breakpoints . visible ( col . breakpoints ) ;
if ( ! col . hidden && col . visible ) {
if ( first ) {
self . firstVisibleIndex = col . index ;
first = false ;
self . lastVisibleIndex = col . index ;
self . visibleColspan ++ ;
if ( col . hidden ) self . hasHidden = true ;
} ) ;
self . ft . $el . toggleClass ( 'breakpoint' , self . hasHidden ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Performs the actual drawing of the columns , hiding or displaying them depending on there breakpoints .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ this FooTable . Columns
* /
draw : function ( ) {
F . arr . each ( this . array , function ( col ) {
col . $el . css ( 'display' , ( col . hidden || ! col . visible ? 'none' : 'table-cell' ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! this . showHeader && F . is . jq ( this . $header . parent ( ) ) ) {
this . $header . detach ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Creates the header row for the table from the parsed column definitions .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ this FooTable . Columns
* /
$create : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
self . $header = F . is . jq ( self . $header ) ? self . $header : $ ( '<tr/>' , { 'class' : 'footable-header' } ) ;
self . $header . children ( 'th,td' ) . detach ( ) ;
F . arr . each ( self . array , function ( col ) {
self . $header . append ( col . $el ) ;
} ) ;
if ( self . showHeader && ! F . is . jq ( self . $header . parent ( ) ) ) {
self . ft . $el . children ( 'thead' ) . append ( self . $header ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Attempts to return a { @ link FooTable . Column } instance when passed the { @ link FooTable . Column } instance , the { @ link FooTable . Column # name } string or the { @ link FooTable . Column # index } number .
* If supplied a function this will return an array by iterating all columns passing the index and column itself to the supplied callback as arguments .
* Returning true in the callback will include the column in the result .
* @ instance
* @ param { ( FooTable . Column | string | number | function ) } column - The column to retrieve .
* @ returns { ( Array . < FooTable . Column > | FooTable . Column | null ) } The column if one is found otherwise it returns NULL .
* @ example < caption > This example shows retrieving a column by name assuming a column called "id" exists . The < code > columns < / c o d e > o b j e c t i s a n i n s t a n c e o f { @ l i n k F o o T a b l e . C o l u m n s } . < / c a p t i o n >
* var column = columns . get ( 'id' ) ;
* if ( column instanceof FooTable . Column ) {
* // found the "id" column
* } else {
* // no column with a name of "id" exists
* }
* // to get an array of all hidden columns
* var columns = columns . get ( function ( col ) {
* return col . hidden ;
* } ) ;
* /
get : function ( column ) {
if ( column instanceof F . Column ) return column ;
if ( F . is . string ( column ) ) return F . arr . first ( this . array , function ( col ) { return col . name == column ; } ) ;
if ( F . is . number ( column ) ) return F . arr . first ( this . array , function ( col ) { return col . index == column ; } ) ;
if ( F . is . fn ( column ) ) return F . arr . get ( this . array , column ) ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* Takes an array of column names , index ' s or actual { @ link FooTable . Column } and ensures that an array of only { @ link FooTable . Column } is returned .
* @ instance
* @ param { ( Array . < string > | Array . < number > | Array . < FooTable . Column > ) } columns - The array of column names , index ' s or { @ link FooTable . Column } to check .
* @ returns { Array . < FooTable . Column > }
* /
ensure : function ( columns ) {
var self = this , result = [ ] ;
if ( ! F . is . array ( columns ) ) return result ;
F . arr . each ( columns , function ( name ) {
result . push ( self . get ( name ) ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
} ) ;
F . components . register ( 'columns' , F . Columns , 900 ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* An array containing the column options or a jQuery promise that resolves returning the columns . The index of the definitions must match the index of each column as it should appear in the table . For more information on the options available see the { @ link FooTable . Column } object .
* @ type { ( Array . < object > | jQuery . Promise ) }
* @ default [ ]
* @ example < caption > The below shows column definitions for a row defined as < code > { id : Number , name : String , age : Number } < / c o d e > . T h e I D c o l u m n h a s a f i x e d w i d t h , t h e t a b l e i s i n i t i a l l y s o r t e d o n t h e N a m e c o l u m n a n d t h e A g e c o l u m n w i l l b e h i d d e n o n p h o n e s . < / c a p t i o n >
* columns : [
* { name : 'id' , title : 'ID' , type : 'number' } ,
* { name : 'name' , title : 'Name' , sorted : true , direction : 'ASC' }
* { name : 'age' , title : 'Age' , type : 'number' , breakpoints : 'xs' }
* ]
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . columns = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Specifies whether or not the column headers should be displayed .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default true
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . showHeader = true ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( $ , F ) {
F . Rows = F . Component . extend ( /** @lends FooTable.Rows */ {
/ * *
* The rows class contains all the logic for handling rows .
* @ constructs
* @ extends FooTable . Component
* @ param { FooTable . Table } table - The parent { @ link FooTable . Table } this component belongs to .
* @ returns { FooTable . Rows }
* /
construct : function ( table ) {
// call the base class constructor
this . _super ( table , true ) ;
/ * *
* This provides a shortcut to the { @ link FooTable . Table # options } object .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { FooTable . Table # options }
* /
this . o = table . o ;
/ * *
* The current working array of { @ link FooTable . Row } objects .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Row > }
* @ default [ ]
* /
this . array = [ ] ;
/ * *
* The base array of rows parsed from either the DOM or the constructor options .
* The { @ link FooTable . Rows # current } member is populated with a shallow clone of this array
* during the predraw operation before any core or custom components are executed .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ type { Array . < FooTable . Row > }
* @ default [ ]
* /
this . all = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Whether or not to display a toggle in each row when it contains hidden columns .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default true
* /
this . showToggle = table . o . showToggle ;
/ * *
* The CSS selector used to filter row click events . If the event . target property matches the selector the row will be toggled .
* @ type { string }
* @ default "tr,td,.footable-toggle"
* /
this . toggleSelector = table . o . toggleSelector ;
/ * *
* Specifies which column the row toggle is appended to . Supports only two values ; "first" and "last"
* @ type { string }
* /
this . toggleColumn = table . o . toggleColumn ;
/ * *
* The text to display when the table has no rows .
* @ type { string }
* /
this . emptyString = table . o . empty ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the first rows details are expanded by default when displayed on a device that hides any columns .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . expandFirst = table . o . expandFirst ;
/ * *
* Whether or not all row details are expanded by default when displayed on a device that hides any columns .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
this . expandAll = table . o . expandAll ;
/ * *
* The jQuery object that contains the empty row control .
* @ type { jQuery }
* /
this . $empty = null ;
this . _fromHTML = F . is . emptyArray ( table . o . rows ) && ! F . is . promise ( table . o . rows ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This parses the rows from either the tables rows or the supplied options .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ returns { jQuery . Promise }
* /
parse : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
return $ . Deferred ( function ( d ) {
var $rows = self . ft . $el . children ( 'tbody' ) . children ( 'tr' ) ;
if ( F . is . array ( self . o . rows ) && self . o . rows . length > 0 ) {
self . parseFinalize ( d , self . o . rows ) ;
} else if ( F . is . promise ( self . o . rows ) ) {
self . o . rows . then ( function ( rows ) {
self . parseFinalize ( d , rows ) ;
} , function ( xhr ) {
d . reject ( Error ( 'Rows ajax request error: ' + xhr . status + ' (' + xhr . statusText + ')' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( F . is . jq ( $rows ) ) {
self . parseFinalize ( d , $rows ) ;
$rows . detach ( ) ;
} else {
self . parseFinalize ( d , [ ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Used to finalize the parsing of rows it is supplied the parse deferred object which must be resolved with an array of { @ link FooTable . Row } objects
* or rejected with an error .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { jQuery . Deferred } deferred - The deferred object used for parsing .
* @ param { ( Array . < object > | jQuery ) } rows - An array of row values and options or the jQuery object containing all rows .
* /
parseFinalize : function ( deferred , rows ) {
var self = this , result = $ . map ( rows , function ( r ) {
return new F . Row ( self . ft , self . ft . columns . array , r ) ;
} ) ;
deferred . resolve ( result ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* The columns preinit method is used to parse and check the column options supplied from both static content and through the constructor .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object from the root table element .
* @ fires FooTable . Rows # "preinit.ft.rows"
* /
preinit : function ( data ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The preinit . ft . rows event is raised before any UI is created and provides the tables jQuery data object for additional options parsing .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Rows # "preinit.ft.rows"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { object } data - The jQuery data object of the table raising the event .
* /
return self . ft . raise ( 'preinit.ft.rows' , [ data ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
return self . parse ( ) . then ( function ( rows ) {
self . all = rows ;
self . array = self . all . slice ( 0 ) ;
self . showToggle = F . is . boolean ( data . showToggle ) ? data . showToggle : self . showToggle ;
self . toggleSelector = F . is . string ( data . toggleSelector ) ? data . toggleSelector : self . toggleSelector ;
self . toggleColumn = F . is . string ( data . toggleColumn ) ? data . toggleColumn : self . toggleColumn ;
if ( self . toggleColumn != "first" && self . toggleColumn != "last" ) self . toggleColumn = "first" ;
self . emptyString = F . is . string ( data . empty ) ? data . empty : self . emptyString ;
self . expandFirst = F . is . boolean ( data . expandFirst ) ? data . expandFirst : self . expandFirst ;
self . expandAll = F . is . boolean ( data . expandAll ) ? data . expandAll : self . expandAll ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Initializes the rows class using the supplied table and options .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ fires FooTable . Rows # "init.ft.rows"
* /
init : function ( ) {
var self = this ;
/ * *
* The init . ft . rows event is raised after the the rows are parsed from either the DOM or the options .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the entire plugin .
* @ event FooTable . Rows # "init.ft.rows"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } instance - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* @ param { Array . < FooTable . Row > } rows - The array of { @ link FooTable . Row } objects parsed from the DOM or the options .
* /
return self . ft . raise ( 'init.ft.rows' , [ self . all ] ) . then ( function ( ) {
self . $create ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Destroys the rows component removing any UI generated from the table .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* @ fires FooTable . Rows # "destroy.ft.rows"
* /
destroy : function ( ) {
/ * *
* The destroy . ft . rows event is raised before its UI is removed .
* Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the component from being destroyed .
* @ event FooTable . Rows # "destroy.ft.rows"
* @ param { jQuery . Event } e - The jQuery . Event object for the event .
* @ param { FooTable . Table } ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event .
* /
var self = this ;
this . ft . raise ( 'destroy.ft.rows' ) . then ( function ( ) {
F . arr . each ( self . array , function ( row ) {
row . predraw ( ! self . _fromHTML ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Performs the predraw operations that are required including creating the shallow clone of the { @ link FooTable . Rows # array } to work with .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* /
predraw : function ( ) {
F . arr . each ( this . array , function ( row ) {
row . predraw ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . array = this . all . slice ( 0 ) ;
} ,
$create : function ( ) {
this . $empty = $ ( '<tr/>' , { 'class' : 'footable-empty' } ) . append ( $ ( '<td/>' ) . text ( this . emptyString ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Performs the actual drawing of the table rows .
* @ instance
* @ protected
* /
draw : function ( ) {
var self = this , $tbody = self . ft . $el . children ( 'tbody' ) , first = true ;
// if we have rows
if ( self . array . length > 0 ) {
self . $empty . detach ( ) ;
// loop through them appending to the tbody and then drawing
F . arr . each ( self . array , function ( row ) {
if ( ( self . expandFirst && first ) || self . expandAll ) {
row . expanded = true ;
first = false ;
row . draw ( $tbody ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// otherwise display the $empty row
self . $empty . children ( 'td' ) . attr ( 'colspan' , self . ft . columns . visibleColspan ) ;
$tbody . append ( self . $empty ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Loads a JSON array of row objects into the table
* @ instance
* @ param { Array . < object > } data - An array of row objects to load .
* @ param { boolean } [ append = false ] - Whether or not to append the new rows to the current rows array or to replace them entirely .
* /
load : function ( data , append ) {
var self = this , rows = $ . map ( data , function ( r ) {
return new F . Row ( self . ft , self . ft . columns . array , r ) ;
} ) ;
F . arr . each ( this . array , function ( row ) {
row . predraw ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . all = ( F . is . boolean ( append ) ? append : false ) ? this . all . concat ( rows ) : rows ;
this . array = this . all . slice ( 0 ) ;
this . ft . draw ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Expands all visible rows .
* @ instance
* /
expand : function ( ) {
F . arr . each ( this . array , function ( row ) {
row . expand ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Collapses all visible rows .
* @ instance
* /
collapse : function ( ) {
F . arr . each ( this . array , function ( row ) {
row . collapse ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
F . components . register ( 'rows' , F . Rows , 800 ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* An array of JSON objects containing the row data or a jQuery promise that resolves returning the row data .
* @ type { ( Array . < object > | jQuery . Promise ) }
* @ default [ ]
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . rows = [ ] ;
/ * *
* A string to display when there are no rows in the table .
* @ type { string }
* @ default "No results"
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . empty = 'No results' ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the toggle is appended to each row .
* @ type { boolean }
* @ default true
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . showToggle = true ;
/ * *
* The CSS selector used to filter row click events . If the event . target property matches the selector the row will be toggled .
* @ type { string }
* @ default "tr,td,.footable-toggle"
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . toggleSelector = 'tr,td,.footable-toggle' ;
/ * *
* Specifies which column to display the row toggle in . The only supported values are "first" or "last" .
* @ type { string }
* @ default "first"
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . toggleColumn = 'first' ;
/ * *
* Whether or not the first rows details are expanded by default when displayed on a device that hides any columns .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . expandFirst = false ;
/ * *
* Whether or not all row details are expanded by default when displayed on a device that hides any columns .
* @ type { boolean }
* /
F . Defaults . prototype . expandAll = false ;
} ) ( FooTable ) ;
( function ( F ) {
/ * *
* Loads a JSON array of row objects into the table
* @ param { Array . < object > } data - An array of row objects to load .
* @ param { boolean } [ append = false ] - Whether or not to append the new rows to the current rows array or to replace them entirely .
* /
F . Table . prototype . loadRows = function ( data , append ) {
this . rows . load ( data , append ) ;
} ;
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} ) ( FooTable ) ;