295 lines
9.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www.vdm.io |------/
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@version 1.0.0
@created 26th December, 2016
@package Component Builder
@subpackage builder.php
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io>
@my wife Roline van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io/>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Builds Complex Joomla Components
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
* Builder class
class Builder extends Mapping
* Some default fields
public $user;
public $today;
public $db;
public $views = array();
protected $fields = array();
protected $title = array();
protected $description = array();
protected $alias = array();
protected $list = array();
* Field that should not be used in name, alias, disc, and list view
* (TODO) We may need to set this dynamicly
protected $avoidList = array('not_required');
* Constructor
public function __construct(&$data)
// first we run the perent constructor
if (parent::__construct($data))
// always reset the building values if found
$data['buildcomp'] = 0;
$data['buildcompsql'] = '';
// set some globals
$this->db = JFactory::getDbo();
$this->user = JFactory::getUser();
$this->today = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
// no start the building of the views and fields
if ($this->setBuild())
return true;
return false;
* The building function
* To build the views and fields that are needed
protected function setBuild()
foreach ($this->map as $view => $fields)
// set this field with all its needed data
foreach ($fields as $field)
$this->setField($view, $field);
// set this view with all its needed data
return true;
* The building function for views
protected function setView(&$name)
// set the view object
$object = new stdClass();
$object->system_name = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name, 'W') . ' (dynamic build)';
$object->name_single = $name;
$object->name_list = $name. 's';
$object->short_description = $name. ' view (dynamic build)';
$object->type = 1;
$object->description = $name. ' view (dynamic build)';
$object->add_fadein = 1;
$object->add_sql = (isset($this->addSql[$name])) ? $this->addSql[$name]: 0;
$object->source = (isset($this->source[$name])) ? $this->source[$name]: 0;
$object->sql = (isset($this->sql[$name])) ? base64_encode($this->sql[$name]): '';
$object->addpermissions = '{"action":["view.edit","view.edit.own","view.edit.state","view.create","view.delete","view.access"],"implementation":["3","3","3","3","3","3"]}';
$object->addfields = $this->addFields($name);
$object->created = $this->today;
$object->created_by = $this->user->id;
$object->published = 1;
// add to data base
if ($this->db->insertObject('#__componentbuilder_admin_view', $object))
// make sure the access of asset is set
$id = $this->db->insertid();
ComponentbuilderHelper::setAsset($id, 'admin_view');
// load the views
$this->views[] = $id;
return true;
return false;
* Add the fields to the view
protected function addFields(&$view)
if (isset($this->fields[$view]))
// set some defaults
$addField = array (
'field' => array(),
'list' => array(),
'order_list' => array(),
'title' => array(),
'alias' => array(),
'sort' => array(),
'search' => array(),
'filter' => array(),
'link' => array(),
'tab' => array(),
'alignment' => array(),
'order_edit' => array(),
'permission' => array()
$fixLink = (isset($this->title[$view])) ? 0 : 1;
// build the field data... hmmm
foreach ($this->fields[$view] as $nr => $id)
$alignment = 1;
if ($nr % 2 == 0)
$alignment = 2;
// some defaults
$isTitle = (isset($this->title[$view]) && $this->title[$view] == $id) ? 1 : 0;
$isAlias = (isset($this->alias[$view]) && $this->alias[$view] == $id) ? 1 : 0;
$isList = ($key = array_search($id, $this->list[$view])) ? 1 : 0;
$isLink = ($isTitle) ? 1 : (($isList && $fixLink) ? 1 : 0);
if ($isLink)
$fixLink = 0;
// load the field values
$addField['field'][] = $id;
$addField['list'][] = $isList;
$addField['order_list'][] = ($key) ? $key : 0;
$addField['title'][] = $isTitle;
$addField['alias'][] = $isAlias;
$addField['sort'][] = $isList;
$addField['search'][] = $isList;
$addField['filter'][] = $isList;
$addField['link'][] = $isLink;
$addField['tab'][] = 1;
$addField['alignment'][] = ($isTitle || $isAlias) ? 4 : $alignment;
$addField['order_edit'][] = $nr;
$addField['permission'][] = 0;
return json_encode($addField);
return '';
* The building function for fields
protected function setField(&$view, &$field)
if ($fieldType = $this->getFieldType($field['fieldType']))
// set the field object
$object = new stdClass();
$object->name = $field['label'] . ' (dynamic build)';
$object->fieldtype = $fieldType;
$object->datatype = $field['dataType'];
$object->indexes = $field['key'];
$object->null_switch = $field['null'];
$object->datalenght = $field['size'];
$object->datalenght_other = $field['sizeOther'];
$object->datadefault = $field['default'];
$object->datadefault_other = $field['defaultOther'];
$object->created = $this->today;
$object->created_by = $this->user->id;
$object->published = 1;
$object->store = 0;
$object->xml = $this->setFieldXML($field, $fieldType);
// add to data base
if ($this->db->insertObject('#__componentbuilder_field', $object))
// make sure the access of asset is set
$id = $this->db->insertid();
ComponentbuilderHelper::setAsset($id, 'field');
// check if any field for this field was already set, if not set array
if (!isset($this->fields[$view]))
$this->fields[$view] = array();
// load the field
$this->fields[$view][] = $id;
if (!isset($this->list[$view]))
$this->list[$view] = array();
// insure that some fields are avoided
if (!in_array($field['name'], $this->avoidList))
// set the name/title field if found
if (!isset($this->title[$view]) && (stripos($field['name'], 'name') !== false || stripos($field['name'], 'title') !== false))
$this->title[$view] = $id;
$this->list[$view][] = $id;
// set the alias field if found
elseif (!isset($this->alias[$id]) && stripos($field['name'], 'alias') !== false)
$this->alias[$view] = $id;
// set the alias field if found
elseif (!isset($this->description[$id]) && stripos($field['name'], 'desc') !== false)
$this->description[$view] = $id;
$this->list[$view][] = $id;
elseif ('Text' == $field['fieldType'] && count($this->list[$view]) < 5)
$this->list[$view][] = $id;
return true;
return false;
* get the field type id from system
protected function getFieldType($fieldName)
// load the field settings
return ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('fieldtype', $fieldName, 'name', 'id');
* The building function for field xml
protected function setFieldXML(&$field, $fieldId)
// load the field settings
$settings = array();
$settings['name'] = $field['name'];
$settings['description'] = 'The '.strtolower($field['label']) . ' is set here.';
$settings['message'] = "Error! Please add some ".strtolower($field['label'])." here.";
$settings['label'] = $field['label'];
$settings['default'] = ($field['default'] == 'Other') ? $field['defaultOther'] : $field['default'];
$settings['hint'] = $field['label'] .' Here!';
// okay set the xml field values
if ($fieldOptions = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFieldOptions($fieldId, 'id', $settings))
return json_encode($fieldOptions['values']);
return '';