2016-03-18 15:40:38 +05:30
- hosts: localhost
2016-05-25 16:17:48 +05:30
bench_repo_path: "/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/.bench"
bench_path: "/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/frappe-bench"
2016-03-18 15:40:38 +05:30
mysql_config_template: "templates/simple_mariadb_config.cnf"
mysql_conf_dir: /etc/my.cnf.d/
- name: development tools package
yum: name="@Development tools" state=present
2016-03-22 13:14:31 +05:30
become: yes
become_user: root
2016-03-18 15:40:38 +05:30
- name: install prequisites
yum: pkg={{ item }} state=present
# basic installs
- redis
# for mariadb
2016-05-04 13:23:33 +05:30
- mysql-devel
- mysql-libs
2016-03-18 15:40:38 +05:30
# for wkhtmltopdf
- libXrender
- libXext
- xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
- xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
# for Pillow
- libjpeg-devel
- zlib-devel
- libzip-devel
- freetype-devel
- lcms2-devel
- libwebp-devel
- libtiff-devel
- tcl-devel
- tk-devel
become: yes
become_user: root
2016-07-25 12:17:43 +05:30
- name: Add repo nodejs 5
name: https://rpm.nodesource.com/pub_5.x/el/7/x86_64/nodesource-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm
state: present
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: Install nodejs v5
2016-07-26 12:35:04 +05:30
name: nodejs
state: present
update_cache: yes
2016-07-25 12:17:43 +05:30
become: yes
become_user: root
2016-03-18 15:40:38 +05:30
# install MariaDB
- include: includes/mariadb_centos.yml
# install WKHTMLtoPDF
- include: includes/wkhtmltopdf_centos.yml
# setup MariaDB
- include: includes/setup_mariadb.yml
# setup frappe-bench
- include: includes/setup_bench.yml
2016-08-01 11:14:01 +05:30
when: not run_travis and without_bench_setup
2016-05-23 16:26:13 +05:30
# setup development environment
- include: includes/setup_dev_env.yml
2016-08-01 11:14:01 +05:30
when: not run_travis and not production