mirror of
synced 2024-11-12 00:06:36 +00:00
refactor: bench.commands.setup
* updated help for all commands * sorted imports * code formatting and consistent quotes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,206 +1,196 @@
from bench.utils import exec_cmd
from six import PY3
import click, sys, json
# imports - standard imports
import os
import sys
import json
# imports - module imports
from bench.utils import exec_cmd
# imports - third party imports
from six import PY3
import click
@click.group(help="Setup command group for enabling setting up a Frappe environment")
def setup():
"Setup bench"
@click.command("sudoers", help="Add commands to sudoers list for execution without password")
def setup_sudoers(user):
"Add commands to sudoers list for execution without password"
from bench.utils import setup_sudoers
@click.option('--yes', help='Yes to regeneration of nginx config file', default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.command("nginx", help="Generate configuration files for NGINX")
@click.option("--yes", help="Yes to regeneration of nginx config file", default=False, is_flag=True)
def setup_nginx(yes=False):
"generate config for nginx"
from bench.config.nginx import make_nginx_conf
make_nginx_conf(bench_path=".", yes=yes)
@click.command("reload-nginx", help="Checks NGINX config file and reloads service")
def reload_nginx():
from bench.config.production_setup import reload_nginx
@click.option('--yes', help='Yes to regeneration of supervisor config', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.command("supervisor", help="Generate configuration for supervisor")
@click.option("--user", help="optional user argument")
@click.option("--yes", help="Yes to regeneration of supervisor config", is_flag=True, default=False)
def setup_supervisor(user=None, yes=False):
"generate config for supervisor with an optional user argument"
from bench.config.supervisor import generate_supervisor_config
generate_supervisor_config(bench_path=".", user=user, yes=yes)
@click.command("redis", help="Generates configuration for Redis")
def setup_redis():
"generate config for redis cache"
from bench.config.redis import generate_config
@click.command("fonts", help="Add Frappe fonts to system")
def setup_fonts():
"Add frappe fonts to system"
from bench.utils import setup_fonts
@click.option('--yes', help='Yes to regeneration config', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.command("production", help="Setup Frappe production environment for specific user")
@click.option("--yes", help="Yes to regeneration config", is_flag=True, default=False)
def setup_production(user, yes=False):
"setup bench for production"
from bench.config.production_setup import setup_production
from bench.utils import run_playbook
# Install prereqs for production
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
if not find_executable('ansible'):
if not find_executable("ansible"):
exec_cmd("sudo {0} install ansible".format("pip3" if PY3 else "pip2"))
if not find_executable('fail2ban-client'):
if not find_executable("fail2ban-client"):
exec_cmd("bench setup role fail2ban")
if not find_executable('nginx'):
if not find_executable("nginx"):
exec_cmd("bench setup role nginx")
if not find_executable('supervisord'):
if not find_executable("supervisord"):
exec_cmd("bench setup role supervisor")
setup_production(user=user, yes=yes)
@click.command("auto-update", help="Add cronjob for bench auto update")
def setup_auto_update():
"Add cronjob for bench auto update"
from bench.utils import setup_auto_update
@click.command("backups", help="Add cronjob for bench backups")
def setup_backups():
"Add cronjob for bench backups"
from bench.utils import setup_backups
@click.option('--python', type = str, default = 'python3', help = 'Path to Python Executable.')
def setup_env(python='python3'):
"Setup virtualenv for bench"
@click.command("env", help="Setup virtualenv for bench")
@click.option("--python", type = str, default = "python3", help = "Path to Python Executable.")
def setup_env(python="python3"):
from bench.utils import setup_env
@click.command("firewall", help="Setup firewall for system")
def setup_firewall(ssh_port=None, force=False):
"Setup firewall"
from bench.utils import run_playbook
if not force:
click.confirm('Setting up the firewall will block all ports except 80, 443 and 22\n'
'Do you want to continue?',
click.confirm("Setting up the firewall will block all ports except 80, 443 and {0}\nDo you want to continue?".format(ssh_port), abort=True)
if not ssh_port:
ssh_port = 22
run_playbook('roles/bench/tasks/setup_firewall.yml', {"ssh_port": ssh_port})
run_playbook("roles/bench/tasks/setup_firewall.yml", {"ssh_port": ssh_port})
@click.command("ssh-port", help="Set SSH Port for system")
def set_ssh_port(port, force=False):
"Set SSH Port"
from bench.utils import run_playbook
if not force:
click.confirm('This will change your SSH Port to {}\n'
'Do you want to continue?'.format(port),
click.confirm("This will change your SSH Port to {}\nDo you want to continue?".format(port), abort=True)
run_playbook('roles/bench/tasks/change_ssh_port.yml', {"ssh_port": port})
run_playbook("roles/bench/tasks/change_ssh_port.yml", {"ssh_port": port})
@click.option('-n', '--non-interactive', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Run certbot non-interactively. Shouldn't be used on 1'st attempt")
@click.command("lets-encrypt", help="Setup lets-encrypt SSL for site")
@click.option("-n", "--non-interactive", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Run certbot non-interactively. Shouldn't be used on 1'st attempt")
def setup_letsencrypt(site, custom_domain, non_interactive):
"Setup lets-encrypt for site"
from bench.config.lets_encrypt import setup_letsencrypt
setup_letsencrypt(site, custom_domain, bench_path='.', interactive=not non_interactive)
setup_letsencrypt(site, custom_domain, bench_path=".", interactive=not non_interactive)
@click.option('--exclude-base-domain', default=False, is_flag=True, help="SSL Certificate not applicable for base domain")
@click.command("wildcard-ssl", help="Setup wildcard SSL certificate for multi-tenant bench")
@click.option("--exclude-base-domain", default=False, is_flag=True, help="SSL Certificate not applicable for base domain")
def setup_wildcard_ssl(domain, email, exclude_base_domain):
''' Setup wildcard ssl certificate '''
from bench.config.lets_encrypt import setup_wildcard_ssl
setup_wildcard_ssl(domain, email, bench_path='.', exclude_base_domain=exclude_base_domain)
setup_wildcard_ssl(domain, email, bench_path=".", exclude_base_domain=exclude_base_domain)
@click.command("procfile", help="Generate Procfile for bench start")
def setup_procfile():
"Setup Procfile for bench start"
from bench.config.procfile import setup_procfile
@click.command("socketio", help="Setup node dependencies for socketio server")
def setup_socketio():
"Setup node deps for socketio server"
from bench.utils import setup_socketio
@click.command('requirements', help="Update Python and Node packages")
@click.option('--node', help="Update only Node packages", default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.option('--python', help="Update only Python packages", default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.command("requirements", help="Setup Python and Node dependencies")
@click.option("--node", help="Update only Node packages", default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.option("--python", help="Update only Python packages", default=False, is_flag=True)
def setup_requirements(node=False, python=False):
"Setup python and node requirements"
if not node:
from bench.utils import update_requirements as setup_python_packages
if not python:
def setup_python_requirements():
from bench.utils import update_requirements
def setup_node_requirements():
from bench.utils import update_node_packages
from bench.utils import update_node_packages as setup_node_packages
@click.option('--yes', help='Yes to regeneration of nginx config file', default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.option('--port', help='Port on which you want to run bench manager', default=23624)
@click.option('--domain', help='Domain on which you want to run bench manager')
@click.command("manager", help="Setup bench-manager.local site with the bench_manager app installed on it")
@click.option("--yes", help="Yes to regeneration of nginx config file", default=False, is_flag=True)
@click.option("--port", help="Port on which you want to run bench manager", default=23624)
@click.option("--domain", help="Domain on which you want to run bench manager")
def setup_manager(yes=False, port=23624, domain=None):
"Setup bench-manager.local site with the bench_manager app installed on it"
from six.moves import input
create_new_site = True
if 'bench-manager.local' in os.listdir('sites'):
ans = input('Site already exists. Overwrite existing site? [Y/n]: ').lower()
while ans not in ('y', 'n', ''):
ans = input(
'Please enter "y" or "n". Site already exists. Overwrite existing site? [Y/n]: ').lower()
if ans == 'n':
if "bench-manager.local" in os.listdir("sites"):
ans = input("Site already exists. Overwrite existing site? [Y/n]: ").lower()
while ans not in ("y", "n", ""):
ans = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n'. Site already exists. Overwrite existing site? [Y/n]: ").lower()
if ans == "n":
create_new_site = False
if create_new_site:
exec_cmd("bench new-site --force bench-manager.local")
if 'bench_manager' in os.listdir('apps'):
print('App already exists. Skipping app download.')
if "bench_manager" in os.listdir("apps"):
print("App already exists. Skipping app download.")
exec_cmd("bench get-app bench_manager")
exec_cmd("bench --site bench-manager.local install-app bench_manager")
from bench.config.common_site_config import get_config
bench_path = '.'
bench_path = "."
conf = get_config(bench_path)
if conf.get('restart_supervisor_on_update') or conf.get('restart_systemd_on_update'):
if conf.get("restart_supervisor_on_update") or conf.get("restart_systemd_on_update"):
# implicates a production setup or so I presume
if not domain:
print("Please specify the site name on which you want to host bench-manager using the 'domain' flag")
@ -216,18 +206,17 @@ def setup_manager(yes=False, port=23624, domain=None):
make_bench_manager_nginx_conf(bench_path, yes=yes, port=port, domain=domain)
@click.command("config", help="Generate or over-write sites/common_site_config.json")
def setup_config():
"overwrite or make config.json"
from bench.config.common_site_config import make_config
@click.option('--site', prompt=True)
@click.option('--ssl-certificate', help="Absolute path to SSL Certificate")
@click.option('--ssl-certificate-key', help="Absolute path to SSL Certificate Key")
@click.command("add-domain", help="Add a custom domain to a particular site")
@click.option("--site", prompt=True)
@click.option("--ssl-certificate", help="Absolute path to SSL Certificate")
@click.option("--ssl-certificate-key", help="Absolute path to SSL Certificate Key")
def add_domain(domain, site=None, ssl_certificate=None, ssl_certificate_key=None):
"""Add custom domain to site"""
from bench.config.site_config import add_domain
@ -236,24 +225,25 @@ def add_domain(domain, site=None, ssl_certificate=None, ssl_certificate_key=None
print("Please specify site")
add_domain(site, domain, ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_key, bench_path='.')
add_domain(site, domain, ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_key, bench_path=".")
@click.option('--site', prompt=True)
@click.command("remove-domain", help="Remove custom domain from a site")
@click.option("--site", prompt=True)
def remove_domain(domain, site=None):
"""Remove custom domain from a site"""
from bench.config.site_config import remove_domain
if not site:
print("Please specify site")
remove_domain(site, domain, bench_path='.')
remove_domain(site, domain, bench_path=".")
@click.option('--domain', multiple=True)
@click.option('--site', prompt=True)
@click.command("sync-domains", help="Check if there is a change in domains. If yes, updates the domains list.")
@click.option("--domain", multiple=True)
@click.option("--site", prompt=True)
def sync_domains(domain=None, site=None):
from bench.config.site_config import sync_domains
@ -262,53 +252,55 @@ def sync_domains(domain=None, site=None):
domains = list(map(str,domain))
domains = list(map(str, domain))
except Exception:
print("Domains should be a json list of strings or dictionaries")
changed = sync_domains(site, domains, bench_path='.')
changed = sync_domains(site, domains, bench_path=".")
# if changed, success, else failure
sys.exit(0 if changed else 1)
@click.option('--admin_emails', default='')
@click.option('--container', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.command("role", help="Install dependencies via ansible roles")
@click.option("--admin_emails", default="")
@click.option("--container", is_flag=True, default=False)
def setup_roles(role, **kwargs):
"Install dependancies via roles"
from bench.utils import run_playbook
extra_vars = {"production": True}
if role:
run_playbook('site.yml', extra_vars=extra_vars, tag=role)
run_playbook("site.yml", extra_vars=extra_vars, tag=role)
run_playbook('site.yml', extra_vars=extra_vars)
run_playbook("site.yml", extra_vars=extra_vars)
@click.option('--maxretry', default=6, help="Number of matches (i.e. value of the counter) which triggers ban action on the IP. Default is 6 seconds" )
@click.option('--bantime', default=600, help="The counter is set to zero if no match is found within 'findtime' seconds. Default is 600 seconds")
@click.option('--findtime', default=600, help='Duration (in seconds) for IP to be banned for. Negative number for "permanent" ban. Default is 600 seconds')
@click.command("fail2ban", help="Setup fail2ban, an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks")
@click.option("--maxretry", default=6, help="Number of matches (i.e. value of the counter) which triggers ban action on the IP. Default is 6 seconds" )
@click.option("--bantime", default=600, help="The counter is set to zero if no match is found within 'findtime' seconds. Default is 600 seconds")
@click.option("--findtime", default=600, help="Duration (in seconds) for IP to be banned for. Negative number for 'permanent' ban. Default is 600 seconds")
def setup_nginx_proxy_jail(**kwargs):
from bench.utils import run_playbook
run_playbook('roles/fail2ban/tasks/configure_nginx_jail.yml', extra_vars=kwargs)
run_playbook("roles/fail2ban/tasks/configure_nginx_jail.yml", extra_vars=kwargs)
@click.option('--yes', help='Yes to regeneration of systemd config files', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option('--stop', help='Stop bench services', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option('--create-symlinks', help='Create Symlinks', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option('--delete-symlinks', help='Delete Symlinks', is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.command("systemd", help="Generate configuration for systemd")
@click.option("--user", help="Optional user argument")
@click.option("--yes", help="Yes to regeneration of systemd config files", is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option("--stop", help="Stop bench services", is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option("--create-symlinks", help="Create Symlinks", is_flag=True, default=False)
@click.option("--delete-symlinks", help="Delete Symlinks", is_flag=True, default=False)
def setup_systemd(user=None, yes=False, stop=False, create_symlinks=False, delete_symlinks=False):
"generate configs for systemd with an optional user argument"
from bench.config.systemd import generate_systemd_config
generate_systemd_config(bench_path=".", user=user, yes=yes,
stop=stop, create_symlinks=create_symlinks, delete_symlinks=delete_symlinks)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user